Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2392: Ancient Lingchi

"Go, this trip is still dangerous, you are waiting for the opportunity."

Ling Tian looked at the clone.


The avatar nodded, it really seemed to have an independent consciousness. The next moment, it turned into a flame gust, tearing the space, and rushing to the sacred mountain.

"Then Ling Tian, ​​what shall we do now!?"

Feng Qixi asked.

"This world has a mixed atmosphere and chaotic rules. Let's get the quota to enter the Immortal King Palace first!"

"Let's go, don't worry, here are all fierce beasts and treasures of heaven and wealth!"

"Opportunity and danger coexist, be careful!"

Ling Tian recognized the next direction. On Luo Ji's map, Ling Tian found the pagoda-shaped mountain that the master said. It is still thousands of miles away from where they are. At the current speed of everyone, I am afraid that it will be there. It takes a lot of time.

At least, Ling Tian was already around, and found the aura of a lot of powerful fierce beasts, each of which was definitely not under the battle power of the fifth-order immortal king!

Sure enough, everyone had just climbed over a mountain ridge in front, and saw a dozen fierce beasts wrapped in a tyrannical atmosphere in the valley below.

These fierce beasts are shaped like bats and are golden in shape. The smallest one is a hundred meters in size.

Even in the center of the many golden bats, there is a huge monster beast entrenched, like the king of these fierce beasts.

However, in the middle of these fierce beasts is a pool in the canyon.

The fairy spirit in the pool was tumbling, and the pool water was milky white, and you could smell it from a distance. The scent of the water was soaring to the sky.

"It's the golden bat monster and the ancient spirit pool!"

Luo Yan raised his eyebrows.

The Luo family has been deeply cultivating this world for hundreds of years, and naturally they have some understanding of the things inside.

"Ancient Lingchi!? It sounds like a good thing!"

Feng Qixi raised eyebrows.

"Well, in the ancient spiritual pond, it was formed by the condensed aura of this world, and it is the top cultivation resource."

Luo Yan nodded.

Today, although their combat power is tyrannical, none of them has reached the peak of Xianjun in cultivation.

And this time in Saint Bi, their goal is to obtain the qualifications to enter the Immortal King Hall, and at the same time, to advance their cultivation to the peak of the Immortal King, so that they can try to break through to the Immortal King Realm in the Immortal King Hall.

Otherwise, if the cultivation level is not enough, it will be in vain to enter the Immortal King Palace!

"Moreover, in this world, there are still many ancient spiritual ponds like this one!"

Luo Yan continued.

"Wow, that's great, it's no wonder that the Master will use this as the place of the holy comparison, this ancient spiritual pool, we are bound to win!"

Feng Qixi became excited.

Ling Tian smiled, "The ancient spirit pool is a good thing, but this golden bat monster has also become a fierce beast. The combat power is not weak, and it is definitely not inferior to the demon king of the same level. Are you sure?"

"Cut, don't underestimate us, we are already very strong now, there are only a dozen fierce beasts, this time you are watching by the side, six of us are enough!"

Feng Qixi pouted her little mouth, "Sister Xianzhi, play the piano, let's go!"

After all, Feng Qixi took the lead, rushed out of the thunder whip at his waist, and rushed down the mountain ridge.

"Chinese Valentine's Day, be careful, pay attention to the battlefield!"

Mo Yu also quickly followed.

"This girl!"

Zhao Min shook his head. Although Feng Qixi is strong enough now, his personality is still fierce.

Fortunately, all the daughters came down together, and under Zuo Xianzhi's piano sound, the six formed a battle formation, and their combat power skyrocketed.

Ling Tian walked slowly, fighting at this level was not enough for him to take action. The six of them were indeed enough.

This time, the Saint Ratio can also be used to verify the power of their battle formation, what kind of limit it can reach.


And when Feng Qixi and others rushed down, the group of golden bat demon also found this group of uninvited guests.

They are fierce beasts that have evolved over thousands of years here. They can’t transform their shapes and are not very intelligent, but they are extremely fierce in combat, and they are not afraid of death. In a short time, under the fierce roar of the Golden Bat Demon King, the Golden Bat The demon left the ancient spirit pond and killed him.

These golden bat monsters are all above the Tier 4 Immortal King, and their combat power has skyrocketed under the fierceness. If Feng Qixi and others confronted alone, they would definitely not be able to cope easily.

However, under the sound of Zuo Xianzhi's piano played by Bi Tianfeng in his hand, the combat power of the war song blessed everyone has skyrocketed, and under the rhythm, the golden bat monsters even slowed down.

"Feng Qi Lei, go!"

"The Arrow of Holy Light!"

"Blood Fiend destroys the soul palm!"

"Autumn water has no trace!"

"Mo Zhiyun, cut!"

Feng Qixi and the others also took their positions and turned into a defensive battle formation before the ancient Lingchi.

The wind and thunder of Feng Qixi controlled a radius of dozens of miles, Zhao Min Luo Yan's offensive supernatural powers were fierce, Mo Yu and Ran Qinghong guarded both sides of Zuo Xianzhi.

In an instant, the golden bat demon rushed into the battlefield.



For a time, the whole mountain was shaking wildly.

However, although the golden bat demon is good at offensive, after rushing into the battlefield, he is controlled by Feng Qixi's thunder whip, making it difficult to move.

At the same time, the supernatural powers of Zhao Min, Luo Yan and others had already descended.

A dozen golden bat monsters of Tier 4 Immortal King level, don't kill them in the battle formation in less than half a cup of tea.

Feng Qixi and others were not even touched by the golden bat demon.

Especially tyrannical.

Ling Tian in the back couldn't help nodding his head. In the past six months, the growth of Feng Qixi and others has been remarkable.


However, the golden bat demon group was beheaded, and the last golden bat demon king in front of the ancient spirit pool was angered.

He suddenly rushed to the sky, his wings bloomed, full of two thousand feet, golden wings, blooming with ten thousand golden lights, the fifth-order cultivation base of the immortal king, and his fighting power went straight to the once great demon king You Yan.

This kind of existence was also quite difficult for Ling Tian to deal with when he was in Dao Palace.

"Don't be aggressive, retreat if you lose!"

Ling Tian sat on Qing Niu's back and said.

"No refund, we can deal with it!"

Feng Qixi's face was tight.

The fifth rank of the Immortal King has already made their combat power the pinnacle.

There are six of them, and if even the fifth-order immortal king can't be killed, the gap with the holy land immortal king would be too big.


At this time, the Golden Bat Demon King turned into a golden glow, and the electric shot arrived.

"Xianzhi, Qin Yin protects me!"

Feng Qixi screamed, dancing the long whip, standing in front of the crowd.

"Seven thunders, come down!"

At any time, on the battlefield, seven thunders descended, so that within a radius of tens of miles, there was thunder.


Sure enough, after the golden bat demon rushed into the battlefield, he was surrounded by seven winds of thunder, and screamed sternly.

Today, Feng Qixi has been able to display seven thunders.

"Chinese Valentine's Day, not enough!"

However, the seven thunders of Fengqixi Festival have a gap compared with those of the wind continuing to use the sword to defend against thunder. What's more, the Fengqi Lei of the past years cannot control You Yan under a complete victory, and it is the same now.

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