Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2326: He is the Lord of Taoist Palace!

"Why, shopkeeper Shen is not the shopkeeper in Tianlan City, but when he comes to Chaoge City, he will be a dog for his master?"

Ling Tian directly sneered at each other, not used to it at all.

"Who do you say is a dog!? Ling Tian, ​​do you know where this place is? So bold!"

That Shen Chen was furious.

He was so old, how could Ling Tian be so insulted, let alone, he was still above the boundary of the Shen family.

"Princess, this person is a member of the team? Looks like he doesn't understand the rules!"

Shen Yin frowned. He didn't expect that Ling Tian's temper was really not small.

"That is, we heard that the team formed by the princess this time is not trivial. Why is there a newcomer senior fairy in the team? Is this threshold too low?"

Behind Shen Yin, the other Tianjiao also sneered.

There was disdain on his face.

Among these people, there are also princesses and princes from other immortal kingdoms, arrogance is still there, and naturally the eyes are above the top.

In their opinion, Ling Tian, ​​who has no reputation in Chaoge City, only relied on the princess behind him, so he dared to be so arrogant.

Said Shen's family is a dog, so why not this person! ?

Ling Tian did not speak, and Liu Zhaoer waited for the talk and laughter to reach its peak. After many people gathered around, her lips slightly opened and she smiled: "No, no, you are misunderstanding, Ling Tian is the state road of Chu. Lord of the Palace, this time he comes to Chaoge City, he has his own team."

The princess's voice fell, and the surrounding voices fell silent for a moment.

Many people have a look of surprise on their faces.

That Shen Chen is even worse.

Ling Tian is the master of the Dao Palace, and the deeds of breaking a million demon army before have not been spread to Chaoge City.

After all, the princess came early.

Therefore, these people don't know that there is such a person as Ling Tian.

But after a while, everyone burst into laughter, even more than before.

"Princess, are you kidding!? Lord of Dao Palace!? Although we are not from the Kingdom of Chu, we also know that there are three Great Dao Palaces under the Holy Land, all of which have been passed down for thousands of years, and the three main palaces are the lowest. , All in the fourth-order fairy king, what kind of thing is this person, can he be the master of the Dao Palace!?"

"That's right, it's a real laugh. Her Royal Highness, the majestic princess, can even talk nonsense."

That Shen Yin frowned, he didn't think that the princess would talk nonsense, so he asked: "Princess, which Taoist palace master is this person?"

"Under Lingyan Holy Land, the Lord of the Fourth Dao Palace, Ling Tian!"

Liu Zhaoer still smiled faintly.

Get a panoramic view of the expressions on everyone's faces.

It seems that she enjoys this flip, and likes to see the surprise on the faces of those people.

"What? The Fourth Palace!"

At this time, the laughter around him fell silent again.

Moreover, no one repeats it again.

"Didn't it mean that the Fourth Dao Palace has never been born before!?"

"In the legendary fourth palace, which is extremely mysterious, there is Lingyan Pavilion, and Lingyan Pavilion has top-level inheritance. This person is the master of Taoist palace!?"

"The master of the Dao Palace, the younger generation of the fairy monarch realm, this is simply unheard of, unbelievable."

Many warriors who had gathered around to watch the excitement were even more shocked at this time.

But at the very least, looking at Ling Tian, ​​the previous contempt was missing in his eyes. ’

"Princess, is this true?"

Shen Yin frowned.

If Ling Tian is really the master of Dao Palace, then such a status is really not low.

"Do I need to joke with you?"

The princess shrugged, "So let's take care of your own people. Ling Tian is the master of the Taoist Palace. How can it be anyone who can scream?"

Obviously, even though Ling Tian was not a member of the princess's team, he was on the road with him. These words were supporting Ling Tian.

Shen Chen's face was gloomy. How did he know that Ling Tian had grown to this point only after leaving Tianlan City for a few years! ?

He also became the lord of the Taoist Palace, and climbed into the power of the princess.

"Hehe, I am from the Shen family, I know how to discipline myself."

The astonishment on Shen Yin's face flashed past, and immediately changed to the original indifferent color. He glanced at Ling Tian, ​​"Since I am the master of Taoist Palace, then my treasure-gathering firm will naturally be a good treat."

"The princess said, Palace Master Ling Tian also has his own team, I don't know, are the teams ready now? Can I see which Dao Gong Tianjiao are they!?"

"What kind of arrogance can there be!? The master of the dignified Taoist palace is only in the realm of a high-level immortal monarch." But the others still muttered quietly.

They didn't know Ling Tian's identity before and mocked, but now even if they know Ling Tian's identity, they dare not make blatant mockery.

Before Ling Tian showed the power to suppress a generation, their self-esteem would not recognize Ling Tian.

"Ling Tian, ​​what's the matter!!? We just walked for a while, you are about to fight with others!? Let this lady see who is it!?"

At this time, Feng Qixi and others who went to Taobao returned and found that Ling Tian was surrounded by so many people, even if he was angry.

Although they followed Ling Tian all the way, there were constant disturbances everywhere, but they had never been afraid.

"Shen Yin!?"

However, Feng Qixi squeezed into the crowd and saw the silver-clothed man, but she knew him.

The Shen family and the Feisheng Alliance both relied on merchants to start their businesses, so they knew more or less about the Shen family Tianjiao in the Chu Kingdom.

"Hehe, who should I be? Isn't this Feng Jixing's sister? Are you a member of Team Lingtian?"

Shen Yin was equally surprised.

Although Feng Qixi is only the daughter of the Feng Family of Tianlan City Auction House, in terms of status, she cannot be compared with him at all.

However, recently Feng Jixing became the Holy Land Immortal Monarch, it is very likely that he will enter the Immortal King Palace last, so he will naturally value Feng Qixi Festival.

However, Shen Yin looked behind Feng Qixi and was stunned, because behind Feng Qixi, there were still three beauties standing.

Zhao Min needless to say, she is born with a heroic spirit, her beauty is unique, and Zuo Xianzhi is like a fairy, holding a guqin, without dirt, and extremely pure.

After that, everyone saw the red-haired woman in the red dress, and immediately took a breath.

"Miss Luo Yan!?"

Shen Yin woke up from the beauty, his pupils suddenly shrank.

No one knows the name of Luo Yan. At that time, Taishi Luo's jewel in the palm of his hand, his talent was strong, and now he has reached the pinnacle of a high-level fairy in just over two years.

Moreover, his family is distinguished, even the prince and princess of the fairy country here are incomparable.

"Could it be that you are also a member of Team Ling Tian!?"

Shen Yin finally said and asked.

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