Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2387: Prince is here

"It's the Lost Sea in the place where humans, demons, and heavens meet."

Luo Yan said solemnly.

"What? Are you in the Lost Sea?"

Feng Qixi was shocked when he heard the words.

"Lost Sea, is it far?"

Ling Tian asked.

"Well, it's far away from Chu State. Without formations, there will be no three or five years. Don't even think about coming here, and the lost sea is huge. It will take a year to cross it, I don't know. , Where are we now in the Lost Sea."

Feng Qixi Road.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect that Saint Bi's chose to be here this time."

Mo Yu murmured, his eyes filled with excitement.

"Now that you are sober, let's continue!"

The Master once again swept the ancient fans across the Lost Sea.

Unexpectedly, I haven't reached the land of Saint Bih!

Moreover, this trip took five full days.

Within five days, they never stopped for a moment. In the end, they finally landed on an island. This island had no city, but a deserted island.

Moreover, Ling Tian also faintly sensed that there were many powerful monsters faintly emerging in this lost sea.

It seems that they have reached the lair of the sea monster clan.

Moreover, on this desert island, everyone once again saw Chu's green tiger cavalry.

"Where are the general and the three princes?"

The master brought everyone down on the deserted island and asked the fairy king iron cavalry.

"I arrived yesterday. The general and the three halls went down to look around and will be back soon."

The Immortal King Iron Cavalry responded. As soon as his voice fell, there was a group of mighty figures coming towards this side in the distance.

"Hehe, Master, you are finally here." There was a voice, and Ling Tian looked up and looked in the distance. A group of people came surrounded by thousands of green tigers and horses, and their temperament was extraordinary.

Among them, Ling Tian saw the second prince and the third prince that he hadn't forgotten so far.

Of the remaining two people, one of them seemed to be old, but was full of energy, with a strong aura, and was chasing the master.

The other person, on the other hand, looked pale, as if he was suffering from a dark illness, and he had reached the point of middle age.

Although Ling Tian didn't know the two, he could guess it.

Qu Wentong, the general of the town, and the prince of Chu!

"Haha, Master of Holy Land, meet the prince, your two princes."

The master smiled and arched his hands towards those people.

The Master was respected and respected, and the honor of the Prince and the Palace of the Prince was also based on the face of the Lord of Chu.

"Master, don't do this, we can't afford it!"

The prince flashed over first, and at the same time gave the master a salute.

The same is true for the other two princes.

Only Qu Wentong smiled and did not move.

"General Qu! Unexpectedly, you were so anxious this time that you never waited for me."

Then, the Master took a fancy to Qu Wentong.

"Master, don't blame it!"

Qu Wentong arched his hands.

Although he is the leader of Chu's army, after all, he is inferior to the master in his seniority, so he still surrendered.

"My original intention was to bring the iron cavalry over, and for the holy land's arrogances, to explore the way first, and to clean the sea monsters along the way, you don't know, going forward here, the sea monster is extremely powerful."

Qu Wentong smiled.

But his heart was cold.

He wanted to see the so-called place of Saint Bibi before the Master arrived.

Because, he has already received news that this time in the land of Saint Bibi has involved a great secret.

As the top figure in charge of the army of Chu State, he was also trying to protect the second prince from becoming the next Lord of Chu State. Of course, he wanted to find out.

But helpless, the prince followed all the way, and without a master, they couldn't find the entrance to the land of the holy comparison.

"Hehe, that's really a General Lao."

The Master smiled, noncommittal, but seemed to see everything through.

However, the Master has never been involved in Gongdou, so he closed one eye for Qu Wentong's move.

"Master, I heard that this new year of the Holy Land freshman is extremely good, not even worse than the Holy Land Fairy!?"

"That girl, is that Di Jiuge?"

Qu Wentong looked at the sea, the clear blue figure holding the staff, standing on the back of a blue dragon.

However, even though Qu Wentong spoke, Nadi Jiuge never opened his eyes.

It seems that I have never heard Qu Wentong's figure.


Qu Wentong's face changed immediately.

Such a younger generation is too ignorant of etiquette.

Moreover, in front of so many recognitions.

"General, don't forget, this woman is the Emperor."

But the Master also said lightly.

"Hehe, OK, the descendants of the Emperor's family, they really have some character."

Qu Wentong looked at the crowd again, "Who is Yuan Qing?"

"Junior Yuan Qing, meet the general!"

Yuan Qing is different from Di Jiuge. He flew down from the back of the black ape and saluted Qu Wen.

"Hehe, you are the legendary monkey! Yes, I heard that you have stirred up the earth in Dawei and made a name for my Chu State. I hope this time, you can smoothly get out of Saint Bi and enter the Palace of the Immortal King!"

Qu Wentong praised.

"Junior knows."

Yuan Qing nodded.

"Where is the wind continuing?"

Qu Wentong's voice fell, and Feng continued to stand out from the crowd.

"Junior Feng continues to travel, I have met the general!"

Feng Jixing was a descendant of the second prince, and he naturally knew the general.

"Well, I'm overweight and I heard that you have done a great job in the Taoist Palace. I am really happy for you. This time, Saint Bi, I hope you can also win and enter the Palace of the Immortal King!"

Qu Wentong took a meaningful look at the wind continued.

"Following the line, I will definitely live up to the general's high expectations!"

Feng Jixing bowed.

"Well, since all the arrogances of the Holy Land have arrived, Master, let's go!"

Qu Wentong let Feng Jixing retreat to the crowd.

Leave it alone! ?

Everyone looked at Ling Tian.

To say that the famous Tianjiao in the Holy Land, it seems that the nearest Ling Tian, ​​is more famous than Feng Jixing!

Why didn't Qu Wentong ever ask?

Or, deliberately! ?

Ling Tian smiled on Qing Niu's back without paying attention.

They didn't like the second prince, and the second prince also wanted to get rid of him, Qu Family Tianjiao, who had been severely humiliated by him in Dao Palace, and Qu Wentong would naturally not give himself the qualification to speak.

"Okay, let's go, Shengbi's power, there is still one day away from here."

The master nodded and urged the ancient fan to take everyone into the air, and the green tiger cavalry and the three princes also followed suit.

It didn't take long before Ling Tian saw a mysterious aura in the distance. A terrible whirlpool seemed to appear on the surface of the sea. What was even more heartbreaking was that there was a terrible demonic air permeating out of the sea. Can't hide this evil spirit.

"Here, the entrance of Saint Bi's Land, in the deep sea, we need to go through the sea, there are groups of monsters gathered nearby, you follow me." The master said and the ancient slapped into the sea.

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