Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2404: The girl of heaven lost

"Not only that, the Zijin team from the Ministry of Water and the Princess' team came first. They don't have so many gold beads in their hands, and they don't want to buy a position, they want to forcefully rush to Pagoda Mountain."

When Ling Tian heard this, his brows frowned, "No, their two teams are not opponents of those people, go up and take a look!"

He took the lead and swept directly onto the Pagoda Mountain.

Since Yuan Qing and the others were so shameless, he had no choice but to slap their faces fiercely on this pagoda mountain!

At this time, Zijin and Liu Zhaoer had already arrived halfway up the mountain.

Sure enough, they were stopped by Yuan Qing Du Can and others.

There are dozens of people in the four units.

Among them, the combat power of the holy land fairy monarch level is even more so than these four.

Yuan Qing, Feng Jixing, Du Can and Yang Tai are all recognized as the Seven Holy Lands.

Behind him, Song Yin, Qu Shenyou and others are not weak.

On the other hand, on the side of the Ministry of Water and the Ministry of Soil, it seems that only Zijin and Liu Zhaoer can see the past.

"Yuan Qing, Feng Jixing, you really don't give way!?"

Liu Zhao'er's pretty face was colder than ever before, and he looked at the powerful immortals above, and said coldly.

"Princess, don't blame me for not giving you face, this is the agreement of the four of us!"

"It's not hiding from you. Of the remaining three places, one is reserved for Di Jiuge, and there are only two of them!"

"It's not that you can't help it. As far as I know, Ling Tian has a lot of will gold beads in his hands. You can ask him to borrow them, and we don't want to do anything to the two girls!"

"Based on your relationship with Ling Tian, ​​it shouldn't be difficult to borrow more than a thousand will gold beads."

Feng Jixing's face was gloomy and didn't speak, but Yuan Qing sneered with the black iron club.

Feng Jixing didn't bother to use this despicable way to obtain gold beads. He wanted to come and want gold beads to fight Ling Tian Guangming.

However, the second prince had to unite Yuan Qing, Du Can and Yang Tai to humiliate Ling Tian.

He said that this approach is the safest. ,

In fact, I was afraid that I was not Ling Tian's opponent!

Feng Jixing took a deep breath, and what made him angry was that he just wanted to give Feng Qixi a place, but was rejected.

This allowed the wind to continue, and there was anger in his heart.

Began to become more and more dissatisfied with the second prince's camp.

"Borrow!? Do you really think that more than a thousand will gold beads is a small number!?"

Zi Yan was ashamed, "Moreover, even if I can borrow it, I won't give you despicable people!"

"It's really a shame for me to participate in Saint-Bird with you!"

"Haha, there is nothing to say, I, Liu Zhaoer, have been in the Holy Land for so long, and I really want to learn and teach you the abilities of the Holy Land Immortals!"


The princess snorted, and the two teams, a total of ten people, stepped forward at the same time.

Among them, the princess Liu Zhaoer is the first time to make a shot in front of the holy land Tianjiao, the will behind blooms, the immortal is powerful enough to match any holy land immortal, and her cultivation is vast, and she has reached the peak of the immortal!

This surprised Yang Tai, Du Can and others in their hearts!

Unexpectedly, the power of princess Liu Zhaoer has faintly surpassed them!

Not only that, Zijin on the side also radiated all the coercive aura, and its horror was not under Liu Zhaoer.

In short, if the two women compete normally with the Holy Land Tianjiao, they will definitely be able to enter the top ten.

"Huh, Sister Si Huang, you are really stubborn!"

"Following the trip, you must not hurt the Four Emperor Sisters, let her know that this is not a way!"

Behind everyone, the second prince sat on the big chair.

"Song Yin, if you take that Zijin, if you lose, I will take action."

Aside, Yuan Qing also looked behind him.

Song Yin came out holding the piano, "It's easy to say!"

In the next moment, the two rushed out with four of them, and took Liu Zhaoer and Zijin's team Xianjun.

"The emperor's phoenix palms!"

Liu Zhaoer stretched out an angry palm, and the boundless golden light turned into a huge phoenix and appeared on the Pagoda Mountain.

The most noble breath is exclusive to the royal family, and Liu Zhaoer seems to have cultivated this palm to the highest level.

As soon as it appeared, it changed the appearance of many fairy monarchs.

"Fortunately to learn the princess's unparalleled learning, I am offended to follow suit!"

However, Feng Jixing also had his face as usual, raising his big hands, and the terrifying breath of wind and thunder condensed on the sky.

Everyone is already familiar with this trick.

It was the Thunder Tribulation Handprint he once used!

More than a month ago, Feng Jixing had used it twice on the theory of Taoism.

But this time, it seemed even more terrifying than it was a month ago.

The wind and thunder covered the sky, directly suppressing Liu Zhaoer's phoenix sound.


The palms are facing each other on the sky, the golden light vents to the ground, and the sky is gilded.

Liu Zhaoer snorted and was shocked back.


In the distance, Liu Yifeng, Su Mei and others were furious.

"leave me alone!"

Liu Zhaoer wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth, the fairy light covered her body, the light flashed in her hand, and a short blade appeared in her hand.

Now, she is about to use the national equipment!

On the two battlefields, Zijin was stopped by Song Yin.

But the scene is a bit unexpected.

Although Song Yin was superior in piano skill, he lost to Ling Tian.

But as the top arrogant of the Great Jinxian Kingdom, his combat power is extremely strong.

The celestial piano in his hand rang, mobilizing the power of heaven and earth, turning into countless magical powers and falling down one after another.

However, Zijin carried the huge door-like machete and danced three times in succession. Three tsunamis surged out like the sea bursting into a bank. Song Yin still madly resisted, but he just couldn't smash it.

The last two tsunami blades swallowed Song Yin, and the latter burst into blood.


There is no dispute.

The tyrannical woman of the sky really makes people wonder where her ultimate combat power is.

"Fine, let me do it!"

Yuan Qing took Song Yin, and then flew up to the sky.

The iron rod in his hand was held high, looking down at Zijin below.

"Give you a chance, go down to find Ling Tian, ​​otherwise it will hurt your skin and flesh, it will be bad!"

Ziyan sneered and touched his nose, "I know you are powerful, and you are talking about it!"

"Since you don't know what you can do, let me tell you the daughter of the day, Yuan Qing, the strength of the human race!"

After Yuan Qing finished speaking, he clenched the stick tightly in his hand, and the terrifying black energy burst out from the body, and then poured into the iron rod.

In an instant, above the sky, there appeared a huge black stick shadow measuring five thousand meters long.

Behind Yuan Qing, a beast-like immortal statue appeared, dancing the shadow of a heavenly stick, and directly smashed down.


"The tsunami is shaking!"

Zijin was cold, with a big knife in his hand, also slashing out into the sky.

Thousands of feet of sword light, like a huge wave shaking the sky, oscillated with the shadow of the stick.


The sound of horror resounded hundreds of miles around.

The faces of the holy land immortals under the mountain could not help but change drastically.

They swallowed fiercely as they looked at the huge wave bursting in the sky.

Is it so terrifying that the battle power of the holy land immortal monarch level is going all out?

All the members of Team Ling Tian who were flying by, their expressions also sank.

It's still too late, Zijin and Liu Zhaoer have already taken action.

"No, Zijin is not Yuan Qing's opponent."

Ling Tian said, his face was gloomy, and then flew away from the blue cow, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.

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