Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2340: The five battles of the holy road open [four more]

Among them, only Wang Zi and Liu Yifeng were known to Ling Tian, ​​but Ling Tian had never seen the others.

But these people's auras are extremely strong, and each of their cultivation bases are in the pinnacle realm of Senior Immortal Sovereign, not much worse than Feng Qixi, and it's not luxurious.

Among them, a woman in a purple tight-fitting leather jacket is particularly eye-catching.

That figure is called a devil, and her face is even more enchanting. Ling Tian almost thinks that this woman is a demon girl of the snake clan.

"You are here, let me introduce you first. This is my friend from the capital, Su Mei, the general of my team!"

Liu Zhaoer introduced everyone.

Everyone knew each other a little bit, and it was kind.

After all, they all knew the relationship between Liu Zhaoer and Ling Tian, ​​and Ling Tian was an extremely powerful craftsman. Among his team, Feng Qixi and Luo Yan were not mortals, so they didn't have any contempt.

"Let's go, I will tell you the rules for climbing the holy mountain this time on the road."

Liu Zhaoer led everyone to fly to the holy mountain.

"Oh? Why, there are rules for climbing the holy mountain?"

Ling Tian really didn't know.

"Originally there was no way, but there were too many people here this time, and the holy mountain turned the original hiking trail into five."

The princess smiled and said: "There are five roads, you can choose freely. The first 100 people who climb the holy mountain can practice on the holy mountain."

"Will the warriors on the same mountain road fight?"

Ling Tian thought of something.

"Yes, but there are indeed more than five teams that are quite powerful this time. Therefore, one is destined to be extremely fierce."

Liu Zhaoer nodded.

"Is the one where I am?"

Ling Tian curled his lips.

Everyone else also looked over.

"Well, but it doesn't matter, which way you go, I will go whichever way, and I will help you."

Liu Zhaoer said.

The faces of Liu Yifeng and Su Mei of her team changed.

This is undoubtedly adding a lot of unknown trouble to their hiking trail.

"Haha, no, the princess can choose her own path."

However, what Su Mei and the others didn't even expect was that Ling Tian actually refused.

Is it self-confidence?

"Ling Tian, ​​do you know how many people want to block you this time?"

Liu Zhaoer said sternly: "Now, not only my second emperor brother, even the third emperor brother will not let you go, and Shen Yin, it can be said that except for me and Zijin's team, they are all your enemies. ."

"It's okay, don't you worry about our strength?"

Ling Tian asked back.

"OK then."

Liu Zhao'er opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Soon, everyone came under the holy mountain.

Thousands of arrogances are all on the list.

Seeing Liu Zhaoer and Ling Tian's team coming over, the arrogances all evaded and let them come to the middle.

This is respect.

Zijin led the team to take Liu Zhaoer.

"Ling Tian, ​​I heard that you might not have a good time on this hiking trail. Otherwise, would you follow my team?"

However, what Ling Tian never expected was that this Zijin also asked to help him?

This is a bit strange, after all, he has never spoken to this Zijin.

At this time, Ling Tian also took a look at this Zijin, and found that this woman was quite beautiful, especially at the center of her eyebrows, with a little cinnabar. This was the first time Ling Tian saw this, and this little cinnabar seemed to be not simple. There was mysterious energy surging in it, which made Ling Tian very puzzled.

"Hehe, sister Zijin, what do you mean? I haven't introduced Ling Tian to you, so you are so proactive?"

"I can tell you that Ling Tian has a master."

Liu Zhaoer smiled.

"Sister, what are you talking about, am I not looking at your face?"

Zi Jin Qiao blushed.

"Thank you Zijin, we can deal with these people."

But Ling Tian bowed his hand, and still declined.

He didn't accept Liu Zhaoer's help, let alone Zijin, whom he had never met before.

However, Ling Tian also found that Mo Yuan was smiling at him.

Ling Tian opened his mouth and really wanted to ask this guy.

But in the end he didn't say anything. At this time, it was not the time yet.

At this time, Ling Tian also felt a few glances, with chills.

Ling Tian turned around and looked around and found that they were Shen Yin, Lan Zhan, Chi Yan and others.

As for Qu Shenyou, Ling Tian also saw them, but that team looked very low-key.

"Why did Chi Yan and Liu Xian and the cold wind from the Heavenly Sword Gate get together?"

Liu Zhaoer frowned suddenly.

"Hehe, of course it was your Three Emperor Brothers' methods, they are all your Three Emperor Brothers now!"

Zijin sneered.

"My third brother?"’

Liu Zhaoer raised her eyebrows, and then sneered again and again, "It seems that he has never stopped, so this way, his team is quite strong."

"Yes, and I will definitely choose the road with Ling Tian."

Zi Yan nodded.

"It's okay, this girl is not afraid!"

Feng Qixi held his shoulders coldly.

There was no trace of fear on the faces of other people.

Boom boom boom!

At this time, above the holy mountain, a bell rang.

Immediately, the voice of the fairy king rolled down.

"The hour has passed, the holy mountain road is open, there are five holy roads, and the top 100 climbers can only be eligible to enter the holy land."

"There are no rules, no harm to life, let's get started!"

The voice on the top of the mountain was only two sentences.

After that, countless Tianjiao flew to the five hiking trails under the mountain.

Don't miss the opportunity.

Zijin and Liu Zhaoer's team also left. The two women did not choose the same path, and on the road between the two women, there was no other top team choice.

What surprised Ling Tian was that Qu Shenyou didn't choose to stop him, but took Qu Shenyi Wang Chen and the others and found a fairy road.

The same was true for Shen Yin. It seemed that they didn't want to target Ling Tian on this climbing road.

In the end, the top teams are Ling Tian, ​​Lan Zhan and Liu Xian.

There is only one mountain trail left.

Neither Lan Zhan nor Liu Xian moved. Obviously, they were all waiting for Ling Tian.

"Haha, let's go!"

Ling Tian sneered, took Zhao Min and others, chose the last mountain road, and rushed away.

"Keep up, never let them go up the mountain!"

Then Liu Xian and Lan Zhan almost unanimously, more than a dozen tyrannical auras raged, chasing Ling Tian's team.

The war is about to start!

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