Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2365: The first fire of the nine burning lotus

Du Can was forced to retreat, and only Di Jiuge and Ling Tian were left in the center of the secret realm of the Fire Department.

And in that huge flame sphere.

As soon as Ling Tian entered, he saw a fire lotus floating in the center of the fireball.

This is the fairy fire hidden in the secret realm of the Fire Department!

"Nine Blazing Lotus Fire!

At the moment when he saw the fairy fire, Ling Tian took a deep breath.

The immortal fire here has naturally transformed into shape, but Ling Tian did not expect that the immortal fire that he encountered was also such a lotus-shaped immortal fire.

This immortal fire had 309 floors, which was nine floors higher than the ice lotus flames absorbed by the Emperor Jiuge.

Although not too much, the rank is still overwhelming.

For Ling Tian, ​​this fire lotus was too suitable.

"Huh!? What is that!?"

However, after Ling Tian gradually approached the fairy fire, he suddenly discovered that the many fire lotus were growing on a huge flame crystal.

The spar has a radius of one foot.

There was a flame within, but Ling Tian didn't notice it.

Now, he suddenly discovered that this spar is not the Heavenly Fire Essence Iron he was looking for! ?

The fine iron of the sky fire is the flint from the sky, and after ten thousand years, it can indeed breed fire.

I didn't think about it, this fire lotus was nurtured by the essence of fire this day!

This is really nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes!

"God helps me too!"

Ling Tian snorted coldly, the Canglong Transformation turned on, and the eternal Burning Heaven was urged, and the fairy fire surged all over his body, like a hot furnace, toward the fire lotus.

The temperature of this three-hundred-story fairy fire far exceeded all the high temperatures that Ling Tian had encountered before.

Even the pale dragon scales were already burning red as a soldering iron.

Surrounded by flames, although Ling Tian can bear the high temperature is different from ordinary people, but at this time, he also had to grit his teeth.


Just collecting the fairy fire first, Ling Tian walked to the front of the fire lotus with difficulty, opened his mouth and inhaled, burning the sky forever, and swallowed the fire lotus into his body.

After that, Ling Tian stretched out his hand and directly incorporated that day's fire and iron into Taoyuan.


Ling Tian didn't want to stay for a long time, so he turned around and left.

Beyond the fireball.

Di Jiuge is still there, but Du Can has disappeared.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that your speed is quite fast."

Di Jiuge looked at Ling Tian Canglong's body with great interest.

"Normally, let's go, I have to refine the fairy fire, there is not much time."

Ling Tian and Di Jiuge left the secret realm of the Fire Department.

"This time, I completely offended the Ministry of Fire!"

Ling Tian suddenly smiled.

"Why, I'm afraid!?"

Di Jiuge raised his eyebrows.

"No, anyway, when I went up to the holy mountain before, I was already provoked."

Ling Tian shrugged.

Jin Bu and Lei Bu, Ling Tian had formed Liangzi long ago, and he had just robbed Du Can Huo’s fairy fire, and he would not give up in the future.

So what's left, perhaps, is the holy land fairy king of Mube! ! ?


Ling Tian and Di Jiuge had just descended from the secret realm of the Fire Department, and as soon as they landed, Ling Tian felt that they had stepped on something.

Leaning over, I don't know when, a dark green disgusting toad appeared at his feet, and, Ling Tian turned on the big foot of the dragon, and it was trampled to death.

"What is this!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

In the temple, when did this creature appear! ?

"My God! My Wood Spirit Toad!!"

"Ling Tian!"

"You stepped on my pet to death, and I will swear to you!"

But at this time, behind the two, a sharp sound rang.

Ling Tian turned around, but found that Mube's holy land fairy Yang Tai was standing there, cursing ferociously.

"This... is your pet!?"

"Brother, your taste is a bit heavy!"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

Using this toad as a pet, Kibe's holy land immortal is really a talent.

"Are you laughing at me!?"

Yang Tai stared.

In the Holy Land, Sheng didn't know that this wood spirit toad was his favorite pet, and everyone had to walk around when they saw it.

Now, he was trampled to death by Ling Tian.


Ling Tian shook his head, turned around, and Di Jiuge, once again entered the secret realm of the Water Department.

"Now it's okay. Except for the Xing Department and Tushui Department, you are completely offended. The Wood Spirit Toad was obtained by Yang Tai from the Mube Secret Realm. Although it has no combat power, it can quickly absorb the wood attributes in the Secret Realm. Reiki, he hates you to death."

Di Jiuge said lightly.

"Whatever you want, anyway, when you are in Saint Bi, you will also encounter it."

After Ling Tian finished speaking, he wanted to return to Taoyuan directly, but Di Jiuge did not enter it and practiced under the Nine Frost Ice Tree.

She said that she wanted to refine the ice lotus flames, and these resources were enough.

Ling Tian certainly has no opinion on this.

He ignored it either.

Now, what he was thinking about was refining the Nine Blazing Lotus Fire and upgrading his cultivation as soon as possible.

"Oh, by the way, one month before Saint Bibi, the disciples of the Holy Land will have a small gathering. Under normal circumstances, all disciples will participate. Then, don't forget to come out."

Di Jiuge suddenly reminded.

"Why!? It's just a small gathering, is it so boring!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

He didn't want to participate.

"It's better for you to participate, because at that time, the envoy of Saint Bih, who has accepted the fate of the Lord of the Kingdom of Chu, will come, so you can be familiar with it in advance."

Di Jiuge shook his head.

"Oh, Ambassador Saint-Bee? Is it an imperial envoy!? Let's talk about it then."

Ling Tian didn't comment, turned around and entered Taoyuan.

And Di Jiuge returned to the sea eye that was about to melt, and began to refine the fairy fire.

Taoyuan, inside the Four Elephant Pagoda.

To swallow the immortal fire of refining and chemical industry, Ling Tian is already familiar with it.

Although it was necessary to endure the burning pain far beyond before, Ling Tian was also able to endure it.

During this retreat, Ling Tian also used Gengjin and Skyfire Essence Iron to upgrade the clone.

After this stage, Ling Tian could use the technique of Sanqing Clone to refine the second clone.

By then, Ling Tian's combat power might really reach the pinnacle of this realm.

Within a few months, Ling Tian had never taken a half step inside the Four Elephant Pagoda.

The flow of time in the Four Elephant Pagoda far exceeds that of the temple.

Here, Ling Tian could recover a lot of time.

During this time, Di Jiuge never entered Taoyuan.

Perhaps, the Jiuhan Ice Tree, for her, has no effect.

This also made Zhao Min not encounter Di Jiuge in Taoyuan.

Otherwise, Ling Tian didn't know how to explain it.

However, the entanglement of Ling Tian and Di Jiuge had already spread throughout the Holy Land.

However, no one knew how Ling Tian and Di Jiuge met, nor did they know what the relationship was between them.

But anyway, Ling Tian has almost become the public enemy of all the Holy Land Tianjiao.

Why! ?

Within the Holy Land, there are only a few beauties.

Feng Qixi, Zuo Xianzhi, Liu Zhao'er, Luo Yan, and even that Zijin didn’t even talk about it. Today, Ling Tian is still entwined with Emperor Jiuge! ?

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