Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2359: Ice Field Sea Eye Nine Cold Ice Tree

However, as Ling Tian went deeper into the secret realm, the chill became stronger and stronger, and the vast ice-bound world was crystal clear.

On the ice surface, strands of pure white icy air permeate continuously. This icy air can penetrate into the body, like a strange ice aura, spreading into the body little by little, making Ling Tian The blood flow slowed down, and gradually, the flying speed of the lift seemed to slow down, and even the breathing gradually slowed down.

Before he knew it, Ling Tian had a feeling that his thinking and breathing were slowing down with the intrusion of the cold air.

Ling Tian closed his eyes, his mental power felt the world, and the flow of spiritual energy was also slowing down.

This is the extremely pure Frost Ice Immortal Yuan.

If immortal monarchs practicing the martial arts of the ice system arrive here, they will be laughed to death if they want to come.

However, Ling Tian's body was like a raging fire, and it was incompatible with the cold ice.

It can't be absorbed at all, this kind of cents.

It's a pity.

However, the ice was biting, and it could even freeze his spiritual thoughts, but in this invisibility, Ling Tian's spiritual thoughts increased a lot.

"Although I can't diligently improve my cultivation, but it can make my spirit soar. Here, it's really a good place."

Ling Tian muttered secretly.

Moreover, as he got deeper, Ling Tian also saw the figure sitting cross-legged or standing.

But these figures are like ice sculptures at this time, standing on the icy ocean, their breath has been completely cut off.

Is this the past fairy monarch that the sweeping old man said? ?

Unable to withstand the cold into the body and die.

Indeed, the former holy land fairy monarch, in terms of strength, is simply incomparable with the present.

In order to break through the cultivation base, these holy land immortals could only retreat here day and night, but in the end, they all died.

This can be regarded as the price of impacting the fairy king! ?

If you can't win in the Sacred Competition, or even gain nothing in the Palace of the Immortal King, then it will take at least several decades to become the Immortal King.

And if then, even if you become the Immortal King, you will basically lose the chance of Immortal Venerable in the future.

However, Ling Tian had never worried about this, the Immortal King, he was bound to win.

Ling Tian thought in his heart, he had gradually penetrated into the core area of ​​the ice sheet.

The icy breath here was the horror that he wanted to be, even Ling Tian was already in the sea of ​​qi, urging the emptiness to the extreme, circulating in the limbs and hundreds of skeletons to resist the erosion of the cold.

Here, the corpse of any human warrior can no longer be seen.

And it took Ling Tian seven days to arrive after only five thousand miles.

In the end, Ling Tian could almost only fly over the ice sheet, and it was impossible to fly by.

And here, it was not far from the place where Ling Tian had an abnormal induction. Just after a huge ice wave just in front of him, there seemed to be a mysterious air current, as if this endless cold air came from there, he wanted to see what it was.

Gradually, Ling Tian felt that he was approaching the destination. There seemed to be an abyss in front of him. He urged the flame power in his body to the extreme, and then he passed the huge ice wave and looked down, only to see this giant. The waves turned out to be circular.

After the huge waves, there is a huge, ice-covered whirlpool.

The whirlpool is blue and deep inside.

At this time, the endless aura of cold ice gushed out from within this vortex, spreading in all directions.


Ling Tian frowned.

This huge whirlpool, with a radius of a hundred miles, looks like the origin of this vast ocean, and it is frozen here, it seems that it is because of this.

"Ling Tian, ​​there is a baby down here!"

Suddenly, Tao Yaoyao emerged from Taoyuan.

Looking at the dark whirlpool.

"What baby! Fairy grass!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

Tao Yaoyao couldn't feel the breath of immortal fire.

"That's right, it is the fairy grass, named Jiuhan Ice Tree, the first-class item among the gods. I didn't expect to encounter it here. Ling Tian hurriedly went down and grabbed it!"

Tao Yaoyao rubbed her hands and looked very excited.

"Is there no fairy fire!?"

Ling Tian shook his head, thinking about it, what he felt should be the so-called Jiuhan Ice Tree.

But there is no way, since Tao Yaoyao wants it, and the god-like fairy grass is indeed very valuable, there is no reason not to take it.

In a short moment, Ling Tian's Qingyi and dragon scales were covered by frost. The time he could hold on was not long, otherwise, he would have to hide in the Taoyuan.

Of course, this is what Ling Tian is most unwilling to do.

Void Cangyan burned all over his body, Ling Tian endured the sensation of being stung by the frost, and jumped down the whirlpool.

As he went deep into the vortex sea eye, Rao Ling Tian's will was firm, his physical body was tyrannical, and he was blessed by the immortal fire, but he was still shaking and his teeth were clenching.

He hadn't felt so cold for a long time.

Here, it is really cold and terrible.

The eyes of the sea are extremely deep.

Even Ling Tian had fallen for half an hour before he saw the end.

Not only that, the surrounding cold air has re-liquefied and turned into icy Xianyuan sea water, and the sky is a deep dive.

Divine Sense was being consumed crazily, Ling Tian's will already felt groggy.

"Ling Tian, ​​don't let it go, go back to Taoyuan if you can't stand it!"

Tao Yaoyao shouted in Taoyuan.

"It's okay, it's frosty, and you can't give in to me."

But how stubborn Ling Tian is! ?

Even in the face of life and death, he never flinched, let alone, it was cold and cold.

Ling Tian gritted his teeth, boosted his vitality, and accelerated his dive.

Finally, after reaching a depth of ten thousand feet, Ling Tian finally found a blue light in the pitch-black water.

"That...is the Jiuhan Ice Tree!?"

Ling Tian's pupils shrank.

As far as I can see, the azure blue light is indeed an ancient tree the size of a hundred meters square, with thousands of branches and leaves, like an ice-colored canopy.

The whole body of the ancient wood is crystal clear, every leaf is clean to the point that there is no trace of impurities, and the tree has blossomed, the petals are silver, swaying slowly, and the cold current is permeating from it.

"This space is frozen, and the endless cold is only because of this tree?" Ling Tian's heart trembled.

Such a fetish, really extraordinary!

Although he knew that there were many rare gods in the world, even the longevity valley was nothing. ,

However, apart from the peach tree in Taoyuan, it was the first time for Ling Tian to see such a terrifying ancient tree.

The ancient woods were cold and frozen for thousands of miles.

It's really scary.

"Wow, it really is a nine-fold ice tree, and it has already blossomed. This ancient tree is definitely ten thousand years old!"

In Taoyuan, Tao Yaoyao was very excited.

Taoyuan, new members are about to join!

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