Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2411: Ling Tian's sister ten thousand years ago


Above the sky, thunder shook the pagoda mountain, the thunder sword cracked the sky, and the giant wave spear was broken again.

Now, the wind continues to travel, indeed without fear of wandering.

"Yun Lei Dan!?"

Qu Shenyou was frightened, "Could you be a lunatic!? With this **** pill, you are destined to become the fairy king, why do you want to stop me?"

"Now, if you use it to restore combat power, you have nothing!"

"Hahaha, nothing!?"

"I still have my sister, and I still have so little conscience!"

"Although I Feng Jixing was opposed to their camp before, but you are not as mean as you!"

"Before I come to Pagoda Mountain, what I want is a fair fight with Ling Tian. How about you, sell the position!?"

"I am ashamed to wait for you!"


Feng Jixing Ti Lei Jian laughed.

"shut up!"

Qu Shenyou was scolded by Feng Jixing in such a way, and his heart was ashamed and angry.

"Even if you use Yunlei Pill, it is still not my surly opponent, I will see how long you can hold on!"

"Ling Tian can kill the holy land immortal monarch, I should kill you too, in order to shake Chu Kingdom!"

Qu Shenyou had no choice, and under his anger, he carried the halberd towards the wind and rushed away again.

Looking at the sky, thunder and huge waves are intertwined.

Mo Yuan suddenly smiled, "This kid is lucky."

"His greatest luck is his choice today. There is nothing wrong with it."

"Otherwise, he will die."

Hearing this, Zi Yan also sighed, "These people are all lucky, and following Ling Tian, ​​it is really hard to die."


The emperor suspects the grave.

In the center of the main hall, it has been two days since the great prince, the immortal monarch of the day clan, and the powerful monster clan broke through the formation.

In the corner, Ling Tian behind the huge stone was already above the formation light curtain, tearing open a gap, carrying the huge stone, and stepping into it in an instant.


Finally came in!

Ling Tian couldn't help muttering, there were only a thousand sword shadows in his body, and it was too slow to break through the formation.

Fortunately, before those guys came in.


Lifting his eyes to look forward, Ling Tian cloned himself, excited in his heart.

At this time, a huge coffin was suspended in mid-air, surrounded by several extremely thick black gold chains.

Although the shape and size of this coffin were particularly exaggerated, Ling Tian was not surprised.

Because this was already the coffin of the third emperor's suspicious grave he had seen.

However, at this time, before the coffin, there was this golden elephant standing.

The golden elephant steps on the huge waves, holding a trident in his hands, just like the king of the vast sea in ancient times.

Ling Tian had heard Liu Yao say before that Xin Gu was a **** in the ocean and a confidant of the great emperor.

However, after the Great Emperor fell, all his henchmen disappeared into the world.

Take away all the secrets of the great emperor.

Only the ancient legends remain.

And Xin Guben is the **** of the sea, so he will guard the grave of the lost emperor in the sea.

At this time, what moved Ling Tianfen the most was the golden trident in the hands of the golden elephant.

The golden elephant is a hundred feet high, and the euphorbia is even more towering, straight up, although tens of thousands of years have passed, this euphorbia has long lost its unparalleled power.

But it still exudes a frightening breath.

Now, this halberd is definitely the top level among the national weapons!

The avatar of Ling Tian has now cultivated the will of the Euphorbia in the Four Elephant Pagoda for hundreds of years. Seeing this halberd, it is naturally hot.

"You finally came!"

"Haha, yes, I also practiced the technique of Sanqing Clone."

"This is the person who never chose before. If he would also be a avatar, there will be today."

However, a figure came from the direction of the golden elephant.

The roar of the sound was particularly abrupt in the silent tomb.

Ling Tian's body was shocked, and he was really taken aback.

"You are, Senior Xin Gu?"

Ling Tian frowned.

"Oh!? You still know my name, who told you? The guide in front?"

The voice was puzzled.

"It's Senior Six Yao."

"Oh, hehe, what I said, it turns out that Shi Shending." The voice was clear, "Yes, I am Fenghai God General, Xin Gu."

"I have been waiting here for you and you don't know how many years. If you don't come again, I think you have failed."

"What you have done, you can walk here, prove that you are about to become a fairy king."

"However, it is still too slow. I am waiting for you to free us. When will you become the emperor?"

Na Xingu sighed.

"The Great?"

Ling Tian scratched his head.

It is indeed too far away. There has not yet been a great emperor in the fairy world, and he has never even thought about it.

"I'm afraid, I have to wait a while, first become Emperor Wu...Speaking of it?"

Ling Tian avatar raised his eyebrows.

"Hahaha, good, good, I've been waiting for so many years anyway!"

"I can wait and wait!"

Xin Gu laughed.

"Senior, what do you mean by waiting!? What did you just say about relief? Stumped, senior, you haven't fallen yet?"

Ling Tian asked, "Also, who is this junior? Did you know me in ancient times!?"

"Uh, for the first question, I can tell you that we are indeed not fallen, but this world has never allowed me to exist!"

"We are trapped somewhere, there, only you can save us."

"However, the premise is that you need to become the emperor!"

Xin Gu groaned for a while, "As for the second one, many people actually know your identity. Those who led the way before did not dare to say it, and I can't speak much, but I can tell you a secret that no one else has said."

"What's the secret!?"

The heart of Ling Tian's clone suddenly raised.

He actually had a lot of speculation about his own life experience.

At least, he knew that he might be the reincarnation of a certain Xeon in ancient times.

Although, he doesn't have any memories of that guy, and he doesn't believe it even now.

He is him, how could someone else reincarnate! ?

But now Xingu seems to know something else.

"You have someone who loves you very, very much, and is terrible, sister!"

"All of these plans are hers. She has exhausted her efforts, and even gave everything, and made it for you."

"That person failed back then. We have missed the best opportunity ten thousand years ago, but this time, it is the last opportunity."

"Hope, you won't let her down!"

"Senior, my sister!? Or my sister ten thousand years ago, who is she?" Xin Gu's words completely blinded Ling Tian.

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