Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2330: Use Tongtian Lingbao Refiner

"Haha, never catch up with you!? You'd better, don't be so confident, or you will be slapped in the face when the time comes.

Zhang Cheng sneered, and then asked, "Don't gossip, how long will you have to finish the refining?"

"Hehe, don't worry, I will wait for you."

That Chi Yan said with a smile.

It seems that he is really not in a hurry.

"Okay, then you just wait!"

The prince Cheng gave a cold cry, raised his big hand, and a green-red cauldron crashed onto the forging platform.

The cauldron is extraordinary, and only high-quality cauldrons can make weapons above the top Immortal King's weapon.

This is the basic condition.

Just the cauldron, can block many refiners in front of the top Immortal King artifacts.

Not to mention, if you want to refine the top Immortal King Tool, you need more than two hundred layers of Immortal Fire.

This is one of the reasons why the top Immortal King artifacts are so valuable.

"It's the Qingcheng Ding. If I remember correctly, it should be from the Emperor Zhang Cheng's family. I didn't expect it to be taken to Chaoge City by him."

"Well, come prepared, this cauldron looks better than that in Chi Yan's hands."

"It's just a fairy fire."

Under everyone's astonished eyes, Zhang Cheng sneered and shook his palm on the cauldron.


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound.

On the palm of Cheng's hand, a layer of green and red fairy fire suddenly exploded.

The surging heat spewed out from the cauldron, making the audience discolored.

"It's a two hundred and twenty-story Qingdan Immortal Fire, which is twenty floors higher than Zhang Cheng's previous Immortal Fire!"

"Yes, a year ago, I heard that Zhang Cheng's fairy fire was still two hundred stories, and now even the fairy fire has been upgraded."

"Actually, it's normal. This journey took refuge in the Shen family of Jubao Commercial Bank. With the Shen family in it, this fairy fire is still easy to get."

"The best immortal fire, the best cauldron, this journey seems to be the top of this refining conference, come prepared!"

Everyone was amazed.

And that face of Cheng was also proud of it.

"Hehe, Immortal Fire and Cauldron are both good, but it's not just about refining the best weapons."

Chi Yan shook his head, then turned around, wholeheartedly warming his sword in the fairy fire.

In the end, only Ling Tian remained, and there was no more action.

The youngest master of the Taoist Palace caused a turmoil after arriving at the firm, and there were so many warriors around the square that they all came to see Ling Tian.

After all, Ling Tian's cowhide had been blown out, and they wanted to see if Ling Tian was really good at refining.

However, after waiting for a while, everyone discovered that Ling Tian was standing in front of a forging platform, pinching his chin, and lingering in motion.

What is he doing?

Everyone was puzzled.

I'm afraid, I don't have the inner ability at all. Go and fight with Chi Yan and Zhang Cheng on the refining tool, right?

Everyone shook their heads again and again.

Sure enough, no matter how he tried to force him, he was still helpless before reaching the forging platform.

"It's shameful!"

"Not only is he embarrassing, he also owes Jubao Firm 5 billion immortal stones!"

Everyone gloated, and many people wanted to see Ling Tian make a fool of himself.

This is especially true for Shen Yin and others.

Before this guy was in the business, he didn't give the Shen family any face, and now, finally everything has to come back.

"Princess, what does Lingtian Palace Master mean?"

Under the square, Prince Izumo was also puzzled.

"Hehe, based on my understanding of Ling Tian, ​​he should be thinking about how to shock everyone."

Liu Zhaoer raised her eyebrows.

Feng Qixi curled his lips and said: "Princess, you are too gentle, Ling Tian is thinking how to pretend to be a fart to shock everyone!"

"This is his usual style."

Zhao Min: "You know Ling Tian too much."

Everyone in Team Ling Tian also nodded together.

Will Ling Tian make a fool of himself?

At least, they have been with Ling Tian for so long and have never seen it before.

"Really? Haha, Palace Master Lingtian is really amazing."

Prince Izumo pursed his lips. Although he didn't believe that Ling Tian was really capable of defeating Chi Yan and Zhang Cheng in his heart, he was extremely controllable and naturally would not show it.


But at this moment, above the square, there was a sudden sound of flame explosion.

The sound was extremely loud, and almost in an instant, a horrible scorching aura suddenly swept the entire square inside and outside, causing everyone's expressions to change drastically in an instant.

This kind of fire...

Is it too hot?

Even when the fire was released, both Na Chi Yan and Zhang Chengding's immortal fire under the furnace were violently trembling, and the two had to control them with all their strength to ensure that the immortal fire was normal.

"What kind of fire is this!?"

"It's in the hands of Ling Tian!"

Everyone reacted and looked at Ling Tian one after another.

The only person on the square was Ling Tian, ​​who had never used fire.

However, even though Ling Tian stretched out his palm at this time, he didn't see the fire burning. What was going on?

"That's... Two hundred and forty layers of Void Cangyan!?"

Everyone on the square, who was in charge of hosting this refining conference, suddenly exclaimed, as if they had seen a ghost.

As for all the refiners present, their expressions changed drastically.

As a refiner, they naturally know that there are so few rare flames in the fairy fire, which are colorless and invisible, just like nothingness.

Among them, the easiest to get is the two hundred and forty layers of Void Cangyan!

However, although this Void Cangyan is the easiest to obtain from the invisible and colorless fairy fire, in Chaoge City, it is crushing the existence of the current Tianjiao.

At least, in the square, the immortal fire in the hands of Chi Yan and Zhang Cheng could not be compared with this emptiness.

It's too bad.

After a while, everyone took a deep breath, and secretly said in their hearts that Ling Tian really didn't eat cowhide indiscriminately. If nothing else, this fairy fire is enough to be proud.

"It's no wonder that this guy is so rampant, is it a two-hundred and forty-floor fairy fire? But just having a fairy fire doesn't mean refinement skills!

Shen Yin's face twitched.

Zhang Cheng also put away his mind and began to melt the materials in the cauldron.

Void Cangyan was only twenty stories higher than his fairy fire.

Ling Tian flipped his palm and controlled the fairy fire in his palm.

He was thinking, but he wasn't thinking about how to pretend.

Instead, thinking about which cauldron to use.

He originally used the Six Ding Ding for refining weapons, but this was a divine weapon after all. He couldn't guarantee that no one knew this divine weapon in Chaoge City. If it was discovered, it would be abandoned.

And Qing Xu has now reached the realm of Tongtian Lingbao, and his self-esteem has exploded. Ling Tian is not willing to let Ling Tian come to refine the weapon.

Moreover, Ling Tian was absolutely sure, if he had mastered the Heavenly Spirit Treasure level cauldron refiner, was it too pretending to be too forceful.

This won't kill Shen Yin's popularity, will it?

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