Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2338: Dedication of the Three Princes

Are you worthy?

Ling Tian's voice shook in and out of the square, making all the martial artists silent.

This Ling Tian is as arrogant as ever!

"Ling Tian, ​​what do you mean!?"

"This is the refining conference held by Jubao Commercial Bank. You should give us a taste of the weapons you refined!"

Those referees were angry.

They are all so old, how could they be so insulted by Ling Tian.

"Hehe, isn't it?"

Ling Tian suddenly asked, "If that's the case, who do you have who has refined a national weapon?"

The referees were taken aback.

Refining national equipment?

If they can refine national implements, do they still need to bend themselves to work in this treasure-gathering firm?

I went to the imperial palace a long time ago to become the imperial refiner.

"No, I haven't refined it."

The referees shook their heads.

"A craftsman who hasn't even made a national weapon, wants to **** things!?"

"What are you guys?"

Ling Tian snorted coldly, slammed down his sleeves, threw the long whip in his hand to the excited Feng Qixi, and then looked at Shen Yin.

"Second Young Master Shen, now I am the number one in the refining conference, rewarding 10 billion immortal stones, returning 5 billion to you, and rewarding you for the remaining 5 billion!"

"let's go!"

After that, Ling Tian took Liu Zhaoer, Zhao Min and others to leave.

"Ling Tian, ​​you!"

Shen Yin only reacted at this time, his face flushed immediately.

Reward him five billion immortal stones! ?

What a big first!

He knew that Ling Tian was fighting back, hitting him in the face.

Before, he had to spare Ling Tian's five billion immortal stones.

In order to show his rich wealth, at the same time, it can also suppress Ling Tian's arrogance.

Nowadays, Ling Tian has won the first place in the refining conference in one fell swoop, Shuang Guoqi shot, famous for Chaoge City.

Now, I don’t even need the remaining five billion immortal stones.

Isn't that just saying that he doesn't care about the mere five billion immortal stones?

This is undoubtedly hitting him in the face!

Not to mention, today is almost in front of everyone in Chaoge City.

However, seeing Ling Tian and Liu Zhao'er leave together, Shen Yin was angry in his heart, and he couldn't get angry in front of so many people.

Unless, his refining technique can be compared to Ling Tian.

But whoever is the truth, he can't.

The warriors who watched the excitement saw that Ling Tian had left, and followed them in a swarm.

On the way, Ling Tian frowned slightly.

Attracting so many people's onlookers, even the master of the holy land and the fairy king of the holy land have arrived, which he did not expect.

In this way, it is absolutely impossible for him to want to keep a low profile this time.

If I want to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, I am afraid that others will not believe it.

After all, now, he is well known for his possession of national weapons.

"Haha, Brother Lingtian, you are back so soon!?"

Just as Ling Tian thought, just when he stepped out of the gate of Jubao Firm, a laugh suddenly sounded from the front.

Everyone was startled, and when they looked over, they frowned.

"The Third Prince?!"

Ling Tian's pupils shrank, and he never expected that at this time the three princes would suddenly come to Chaoge City.

And, it seems, I came to myself.

However, based on Ling Tian's understanding of the three princes, he came this time, fearing that he had another purpose.

"Meet Your Highness the Three Princes!"

Many warriors from the Chu Kingdom gave salutes to the three princes.

The other Tianjiao nobles also gestured slightly.

After all, the three princes are the sons of the Lord of the Chu Kingdom, and above the border of the Chu Kingdom, this face must be given.

But the third prince waved his hand, as if he didn't put other people in his eyes, and then went straight to Ling Tian.

"His Royal Highness, what are you..."

Ling Tian frowned.

"Oh ha ha, I first congratulate Ling Tian brothers, who have been refined into a national weapon. You are so arrogant in the country of Chu. God bless me!"

"Don't worry, I will personally report this matter to Emperor Ming, let Chaoding, and give you a reward!"

The third prince said very intimately.

"Uh, no, it's just a trivial refining of national artifacts, it's not worth mentioning."

Ling Tian shook his head, he first glanced at Ran Qinghong.

Did she let the third prince come?

However, Ran Qinghong shook his head.

In this way, he didn't want to pay much attention to these three princes.

Although the second prince was domineering and unreasonable, it was much easier to deal with than the third prince who was extremely deep in the city.

This person must never have a deep friendship.

"Hehe, by the way, I came out in a hurry this time, but I was still on the road and prepared a small gift for Brother Ling."

"Come here, present it!"

Seeing Ling Tian's refusal, the three princes didn't have any annoyance on their faces. They still had that kind smile. They raised their hands, and the fairy king came up behind him, holding a brocade box in his hand.

The brocade box was directly opened by the three princes, and a dazzling divine light instantly rose into the sky.

"this is……"

For a while, the warriors present were all shocked.

This light, this energy surge, must be an extraordinary treasure.

What is it?

Many people looked over with their feet on their feet.

Feng Qixi and the others could see the treasure in the brocade box at a glance because they were behind Ling Tian.

"This, is this... Tongtian Lingbao!?"

After a long while, Na Feng Qixi and others exclaimed.

In the brocade box, a small pagoda with the size of a palm was suspended, the whole body was pitch black, with ancient patterns densely covered on it, surrounded by powerful immortal treasure energy, it is an absolute heavenly treasure!

Even Liu Zhaoer secretly took a breath.

Her emperor's brother is really impressive.

At this time, Shen Yin and others also walked out of the Jubao Firm and were surprised to see that the third prince used Tongtian Lingbao to block Ling Tian.

Why, these three princes, want to win Ling Tian?

Are you still using Tongtian Lingbao?

"Brother Three Emperors, you really have lost money. If I remember correctly, this Yueta in Heiyan Town was given to you by the emperor three years ago."

"Now, you want to reward Ling Tian?"

Liu Zhaoer raised her eyebrows.

The four of their brothers and sisters, although they all have a Spirit Treasure that was rewarded by the Lord of the Kingdom of Chu, they would not bring it out under normal circumstances.

Her own Tongtian Lingbao was also sent to Chaoge City three days ago.

However, these three emperors actually wanted to give Ling Tian their own things?

"Hehe, the so-called treasure gift to the hero, this Tongtian Lingbao is good, but I think he will be more powerful in the hands of Brother Lingtian."

"Now that Saint Bi's is around the corner, I don't need this thing, so why don't I give it to Ling Tian?"

The third prince looked indifferent.

Ling Tian looked at the black tower.

In fact, the three princes' ability to win people is really not so strong. If this is another person, I am afraid it will be difficult to refuse.

A prince condescended to welcome him, and rewarded him with Lingbao, fearing that he would not be able to find a second person in Chu Kingdom.

But unfortunately, he is Ling Tian.

"Haha, Brother Three Emperors, I'm afraid it's your method that used the wrong target. Don't you know that the cauldron that Ling Tian just used for refining are all Tongtian Lingbao. You think he will care about it. Are you a black tower?"

Liu Zhaoer smiled.

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