Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2367: Yuan Qing's team

However, it has been three years, and I didn't expect Qu Qing hadn't forgotten, this time I didn't know what treasure he brought to Di Jiuge.

I want to come, definitely not a mortal thing!

Everyone sighed.

This Emperor Jiuge is really charming enough.

"However, your brother is also interested in Di Jiuge. For this reason, he has devoted himself to practicing piano skills for three years!"

Liu Zhaoer looked towards Feng Qixi again and said with a smile.


Feng Qixi's body trembled when he heard the words, "This world is terrible, this melon is not familiar!"

Everyone laughed immediately.

Yes, Sanby hasn't started yet, and everyone in the Holy Land is already entangled.

Soon, everyone came to Houshan Xiyue Peak.

Here, you can see the seven-star sunset and the silver moon rising from the mountain.

At this time, there were a lot of people on Xiyue Peak, and the holy land Tianjiao had been divided into six columns and sat.

The top of the peak is a platform, and behind the platform is a magnificent and exquisite pavilion.

The arrival of Ling Tian's group of people caused the noise on Xiyue Peak to quiet down for an instant.

Almost everyone's eyes looked over.

No way, Ling Tian and this group of people are now well-known in the Holy Land, they are definitely the focus.

Especially Ling Tian.

His limelight is too high.

Although Ling Tian hadn't appeared in the Holy Land for half a year, his rumors had never been broken.

Even more, four holy land immortals have already released words to teach Ling Tian.

Today is a small gathering before Saint Bibi, I don’t know if there will be any disturbances.

If you wait for Yuan Qing to come back, will it be even more lively.

Ling Tian led everyone to land on Xiyue Peak, but the Seven Masters and Taishi hadn't arrived yet.

But after Ling Tian fell, he felt a lot of eyes shooting at him, and among them, there were many sharp like blades.

Feng Jixing, Liu Zhao, Yang Tai, Du Can!

The four holy land immortals looked at Ling Tian coldly.

Although they belonged to different camps, at this moment, in their eyes, Ling Tian was the only person who was pierced in the flesh.

However, Ling Tian would naturally not care about their gaze.

Passing over Liu Bu, in the end, Ling Tian's gaze fell in front of Shui Bu Tian Jiao.

The ice-blue battle armor sat cross-legged on top of everyone's front figure.

Emperor Jiuge.

Sure enough, she came anyway.

However, when Di Jiuge was also looking at her, he suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at Ling Tian.

Although it was just a glimpse, it was suddenly a shocking wave in the hearts of everyone.

"Di Jiuge is just watching Ling Tian!?"

"It should be, after all, Di Jiuge is the first to come. When the other holy land immortals arrived, Di Jiuge didn't open his eyes at all."

"That said, the rumors are true, between Ling Tian and Di Jiuge..."

"I still don't believe that Ling Tian is a thing, not even the Holy Land Immortal Monarch, why is it favored by Emperor Jiuge!?"

All Tianjiao were whispering.

In the Holy Land Immortal Monarch, Feng Jixing's fists in his sleeves were even more tightly clenched, and he was full of wind and thunder, looking at Ling Tian, ​​wishing to fight Ling Tian now.

But Ling Tian shook his head.

Although he was not afraid of being criticized by others, Ling Tian could see the smile on the corner of Di Jiuge's mouth just now.

This woman is absolutely deliberate.

It seems that she let herself participate in small gatherings before, just want to see herself making a fool of herself! ?

After all, in such scenes, this small gathering will definitely not be less troublesome.


However, Ling Tian suddenly sensed the extremely strange existence of several Scriptures from the eyes of the crowd.

Following his gaze, Ling Tian found that this group of people, a total of four immortal monarchs, had very high cultivation bases, and they were all at the peak of high-level immortal monarchs.

One of them, born in Yushu Linfeng, is dressed in aqua-blue gauze, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and a guqin on his back.

