Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2371: A knife that big

Immortal Sovereign, the Holy Land of the Water Ministry, who made the masters helpless.

Today, will you see her make a move! ?

When everyone thought of it, it seemed that they hadn't seen Di Jiuge make a move for a long time.

"Who is talking about the water ministry!?"

Master Luo spoke.

But Di Jiuge looked away from Zhao Min in Ling Tian's arms, and said coldly: "Unworthy."

Not worthy! ?

Just two words.


However, the expressions of other fairy monarchs changed.

Not worthy, say who is not worthy! ?

Isn't the holy land immortal monarchs of other departments worthy of her to talk about the Tao! ?

It's crazy!

However, because she was Di Jiuge, everyone's expressions changed, but no one stood up and questioned.

"Zijin, you go!"

Guru Shuibe shook his head and looked at the woman of heaven.

She could not influence the decision of Di Jiuge at all.

Even in the past three years, she hadn't instructed Di Jiuge at all.

In fact, she has nothing to point out.

She didn't even know what Di Jiuge got in the Holy Land except for entering the temple.

She suddenly came to the Holy Land three years ago, is it just because of the temple and Saint Bi? ?

This seems to not convince everyone.


Behind Di Jiuge, Zijin responded.

She had already wanted to shoot, but no matter how, no one challenged her.

This was the opportunity, and she would naturally not give up.

"Since you will bully people, please ask Liu Xian of the Ministry of Finance to come out and discuss the truth!"

"Let you know what a knife is!"

Zijin's voice fell, and many people looked at Jin Bu together.

It's interesting, Zijin is really looking at Ling Tian, ​​so he has the only chance to seek revenge from the Ministry of Finance.

And when he opened his mouth, he was looking for Liu Zhao's younger brother.


Liu Xian frowned. He was defeated by Ling Tian on the climbing road, and his fighting spirit has not recovered. Now facing the legendary and powerful woman of the sky, he has no bottom in his heart.

"Go, it's impossible, you want me to hide your shame!?"

"You and I are both the royal family of the Liu family, don't embarrass the family!"

Liu Zhao said coldly.

"OK then!"

Liu Xian had no choice but to get up and fly onto the platform.

In order to be cautious, after taking the stage, he released all his breath, holding the sword in his hand tightly.

That is also a national weapon.

Good grade.

"Tsk tusk, this is also called a knife!?"

"How about playing house!?"

However, Zi Jin did laugh strangely, holding his shoulders, full of disdain.

"This is a national sword, how come it's not a sword!?"

Liu Xian was ashamed.

The sword in his hand was four feet long, a palm wide, golden light, and very mighty.

"No, let you see, what is the courage of a hundred soldiers!"

Zi Yan shook his head, suddenly grabbed his hands behind his shoulders, and the next moment, everyone including Ling Tian couldn't help taking a breath.

Zijin also drew a big knife from behind.

Why do you say the big knife, because this knife is covered in black and yellow, and when seen from a distance, it looks like a huge door panel!

Both hands held the large sword that landed on the ground, its size was so big that it covered Zijin's body.

This huge national sword is bigger than Zijin's.

This is too amazing! ?

"Amazing, amazing!"

Ling Tian shook his head repeatedly.

He had never expected that Zijin could use such a domineering sword with such a slender and graceful figure! ?

It's so eye-catching!

"Wow, this knife is so big!"

Feng Qixi opened his hands.

On the stage, Zijin stretched out his hand and rubbed his nose, a sneer appeared on his face suddenly: "Come on, let auntie play with you, what is a knife!"


In the next moment, Zijin seemed to have used all his strength to eat milk, took a deep breath, and rounded the big knife that had fallen on the ground.

When the terrifying sword intent was released, Liu Xian only felt as if a large mountain was slashing towards him, and the next moment, the whole person was shocked and flew out.

This knife even directly hit Xiyuefeng to Liu Xian.

"Oh, I can't help but fight!"

Zijin stretched out his hand to cover his forehead and took a look, and immediately took the big knife, "Whoever wants to learn later, I will accompany you!"

"Holy Land Xianjun will do too!"

After that, she retired.

How chic and domineering.

"Wow, sister Zijin is so handsome, I'm a fan!"

Feng Qixi Jiang Zijin next, don't know why, very intimate.


The immortal monarchs of the sacred places looked at each other, but none of them spoke.

Zijin just meant to provoke the holy land fairy, but this woman has been famous for a long time, and there is the figure of the heaven behind.

If it weren't for the Emperor Jiuge of the Ministry of Water, perhaps she would have been able to become the Holy Land Fairy of the Ministry of Water.

"Zijin's sword technique is indeed overbearing." Ling Tian glanced at that Zijin and said in his heart.

This kind of inheritance is not in his team.

But unfortunately, Zijin has his own team.

"It seems that the strength of the Holy Land disciples in this entry is very good, and some have seen it."

Master Luo said that the masters all showed interesting looks. Although newcomers will perform on Taoism, it is ultimately the stage for the elderly. Every time there are new disciples, the teachers will let newcomers perform first. , And then frustrated their spirit.

But this year’s newcomers are very interesting, especially this year. They feel that the talents of this year’s disciples are likely to be higher than the previous one. At least for now, Zhao Min and Zijin are both very good. You Luo Yan never shot, as the jewel in the palm of the Grand Master, no one would doubt her combat power.

Go to the fire department.

Someone in the crowd became excited.

The Fire Department is the upper three of the Holy Land, only under the Xing Department and Lei Department.

And the representative of the Fire Department is the Holy Land Fairy Du Can of the Fire Department!

Without any accident, what Du Can wanted to target was Ling Tian.

Therefore, he chose Lei Bu's Feng Qixi to discuss the Tao.

The flame whip used by Du Can is the same as Qixi Festival.

"Du Can, I advise you to be careful!"

The wind continued coldly.

"Hehe, Feng Jixing, you and I are both holy land immortals, you can't command me!"

However, Du Can sneered and flew onto the platform.

As a result, there were no surprises.

Compared with Zhao Min, Feng Qixi still did not comprehend the complete Feng Qi Lei, so Du Can took off the platform when he met.

The injury was serious.

"Chinese Valentine's Day!"

Mo Yu felt distressed and took Feng Qixi down.

"It's okay, when Miss Ben can display seven wind thunders, she must be destroyed!"

The corner of Feng Qixi's mouth was filled with blood.

After the fire department, we went to the soil department.

Tubu and Ling Tian didn't have any grudges, and they randomly selected their own disciples to discuss the Tao.

In the end, it was finally Lei's turn to take action.

Feng Jixing Ling Ran flew onto the platform.

Fengshen Junyi, surrounded by thunder, is inexhaustible.

Will he choose Ling Tian to fight! ?

Many people looked at Ling Tian who was sitting cross-legged at the front of the Criminal Ministry.

The hatred between Feng Jixing and Ling Tian seems to be deeper than anyone else!

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