Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2396: The strange stone in the pond

His eyes stared straight at the ancient spirit pond, and his eyes showed an unprecedented hot color.

After searching for so long, he finally found it.

When all the demon kings saw this scene, their faces showed different colors. He was still staring, and he didn't mean to leave at all.

"Hahaha, you see, this human race is like a dog, so he can't bear to leave!"

They couldn't help but laughed.

In their eyes, Ling Tian looked like a beggar thinking about the emperor's treasure.

This is really overkill, a human fairy prince dare to approach their demon prince, and also wants to get involved in their treasures! ?

"Hehe, since it's here, hurry up and kneel down. If you are willing to be one of our dogs, I may not kill you when I wait, play with you for a few days, and give you some spiritual solution, how about!?"

A crowd of demon monarchs, with arrogant expressions, hummed coldly. In them, the horrible devilish energy was writhing, a little frightening.

Ling Tian's cultivation base was too low, they felt that a move of their fingers would be enough to kill this person.

But what was surprising was that there were no such people in Ling Tian's eyes. He stared at the ancient spirit pond, his eyes became more and more fiery.

Because, he seems to have discovered that this ancient spirit pool is not unusual, it is not small, and there is a big stone hidden inside. On top of this big stone, the faintly released aura has not been submerged by the aura of Emperor Qingxiao’s suspicious mound. .

It shows that it is extraordinary.

This boulder, most likely, is a rough stone enclosing a divine object!

Unexpectedly, looking for the entrance to the underground palace here would have unexpected gains.

"Is this guy a fool?"

"Haven't seen Lingchi?"

Next to the ancient spirit pool, a group of demon kings gradually became gloomy. This human race turned out to be a fool, so they didn't even have the qualifications to be a dog, so they shot directly after a few beatings.

The devilish energy was condensed into a sharp sword, attacked through the air, and instantly smashed Ling Tian.


Unexpectedly, the sword light fell on Ling Tian, ​​making a clanging sound, sputtering countless sparks, without hurting Ling Tian.

Different colors flashed in the eyes of other demon kings, and many people shot at the same time, and they each sacrificed the devil weapon in their hands.


With the cultivation base of the senior demon king, they spurred the demon king's weapon and exploded with extremely terrifying coercion. There were magical powers in an instant, transforming into various demon shadows, as if they had come alive, biting them towards Ling Tian.

However, Ling Tian didn't move, he didn't seem to put the magical powers of these demon monarchs in his eyes at all, he just raised his hand gently. He caught all the magical powers that the demon king had struck, and immediately waved, the magical powers and shadows wailed in the air, struggling in mid-air for a few laps, and burst apart.

Click! Click!

There was a loud noise in midair, and those supernatural powers burst, releasing a terrible aftermath, shaking in all directions.

All the demon kings were shocked and pale in an instant.

They can't calm down, they can't imagine, they feel incredible. One after another, staring at a silver armor, there is a faintly red flame-filled Human Race Immortal Monarch, the weak human race that had been dismissed before, seems to have become completely invisible.

"Hehe, Demon Lord!? Still so weak!"

Ling Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was awake, and looked at the group of demons coldly.

These supernatural powers are very similar to You Yan, and should also be the inheritance of that Extreme Demon Palace.

"who are you!?"

Those Demon Lords were furious, and among the human race, those with such tyrannical combat power were definitely not unknown people.

They will not fail to know each other.

"Haha, me!?"

"Human Lingtian!"

This time, Ling Tian admitted his identity.

If you want to come to the devil, you should not be unfamiliar.

"What!!? Terran Lingtian!? The guy who led the Terran to defeat my demon army by a million before the Dao Palace!"

"In the first battle that year, many Tier 4 demon kings died in his hands!"

Many demon monarchs, after being shocked, knew Ling Tian's identity in an instant, they were shocked, angry and terrified!

In the name of Ling Tian, ​​in the Extreme Demon Palace, almost no demon knows it.

In the Dao Palace battle, in the end only Yu Li returned with a serious injury with Huntian Banner.

The millions of demons have all been annihilated.

And all this is because of a human race named Ling Tian!

At that time, Yuli swore that he would kill Lingtian, and then, with endless resentment, entered the abyss of the extreme demon, looking for inheritance.

It was also a month ago that he walked out of the abyss of the extreme demon, and his combat power was almost at the peak level among the demon kings.

The name of Ling Tian, ​​because of this, has become the existence that the dark demons hate.

No demon king didn't want to kill him.

"Hehe, since you know it, it's much easier, you guys, **** it."

Ling Tian sneered.

"Look at me waiting!?"

Among the group of demon monarchs, there was Tianjiao of Extreme Demon Palace, frightened.

Although they are not as good as the current Yuli, now they really want to see how powerful Ling Tian is!

Immediately, the Demon Lord shouted angrily, and then took out a black spear, the spear flared, like a demon flood dragon pressing against Ling Tian.

This is the magical power of Extreme Demon Palace, extremely powerful.

Even if they face the fourth-order demon king, they can still fight.


The spear fell, and the dragon turned across.

Like a mountain and river falling from the sky, with a hot dark flame, rumbling down, extremely powerful.


Surprising things happened. Ling Tian clenched his five fingers tightly, his body was like an extremely hard rock, and the tip of his spear was shattered by his fist. Immediately afterwards, his fist light resembled a blue dragon destroying and rotten, and as he approached, his gun body continued to shatter.

The devil dragon was annihilated, and even the weapon of the devil was broken.

Today, Ling Tian's clone was made of Gengjin and Tianhuo refined iron. The body is so strong that it is no less than the size of the Canglong. It is not a national weapon, so I don't want to hurt him.

His avatar's combat power is even more chasing the fifth-order big devil.

How could these demon kings hurt him? ?


Ling Tian was full of sky fire, stretched out his big hand, turned into a big palm, and crashed down.

Under this palm, the void was distorted by the power of the violent flame, and it looked like it was crushed.

One can imagine how terrifying the outbreak of Ling Tian's clone is.

"Do not!"

Those demon kings were terrified, but there was no time to escape, and in the end they were pressed by Ling Tian's big hands under his palmprints.

The storm cleared, and the big hand was gone.

And these demon kings all died before the ancient spirit pond.


Ling Tian snorted coldly, ignoring the corpses of these demon monarchs, and went straight to the ancient spirit pond.

This ancient spirit pond was huge enough to be a hundred feet tall, and the purity of the spirit in the spirit pond was enough to make all the fairy princes feel hot, but Ling Tian's clone didn't need it, and he didn't bother about it either.

Now, in his eyes, there is only the big stone and Emperor Qingxiao's suspicious mound.

Stepping into the spirit pond, Ling Tian clone walked directly to the bottom of the pond.

Sure enough, in the middle of the rich pool water stood a huge boulder one foot high.

The surface of the boulder is light golden and slender.

Ling Tian stretched out his hand and touched it, and even took out the Wentian Qilin halberd and landed on the rock, but let alone smashing the rock, there was no scar on the surface.

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