Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2398: Encounter Three Princes

"Then Ling Tian, ​​our current route is to look for that evil soul ancient grass!?"

Feng Qixi was very excited.

"Well, yes, although it is common to raise monster flowers, the ancient evil spirit grass is considered a wonder in the world, and there are not many in this ruin. There is just one where we are going now."

"Hurry up, it's almost there."

Ling Tian greeted, urged the blue cow, and left.

Everyone naturally followed in a hurry.

If you find the Evil Soul Ancient Grass earlier, you will soon be able to harvest a large amount of Will Gold Orbs.

However, when Ling Tian led the team to the mountains and gully where the ancient grass of the fierce soul was located, he found that there were already people there, and they had already climbed first.

That's right, this time it's still Terran.

Moreover, it is the arrogant of Jixia Holy Land.

"Liu Zhao, the team of the Three Princes!"

Zhao Min and others stood on the cliff and looked over.

At this time in the dense forest gully, there was soaring golden light volleying freely with sword intent and supernatural powers.

This is the supernatural aura of the fairy monarch of the Jinbu Holy Land.

Then Liu Zhao is here, and so is the third prince.

"Ling Tian, ​​is the Fierce Soul Ancient Grass really here!?"

Feng Qixi frowned.

Unexpectedly, I met one of the top teams in the Holy Land so soon.

"Well, it's right below, and the terrain here is very suitable for arranging formations. It is a great place for hunting."

"But no one else is allowed here. The three princes' team should be kicked out."

Ling Tian rubbed his hands on Qing Niu's back, but he didn't feel anything.

It can only be said that these three princes were out of luck and ran into them so soon.

Everyone turned around and looked at Ran Qinghong again.

After all, there was a story before joining Qinghong and the Third Prince.

"I have nothing to do with the three princes. I have no opinion on sending them out."

Dye Qinghong pursed his mouth, his face is still as cold as autumn water.

"Well, before they kill the beast, grab him!"

Ling Tian's voice fell, and the seven members of the team shot down directly from the cliff.

In the ravine and deep forest, the three princes, with the holy land fairy Liu Zhao, as well as Liu Xian, Lan Zhan and others, are hunting down a thousand-foot-thousand-thousand-thousand fierce spider.

This fierce beast spider is the king of this area. Under the battle power of the fifth-order demon king, the battle power already wants to be terrifying.

If it were a year ago, even if Liu Zhao, who was a holy land immortal monarch, wanted to kill him, it would have been impossible.

Fortunately, a year later, Liu Zhao's combat power is not what it used to be, and the strength of Liu Xian and Lan Zhan in the team has also skyrocketed, not to mention that there are still three princes.

Although the third prince did not practice in the holy land, as a prince, the nobleman of the Chu Kingdom, he naturally had no talent. In addition, the famous teachers in the palace were like clouds, and the training resources were inexhaustible.

In this way, the cultivation base and combat power of the Third Prince was even stronger than that of the Holy Land Immortal Monarch Liu Zhao.

Therefore, even if the evil fierce spider is extremely terrifying on this day, but under the siege of everyone, it is gradually invincible.

"His Royal Highness, control him, I directly killed him with the Heavenly Golden Sword!"

Liu Zhao suddenly screamed.


The three princes nodded, and the next moment, a golden pagoda flew directly above his head.

Tongtian Lingbao!

As the prince, the third prince came to Shengbi this time, and brought another Tongtian Lingbao.

Compared with the previous black tower, this heavenly heavenly treasure is called the Soul-Suppressing Golden Pagoda, and it has a very strong ability to seal the town.

"Soul, seal!"

The Tongtian Pagoda faced the storm and instantly turned into a mountain of thousands of feet, falling from the sky, directly pressing on the back of the fierce spider that day.


The king of the fierce beast roared his pupils, already at the end of the crossbow, and now he was suppressed by the Tongtian Lingbao, unable to move anymore!

"Haha, your Highness, this spirit treasure is really good!"

Liu Zhao sighed, and his shoulders shook violently. In the fairy light, five golden swords volleyed in the sky. Under the top-level divine sword intent, the five swords poured into Liu Zhao's golden national sword.

Thousands of feet of golden sword light shot up into the sky, and then slammed down towards the fierce spider that day!

The Jin Jianfeng was extremely sharp, and the void was torn open a terrifying crack. Even though the fierce spider's body was good, it was still cut off its head by a sword.


"Yes, the golden bead in this fierce beast's body should be very strong."

Liu Zhao put away the national sword.

"Well, I want this golden bead, and you will divide it again when you wait for the next one."

The third prince put away the Tongtian Lingbao and was about to step forward.

In the depths of Liu Zhao's and Lan Zhan's pupils, a cold color flashed suddenly.

But nothing said.

No way, now the three princes are the leader of the team, everything must be listened to by him.

"Wait, we want this golden pearl of will."

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly rang from behind.

The three princes and others were startled, and then suddenly turned around.

He wanted to see which one was not long-eyed, and dared to come to him in the wild.

Li Zhao was also curious. His breath had been released just now, and Chu's Tianjiao could see that he should not come to cause trouble, could it be Wei's Tianjiao! ?

Before they were on the road, they had already encountered several waves of Wei's immortal monarchs.

"Huh!? Ling Tian!"

However, when they saw a group of seven people approaching, the Qingyi Xianjun riding on the back of Qingniu was sneering at you and looking at them.

This is not Ling Tian, ​​who else can it be! ?

They all thought about it, but they never expected that Ling Tian would take the initiative to ask for trouble!

"Haha, His Highness the Third Prince, it's really been a long time since I saw you!"

"Unexpectedly, we just met again in this ruin, you will give me a generous gift!"

On Qing Niu's back, Ling Tian chuckled.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are presumptuous! Now your Royal Highness is in person, you don't want to sit down and worship!?"

Liu Zhao shouted angrily.

This guy has such a posture now, it is clear that he did not put them in his eyes!

"Hahaha, see you in prayer!? Worship him?"

Ling Tian pointed to the third prince, "What kind of thing is he, worthy of me to see him!?"

Compared to the second prince, Ling Tian was even more disgusted. On the contrary, it was the third prince who had conspiracy in his heart.

Hypocrite, not as good as the real villain!

"Ling Tian, ​​are you trying to anger me!?"

The third prince tried hard to control himself, keeping his face unchanged.

But in the sleeve, it is already urging the soul-suppressing jinta.

"Three princes, we are all very busy too, so stop talking nonsense."

Ling Tian shrugged.

"What on earth do you want to do!?"

The third prince frowned, his gaze fell on the middlemen around Ling Tian, ​​and he could see that these people were still in the battlefield position.

And the power of this battle formation, he had seen it on the top of the sacred mountain.

He was never underestimated.

"I want everything, and I will kick you out of this ruin!"

Ling Tian's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are too arrogant! Kick us out? You deserve it too!"

Liu Zhao was ashamed and angry.

He is the holy land immortal monarch of the Jinbu, how can they be so despised by them.

"Come on, if the time for a cup of tea is lost, I will take it!"

But Ling Tian did not respond to Liu Zhao's questioning, Qing Niu stepped back and went directly behind Zuo Xianzhi.

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