Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2334: Chilian morning dew crosses the robbery one after another

"Naughty, it's just ridiculous, don't say whether he can train the two Immortal King artifacts, they are finished tools, then the heavenly catastrophe that comes down is also two!"

"Two Immortal King artifacts thunder tribulation came at the same time, how terrifying the power should be!? At that time, the artifact can't withstand the power of thunder tribulation, and in the end there is only one result of crushing!"

"Yes, it is too arrogant to refine two Immortal King artifacts!"

The judges of the firm on the side of the square also shook their heads, not optimistic about Ling Tian at all.

They have studied for hundreds of years on the refining device, and what kind of genius has never been seen! ? Even those imperial refiners in the Imperial Palace of Chu Kingdom had been refining weapons, and none of them had been so silly as Ling Tian.

For a time, under the square, almost all of the thousands of martial artists who were onlookers did not think that Ling Tian would succeed.

This person is eye-catching and proud enough.

However, it seems too arrogant.

Three more days passed.

Finally, after a long period of warming up the sword, Cheng finally reached the final moment.


He shook his palm on the cauldron furnace, and the flame went out. In the cauldron furnace, a long knife bathed in flames. After immersing in the quenching pool, the rising clouds and mist filled the entire square.

And Jieyun also shrouded in the sky above Jubao Mall in an instant.

Finally, another weapon crossed the robbery.


This time, the robbery cloud condensed by the thunder tribulation was even larger than the thunder thunder that Mo Yuan had attracted more three days ago.

One after another, the robbery thunder slashed down, causing the entire treasure-gathering firm to be violently shaken.

Under the thunder robbery, that cold look on Cheng's face.

Originally, he refined this weapon to prepare to win the first place in the refining conference, but who could have imagined that he would make Cheng Yaojin halfway through.

This Ling Tian seemed to be really strong.

But anyway, today his weapon has been refined!


The seventh thunder thunder blasted down on the long sword.

Within the fairy soldiers, the weapon soul was wailing in pain, and the blade shook violently, but in the end, it was still not blasted down to the sky.

It's done!

Cheng Daxi summoned the long knife back to his hand.

"Seniors, please taste!"

Zhang Cheng delivered the long knife to the referees of a group of firms.

"Yes, yes, the prince's long knife has gone through seven trials of thunder. Among the top Immortal King's artifacts, it is already a top-grade existence!"

"Enough to rank first now!"

The referees exclaimed.

Shen Yin's complexion has also improved a lot, and Zhang Cheng can be regarded as playing normally, and he hasn't lost the chain.

Today, there are only two people left in the square.

The prince of the Chilian Immortal Kingdom, Chi Yan!

Now, he has refined the weapons for more than ten days!

Later Zhang Cheng has been refined.

"Chi Yan, can you do it, isn't it the weapon in the stove, it's already exploded!?"

Zhang Cheng turned around and looked at Na Chi Yan.

"Hmph, fried!? No, I'm just waiting for you to become a weapon first!"

"Now, since you have finished refining, then I will not wait!"

Chi Yan sneered.

He really didn't put Zhang Cheng in his eyes, when even a palm fell on the cauldron, a scarlet battle axe burst from it and rushed straight into the sky!


The battle axe bathed in the fiery red fairy fire, condensed into the appearance of a flaming tiger, before the catastrophe, the breath shocked Zhang Cheng!

This tomahawk has been warmed by Chi Yan for ten days!

It seems that it is really different!

"Haha, Zhang Cheng, do you think that my refining skills have not improved!? Tell you, even if you are prepared this time, it is useless in front of real refining skills!"

"You are not my opponent!"

The entire square was instantly enveloped by fiery clouds of smoke, and the robbery thunder also appeared again, but this time the robbery cloud was fiery red, with a larger area, almost covering a small half of Chaoge City.

"Awesome, awesome, just from the perspective of this robbery, the battle axe made by Chi Yan is definitely stronger than Zhang Cheng's knife."

"Well, that's right, after all, Chi Yan has refined it for ten days and has removed all the impurities in that weapon."

"Let's see, he can induce a few thunders."


In the crowd's discussion, a series of fiery red robbery thunder fell on and slashed on the battle axe.

Rao is that battle axe looks powerful, and after several robberies, his aura is still greatly reduced.

Until the thunder of six times.

The fairy fire on the battle axe was still all extinguished.

There was silence in the square.

Could it be that Chi Yan's battle axe can't hold on to Thunder Tribulation?

Although being shattered by thunder tribulation, this is too common in the world of refining tools, even the master refining weapon can not guarantee that the weapons they refine can survive the thunder tribulation 100%.

Chi Yan's face was tense.

My heart is also praying secretly.


The seventh robbery thunder came down.

The entire Jubao firm was buzzing.

The breath brought by Jie Lei stirred the clothes of thousands of people present.

Swept all directions.

This momentum is really amazing.

"The battle axe is still there, it has not been chopped off!"

At this moment, someone in the crowd exclaimed, only to see the battle axe made by Chi Yan swaying under the robbery cloud above the sky.

Although it seemed that he was about to be blasted down by that robbery thunder, he was still saved.

"It's already seven thunders. If this battle axe becomes a weapon, it will definitely surpass Zhang Cheng's long sword!"

There are referees.

Zhang Cheng's expression changed. He didn't expect that this Chi Yan's refining technique had improved so much!

"No, not necessarily, the eighth thunder, you may not be able to resist it!"

In the end, Zhang Cheng still couldn't accept this result.

"Huh, can't take it!?"

"Why can't you take it!"

Na Chi Yan let out a cold snort, a flash of light in his hand, unexpectedly took out a small black bottle.

Immediately, he poured a drop of liquid from the black bottle and threw it into the sky.


The liquid turned into fluorescent light and poured into the battle axe.

The next moment, the mottled thunder marks on the battle axe disappeared without a trace, and the aura of the battle axe returned to its original appearance again.

The flames are pervasive, especially tyrannical.

"It's Chilian Morning Dew!"

"This is a treasure of the imperial family of the Chilian Immortal Kingdom. Unexpectedly, Chi Yan would be willing to use it!"

"Well, Chilian Chenlu can repair the Immortal King's artifact that is in the process of crossing the catastrophe, and a drop of blessing will exceed two billion immortal stones."

"The first in the refining conference can get 5 billion immortal stones, this drop is not a loss."

Everyone looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, this Chi Yan brought all the treasures of the imperial family of the Immortal Kingdom.

This is determined to be the No. 1 in Chaoge City Refining Equipment!


Finally, the eighth robbery thunder came into being, blasting on the battle axe.

The battle axe of victory was shaken into the sky in an instant, and finally hovered at a position less than a hundred feet away from the ground amidst the exclamation of everyone.

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