And the other one was burly as a mountain with dark skin. From a distance, he looked like a gorilla. Yes, his eyes were particularly harsh, looking straight at Ling Tian, ​​as if he had some deep hatred.

However, Ling Tian didn't know these people.

It stands to reason that there should be no hostility towards him.

"Ling Tian, ​​these are the people of Yuan Qing, the immortal monarch in the Holy Land of the Criminal Ministry. The black one is Yuan Qing's younger brother Yuan Fang, who entered the holy land three years ago."

At this time, Liu Zhaoer said behind Ling Tian: "The one who carries the piano is Song Yin, the Tianjiao of the Great Jin Immortal Kingdom. He came back with Yuan Fang. Now he has been approved by the Holy Land to participate in the Saint Biography in a month's time. "

"With the two of them, Yuan Qing's team is terrifying."

"Oh, hehe, what I said." Ling Tian nodded, retracted his gaze, and stopped looking.

Take the crowd to sit down on the position of the penalty department.

Because Xianjun, the holy land of the Criminal Ministry, was not there, Ling Tian sat in front of himself.

Zhao Min and Luo Yan naturally had no objection, but Yuan Fang in the distance finally couldn't help it.

He suddenly got up and pointed at Ling Tian angrily: "Go down, there, it belongs to my brother's position!"

After hearing the words, everyone looked at Yuan Fang and Ling Tian together.

Sure enough, the storm started as soon as Ling Tian arrived.

Moreover, it was Yuan Fang's head.

Everyone watched with interest.

Although this Yuan Fang is not a holy land immortal monarch, he had been away with his brother for three years and now he has returned, presumably his combat power is extremely impressive.

Will he and Ling Tian have a battle first! ?

Ling Tian sat there cross-legged, from beginning to end, without intending to move.

Others may not know, but after thinking about it, the old man has already said that Yuan Qing is actually not a true disciple of the punishment department. He could not sit still in the position of this holy land immortal monarch.

Although Ling Tian hadn't thought about competing for the position of the Holy Land Immortal Lord, in fact, he was the Holy Land Immortal Lord of the Criminal Ministry.

Why do you want to give up position! ?

"Oh!? Where is your brother? Who is your brother!?"

Ling Tian Yuguang said with a glance.

When everyone heard the words, they all took a breath.

Is Ling Tian pretending to be stupid? ?

Yuan Qing, the holy land of the Criminal Ministry, doesn't he know that terrible monkey! ?

"You! You don't know my brother!? My brother is Yuan Qing, the holy land of your criminal ministry!"

"Only you are worthy of his position!?"

Yuan Fang was even more anxious.

Like Yuan Qing, he has a hot personality.

If it weren't for the solemn occasion today, he would have taken the shot long ago.

"Oh, Yuan Qing, where is he now!? If he wants this position, let him tell me by himself."

"Where did you come from, and also take care of the affairs of my criminal department!?"

Ling Tian sneered.

But Yuan Qing didn't pay attention to it at all.

"You, you are looking for death!"

"My brother will be back soon, and you will definitely pay the price at that time!"

Yuan Fang said angrily.

"Then wait until he comes, now, you can shut up, noisy!"

Ling Tian sneered, and immediately sat upright, not looking at him anymore.

"I am so angry!"

Yuan Fang was furious, but Song Yin next to him pressed Yuan Fang, "Be calm and not restless, it's still early, it will make him suffer."

"Don't wait for Brother Yuan to come back."

Song Yin sneered, he naturally saw the Guqin behind Ling Tian.

"Qingxiao Crane Tears? Haha..."

The ten fingers in Song Yin's sleeve moved.

Originally, when he came to the Holy Land, he was going to challenge Di Jiuge's piano skills. Unexpectedly, a second four-character piano appeared in the Holy Land.

That's just right, let's take this Ling Tian operation first.

He has just arrived at the Holy Land and is about to make a blockbuster.

He has heard a lot of legends about Ling Tian along the way, this guy is the most perfect stepping stone.

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