Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2415: Kill Jiuge when he returns


The Green Bull shook his tail, as if he didn't care very much.

Although he is in Taoyuan, he has always been lazy.

But it is impossible to cross his barrier in the Ten Thousand Sword Formation.

In an instant, the incarnation of the green cow was a thousand-meter-large, and Niu Mou sounded again and again.

That seems to be provoking Li Haoran and Qu Shenyou.

"Ling Tian, ​​you guy dare to perform secret arts in front of me, do you really think your sword formation is invincible!?"

Li Haoran was furious, this Ling Tian was really too deceptive!

Immediately, he raised the big fan in his hand and rushed over with his supernatural powers.


But Ling Tian's Ten Thousand Sword Formation is so powerful now.

Although he didn't collect one hundred thousand swords, Li Haoran still couldn't rush in at will.

Otherwise, Ling Tian's sword formation would be invincible!

"Qu Shenyou, what are you waiting for!?"

Li Haoran looked helplessly at Na Qu.

If Ling Tian is not stopped, it will be too late.

"Huh, I don't care about you!"

Qu Shenyou also stepped forward at this time, raising the giant wave halberd in his hand, and smashing it madly at the ten thousand sword formation.

However, it takes time for the two to rush in.

And at this time, under the sacred mountain, within the grave of the emperor's doubt.

Di Jiuge was already sitting in Ling Tian's arms, and he had half a cup of tea.

Seeing the dragon clan Xiaoshui being beaten by the two great immortal monarchs and retreating again and again, Di Jiuge said anxiously: "How long does your secret technique take?"

"It's almost half a cup of tea time."

Ling Tian smiled.

"Half a cup of tea! Why did you let me sit in your arms so early!?"

Di Jiuge finally reflected it.

This Ling Tian was clearly taking advantage of her.

A clone is so dishonest!

Immediately, she was about to stand up from Ling Tian's arms.

"Look at how I clean up you!"

"Don't move, send it right away!" At that time, Ling Tian hugged Di Jiuge tightly, and the light of Hongmeng suddenly lit up.

"Don't forget what I want, it is the staff of my emperor's family, the sea staff of the Bingling Realm!"

The next moment, the dazzling light filled the entire hall!

The immortal monarch of the clan and the powerhouse of the demon clan were all blinked in an instant.

After a while, when their eyesight recovered again, they saw a man with white hair and a man dressed in green clothes appearing in front of them.

Although this person is exactly the same as the guy just now, but they always feel that something is wrong.

But at this time, the Tsing Yi figure suddenly opened his eyes, and a fierce light flickered in a pair of eyes.

At this moment, the hearts of the clan immortal monarch and the monster clan powerhouse were violent.

Because this person's eyes are full of killing intent.

That momentum is far more terrifying than the guy just now.

It seems that they only felt this way before the top talents of their respective races!

Involuntarily, the two strong Xianjun began to back away slowly.

Want to escape.

Otherwise, they will die!

"Huh, since it's here, just stay!"

But that Ling Tian body had already got up, raised his big hand, and his palm prints all over the sky, condensing in an instant.

It crashed down, and then the entire ancient tomb hall returned to silence.

The palm prints disappeared.

Heavenly clan fairy monarch and that monster clan powerhouse have turned into powder.

In front of Ling Tian's body, this ordinary holy land immortal monarch level of combat power.

Waving to kill.

"Hehe, Singu's sister."

"Nine-headed dragon anaconda."

"Di's staff!"

Ling Tian raised his eyes, looked at the sky above the sky through the cracks of the split sacred mountain, the **** breath that spread.

The corner of his mouth suddenly raised.

"All, I Ling Tian!"

When the voice fell, Ling Tian rose directly into the sky!


At the same time, on top of Pagoda Mountain.

Then Li Haoran and Qu Shenyou had joined forces and rushed into the sword formation.

However, under the influence of the sword formation, the combat power of Li Haoran and Qu Shenyou suddenly decreased.

Moreover, he was stopped by Qingniu.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't touch Ling Tian in a short time.

This makes the two of them feel very anxious!

"Don't hide your clumsiness, use Tongtian Lingbao to directly shake open this sword formation!"

Qu Shenyou angrily said.

Then above his head, the huge ancient bell rose against the storm.

At this time, Li Haoran also knew that the situation was urgent, and also presented an ancient picture scroll, the breath of Tongtian Lingbao vented wildly.

Trying to smash Ling Tian's sword formation abruptly.


But between the electric light and flint, Ling Tian in front of the crowd was suddenly shrouded in a terrifying light.

The horror of that light shone in the eyes of everyone on the entire pagoda mountain.

In everyone's consciousness, it was instantly white, and they couldn't see anything.

After a few full breaths, Li Haoran's vision recovered, but at this time she looked at the location where Ling Tian was originally located.

It was startled.

Ling Tian did not leave!

Moreover, it seems to be injured.

Not only that, there was an extra person in his arms!

Emperor Jiuge! ?

It was not only Li Haoran and others who were blinded.

Even Feng Qixi behind Ling Tian was shocked.

Under what circumstances, Ling Tian actually summoned this Emperor Jiuge from above the sacred mountain! ?

What kind of secret is this, it's amazing!

But the other fairy monarchs of Chu State were overjoyed when they saw this.

Now that Ling Tian and Di Jiuge are both present, then Li Haoran can deal with it.

"Go away!"


However, what made people shocking was that Emperor Jiuge stood up from Ling Tian's arms and slapped Ling Tian's face with a slap.


Shameless! ?

Everyone looked at each other and suddenly reacted.

These two people seemed to be holding tightly just now


There seem to be many stories in these two words.

"I'm innocent!"

Ling Tian pretending to be wronged.

"These are the mess you made!?"

Di Jiuge looked at Na Qu Shenyou and Li Haoran.

"Hmm, now, it's over to you."

Ling Tian's clone shrugged.

"You wait for me!"

Di Jiuge pointed at Ling Tian's forehead and cursed, then turned to look at Li Haoran and Qu Shenyou, "What to do!?"

"It's up to you!"

"Then kill it!"

Di Jiuge snorted and flew directly into the sky.

Then kill! ?

Everyone glanced at each other.

The secret path is still the domineering emperor Jiuge! ?

Think about it, before entering this ruin, Di Jiuge represented the human race and other races in a battle against the heavenly arrogance, that momentum, but Li Haoran, there is simply incomparable existence.

"You are the Emperor Jiuge!?"

Li Haoran frowned suddenly.

The breath of this Emperor Jiuge is really terrifying.

And that Qu Shenyou was also terrified in his heart.

Never thought that Ling Tian could still summon Di Jiuge back, how is this good! ?

"Now, I'll choose a position, and only those I allow can become the top ten in San Bi!"’

Ling Tian clone also stood up.

"Princess, Zijin!"

When Ling Tian's voice fell, Zijin and Liu Zhaoer flew up.

The two and the seven of their own team, counting, Di Jiuge, is exactly ten places.

You can enter the Palace of the Immortal King.

"I don't need a location!"

However, in the sky, Di Jiuge said coldly.

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