Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2434: Count the gains

"Master! Is there no way? Ling Tian must go to the Immortal King Palace. This is really unfair to him."

Zhao Min frowned.

No one knows how important this Immortal King Palace is to Ling Tian.

"No, unless the lord wakes up."

Luo Ji shook his head.

"Fine, it’s nothing if you can’t enter the Palace of the Immortal King. Everyone has affected your mood more than because of me. Since the great dynasty will be canceled, then go back and practice. If you hit the Immortal King, you need to cultivate to the peak of the immortal king’s bottleneck. Don't be careless."

But Ling Tian smiled suddenly.

Didn't care.

Although the process is a little different from what he imagined.

But the result is still the same.

Anyway, he didn't plan to go to the Immortal King Palace.


Feng Qixi was still angry, but Ling Tian waved his hand, "No, but now I am still your captain, and I will go back to practice."

Everyone looked at each other, but seeing Ling Tian so determined, they didn't say anything anymore.

Everyone else went back to the back house to practice.

In front of the Grand Master's Mansion, only Luo Ji and Ling Tian were left.

"The plan has not changed, this month, you have to work hard."

Luo Ji looked at Ling Tian.

"Well, don't worry."

Ling Tian glanced around without a trace, and said in a low voice, "It seems that many people want to see my jokes."

"Then do you need to act?"

Luo Ji raised his eyebrows.

"No need."

"Anyway, they wouldn't care about me as a small person."

Ling Tian shook his head and went back to the Supreme Master's Mansion.

In the lanes around Taishi's mansion.

Hold a lot of carriages.

In the car, you can see the scene in front of the Taishi Mansion from a distance.

"Hmph, this is the end of doing the right thing with me. You don't want to become the fairy king. After a month, I will successfully ascend the throne, and the Taishi can't keep you!"

Inside a carriage, the prince clenched his fists. He turned around and looked at a figure shrouded in black robes behind him, and said respectfully: "Master, then we can't get the Holy Pill. Does it matter?"

"Of course, if there is a return to the holy pill, after I leave the holy land, I will be able to have the power of the immortal, but now, it is only the ninth-order immortal king!"

"However, since I promised you, I will do things for you first, and when you become the lord of the country, I will take Ling Tian and leave it to me!"

In the black robe, a voice rang.

"no problem!"

Opposite the prince, in another carriage, Qu Shenyou frowned: "Grandpa, Ling Tian doesn't seem to be disappointed because he can't go to the Immortal King Palace. Will there be other things in this?"

"The plan in one month's time must not go wrong, Ling Tian has to guard against it."

"Hehe, don't worry, four of the holy land masters have already turned to me this time, plus the immortal kings I have found from various immortal kingdoms over the years, even if he Ling Tian, ​​he would never want to make any waves!"

"Not a fairy king, he shouldn't worry about it!"

Qu Wentong sneered, "However, don't worry, in order to be foolproof, I will directly surround the Taishi Mansion when you go to the Immortal King Palace, and kill Ling Tian and Luo Family in advance in the Taishi Mansion! "

"So, great!"

Qu Shenyou sneered, now he was satisfied.

"However, this opportunity is rare. The prince cut off Ling Tian's qualifications to enter the Immortal King Palace. The vacated position is just on top of you. It is also an unexpected joy. Don't let me down. If you can successfully become the Immortal King , Then the future Lord of Chu Kingdom is you!"

Qu Wentong patted Qu Shenyou on the shoulder.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I won't let you down this time!"

Qu Shenyou narrowed his eyes, "When I become the Immortal King, this Chu country will listen to me!"


Ling Tian returned to Taoyuan.

Began to retreat.

In the last month, he will practice crazy day and night.

Although Ling Tian was still worried about not being able to become the Immortal King, Ling Tian still had no worries about Qu Wentong's rebellion that month later.

Because even if it doesn't help, he still has Xiaoqing.

The horror of Xiaoqing now has no rivals in the realm of the fairy king.

He raised his hand, and a series of precious lights floated.

It is the harvest of this trip to the lost sea.

First of all, it was the old pill that was taken from the coffin of Emperor Qingxiao.

Return to the Holy Pill! ?

Ling Tian frowned when he looked at the pill.

Heard Yaoyao said yesterday that this return to the holy pill can restore the person who has lost his cultivation to the original state, and even has a great possibility of breaking the state again.

The conditions of use are very harsh.

Ling Tian thought for a while, he didn't need it anymore.

This return to the sacred pill was simply tailor-made for the punishment that day, but there is no way, now that the ancient pill is in his hands, it is absolutely impossible to let the heavenly punishment succeed.

The second treasure is that Xin Gu's Sealing Sea Halberd.

The yellow-gold trident has been baptized for thousands of years, and although the soul within it has disappeared, it is still blooming with incomparably dazzling light.

Although the Fenghai War Halberd is not an imperial weapon, its material is of extremely high grade, and it is definitely the best of the venerable weapon.

At the very least, its toughness is beyond the ability of today's Meteorite Sword.

But without a weapon soul, this sea halberd could not exert its strongest combat power.

Ling Tian raised his hand.

Wentian Qilin halberd appeared on the side.

"Hehe, Wentian Qilin, how about this halberd body?"

Ling Tian asked with a smile.

"Also, naturally it is excellent, why do you want to give it to me?"

In the unicorn war halberd, the unicorn soul was faintly excited.

"Hehe, apart from you, there seems to be no better choice."

Ling Tian nodded.

"However, with my current astral energy, I should not be able to control this halberd."

Ling Tian shook his head, "This is nothing to worry about!"

After that, he took out a **** crystal nucleus.

In the crystal nucleus, there is this pocket-sized nine-headed dragon anaconda surrounding it.

It is the soul crystal nucleus of the extremely powerful nine-headed dragon anaconda.

"With it, the astral energy is enough!"

Put the Fenghai war halberd and the blood-colored crystal core aside, and let the Wentian unicorn swallow it.

Ling Tian raised his hand, and a blue bottle appeared in his hand.

In the transparent jade bottle, there is a cloud of bright red blood.

The blood is surging with extremely powerful dragon breath and energy.

Faintly, one could still see a blue-black dragon soul surrounding it.

This is exactly the body of the Panlong that was collected by the nine-headed dragon anaconda. Yesterday Yaoyao had extracted all the blood from it.

With the blood of the beast dragon, Ling Tian can make the third change of the nine true dragon changes.

Before, Canglong Transformation had already let Ling Tian know the horror of the Nine Transformations of True Dragon.

Under his full combat power, he could not even put the sixth-order fairy king in his eyes.

The seventh-order fairy king is enough to fight.

Even if the eighth-order immortal king is lost, he can retreat.

He also wanted to know how tyrannical this Panlong change would make him!

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