Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2394: Will Jinzhu

Dare to make a move! ?

The authentic disciple of Xuantian saw that Luo Yan shot directly, and was immediately furious.

They are the disciples of the Xuantian School of the Great Wei. In the immortal kingdom of not the Four Great Immortals, whoever meets the Xuantian School's disciples is not respectful.

Even if it is the master of the country, they Xuantian is authentic, and they don't give face.

Although the combat power of this Kingdom of Chu is good, it is still not the Four Great Immortals.

Not to mention, so many of them.

This woman dared to make a move, she was impatient! ?

The headed Xuantian Zhengzong disciple immediately shot out angrily.

The cultivation base aura of the high-level fairy erupted, and he pulled out the top fairy king sword on his waist, and then dropped a sword aura, trying to cut the scarlet iron cord of Luo Yan.

However, it's just a mere sword.


Almost at the moment when the iron cable and the Immortal King Sword touched, the latter was crashed to pieces.

The shattered ones, as well as that god-level sword intent, and sword weapons!

"What!? It's a national weapon!"

The Xuantian authentic disciple was immediately surprised, Chu's Tianjiao disciple, when did he have such a rich background, and he came across a team, and there was a national weapon! ?

"The breath of Xuantian, protect my body!"

But that Xuantian authentic disciple had also seen the market. Although Guoqi was tyrannical, he still wouldn't let him sit still.

Immediately, Haoran was righteous, blessing the whole body of the disciple, and condensed into a Haoran light shield, this was Xuantian's authentic defensive supernatural power.

The degree of toughness is terrible.


However, Luo Yan's iron cable was pulled down, and it turned out to be directly entangled on the light shield of the Xuantian authentic disciple.


Then, Luo Yan used a fierce force to pull the Xuantian authentic disciple over.

what! ?

That disciple was terrified at this time, Luo Yan's national weapon power turned out to be a bondage!

But at this time he couldn't break free.

"Blood Yin Han Guang Claw!"

Immediately, Luo Yan stretched out the ten-fingered claws that looked like the blade of a national weapon, tore through the void, directly penetrated the mysterious sky, and tore the disciple into a cloud of blood.


The pinnacle of high-level fairy monarchs.

Even within the Xuantian authentic sect of the Chu Kingdom, there are not many disciples of this level.

But facing Luo Yan, from the shot to the end, it only took three breaths, and he was so miserably tortured.

No mercy.

Even Luo Yan's face didn't have any fluctuations.

She was full of cold and evil spirits, and this kind of aura could definitely be possessed by people whose hands were covered with blood.

Even Feng Qixi and the others looked at Luo Yan, and couldn't help taking a deep breath. They seemed to have forgotten before, Luo Yan, but the witch of Chu Kingdom.

But it was after joining Ling Tian's team that Luo Yan became much quieter.

Now, it is Luo Yan's true appearance.

"You, you, you actually killed Brother Li!? Do you know who he is?"

The remaining authentic disciples of Xuantian were frightened and inexplicably panicked one by one.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter who it is, you are all going to die!"

Luo Yan shook the iron cable in his hand and the charming waist and walked over. Today, she is like a glamorous **** of death.

"Senior Brother Li is Brother Haoran's own disciple, you kill him, Senior Brother Haoran, you will never let you go. Under the nine sons of Wei, you are really going to die!"

Those Xuantian authentic disciples were terrified, but still did not forget to threaten Luo Yan.

"Li Haoran!?"

"We really have grievances to understand, not bad this one."

Ling Tian raised his hand and motioned to Luo Yan.

The iron wire in the latter's hand instantly turned into a thousand feet long, like a scarlet devil snake, swept toward the group of disciples.


Those disciples immediately covered themselves upright, wanting to turn into golden light to escape from here.

But the scarlet iron rope of the national equipment is so fast, the body speed of these immortal monarchs is in Luo Yan's eyes, just like children playing. .

In the next moment, Tiesuo **** a dozen disciples, and Guoqi ignored their screams and tightened. In the end, Luo Yan didn't even use his claw magical powers and strangled these people to death.

However, in a short moment, all the authentic disciples of Xuantian Sect were all killed by Luo Yan.

This made Zuo Xianzhi and others frowned.

Luo Yan, really cruel.

"Don't be surprised. These disciples can gather together, none of them are innocent. To live is also a scourge."

Ling Tian raised his hand and asked Mo Yu to clean up the body.

"There are not a lot of spiritual liquids in the ancient spiritual pond here."

He was standing in front of the spirit pond, and the spirit pond in front of him seemed to have only a radius of Zhang Xu, which should be considered small.

"Who will collect it!?"

Everyone looked at each other, and finally fell on Zuo Xianzhi, "Xianzhi's cultivation base is the lowest, give it to Xianzhi, so that she can quickly raise her cultivation base."

Feng Qixi Road.

Now, Zuo Xianzhi's cultivation base is only slightly higher than Ling Tian.

"Yes, Xianzhi's cultivation base is higher, and it will be much safer. Our team can't live without Xianzhi now!"

"Xianzhi, come on, collect these spiritual liquids."

Zhao Min also said.

Zuo Xianzhi looked at Ling Tian.

"Come on!"

Ling Tian nodded, and Zuo Xianzhi stepped forward, running his mind, and began to absorb the elixir.

Although it still takes time to refine these spiritual liquids to improve their cultivation base, at least the resources are available, and the rest can only be handed over to time.

"Ling Tian, ​​there is something in the corpses of these fierce beasts."

At this time, Luo Yan found some golden beads from the corpses of the beheaded beasts.

This bead looks a bit similar to a crystal nucleus, but the energy surging makes people feel convulsed.


Ling Tian turned the beads, and after a while, his pupils shrank.

"It seems that you can improve your will strength!?"

"Strengthen the will of diligence!? What do you mean, can it be possible to make the will of the fairy king become the will of the fairy king!?"

Feng Qixi was surprised.


Ling Tian handed the beads to Ran Qinghong, "Helper, you give it a try!?"

The latter was startled, but still took the bead and absorbed it directly.

The energy of the beads turning into golden yellow sinks into the body of dyed green rainbow.

After a while, Yan Qinghong's eyes lit up, "Yes, although the level of realm is very small, it does make my top fairy king will become stronger."

"I'll go, then this fierce beast is the real baby!"

Everyone looked at each other, their eyes faintly flashed with excitement.

Nowadays, each of them has a god-level physique, and it is no problem to be promoted to the Immortal King.

But wanting to advance the physique from the god-level to the holy-level physique is even more difficult.

And the will of the early days, either has a great opportunity in the body, but has obtained the inheritance left by the ancient sages, or it is through their own understanding.

But the speed of the latter is slow.

And it is extremely difficult to break through the border and improve.

For example, Ran Qinghong and Zuo Xianzhi in the team today, it is almost impossible for them to rely on themselves to understand the will of the immortal venerable level.

Among the seven, only Zhao Min did this.

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