Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2452: Strong Wushuang [four more]

The sound of the piano made Ling Tian’s body a gorgeous star light curtain, as if being wrapped in a star. With a loud noise, the golem directly trampled the stars to pieces, and the golem phantom continued to kill and crash down on Ling. Above the huge dragon body.

However, although the golem could penetrate the sound of the piano, it could not shake Ling Tian's physical identity.

The expressions of the other two old monsters changed, and they immediately took action.

A magic spear manifested, as if it could pierce everything, blasting towards Ling Tian, ​​and the last old monster also broke out an astonishing attack, as if an ancient mountain suppressed it.

All of a sudden, the three bosses of Xuantian Demon Valley shot at the same time, and the momentum was extremely shocking.

However, the golem that first fell on Ling Tian suddenly burst, and then, in the sound of the piano, Ling Tian stood up suddenly, the sound of the piano turned into countless sword shadows, tearing the mountain to pieces.

One of the three monsters, the old monster of the mountain, was torn to flesh and blood by the sword shadow in an instant.

Then, Ling Tian, ​​who had broken two magical powers in a row, held the Fenghai war halberd in his hand, pierced and shredded all power.


With a blast, Fenghai War Halberd directly shattered the last magic spear.

At this moment, the faces of the remaining two old monsters were full of horror.

Today, Ling Tian's piano sound has not dissipated, but the surrounding space seems to be imprisoned, time seems to have stopped, and they can't move anymore.

This is the result of the suppression of the powerful divine mind with the sound of the piano.

They only knew how terrifying this Ling Tian was.

In front of Ling Tian, ​​they couldn't shake anything at all.

The body is imprisoned, their fate is doomed.

The sea halberd is so terrifying. In Lingtian's hands, the light of the halberd swept across. The huge wave was enough to destroy all devil energy, and the huge wave raged. The body of the old monster with the gun burst and shattered. Like the brother before, there was no trace of it. Struggling, directly is a one-shot kill, clean.

Moreover, Ling Tian didn't stop after killing this second monster, and attacked the last monster who wanted to retreat.

The halberd turned into a golden lightning, piercing through the void, like a broken bamboo.

There was a puff, and the last old monster was killed on the spot and died here.

Ling Tian stopped and glanced at the Lan Qisheng and the Million Army in front of him, and saw that everyone was moving backwards at the same time. Only one look was shocking.

At this moment, Ling Tian fought with Wushuang flesh body and Yuqin with a halberd, but in a blink of an eye, he killed three seventh-order immortal kings one after another.

Even these three people never left their bodies.

The horror is so terrible, it makes those who see it look discolored.

In Fallen Dragon Valley, at this time, Feng Jixing and others couldn't help but open their mouths wide.

They had not seen Ling Tian's battle against Danyang City half a year ago.

Everything is heard from others.

As soon as I saw it now, the 7th-order Immortal King who had reached the 9th-order combat power was as weak as an ant in front of Ling Tian.

It seemed that Ling Tian was stronger than half a year ago.

This guy, there is no bottleneck! ?

At this point, it can actually increase combat power?

Under everyone's astonishment.

Ling Tian looked forward, the dragon wings of the Eight Immortal Kings bloomed, the beetle dragon shook the world, and the euphorbia wept ghosts and gods.

The golden trident pointed forward and said: "Who will kill me?"

The nine sons of Wei came with an army of millions, wanting to kill Ling Tian.

Now, who dares to kill Ling Tian?

In one shot, the three powerful Profound Sky Demon Valley powerhouses were killed in succession. Among the powerhouses present, except for Lan Qisheng, who was blessed by the Valley Master clone, who else was the enemy of Yihe?

"Ling Tian, ​​you killed the three elders of my Demon Valley, this blood feud, I will use your head to pay for it!"

"Don't be crazy, I'm Lan Qisheng, I'm going to shoot!"

The three elders were killed, and in front of so many people, Ling Tian was so reprimanded. Lan Qisheng represented the Xuantian Demon Valley, and his heart was full of shame at this time.

He stepped on his footsteps, and the shadow of a thousand feet behind him again manifested, and he was killed. Every step of his step was like the sky and the earth. One of the nine sons of Wei, now under the blessing of the avatar of the valley master, it is definitely not a vain name, far from it. That Li Haoran's generation can be compared.

The devilish coercion is tyrannical, even comparable to the punishment of the day!

This time, Lan Qisheng didn't have any reservations, he had to kill Ling Tian.

The huge demon shadow stepped on the sky, trampled down towards Ling Tian.

"Hehe, great!"

The sound of the dragon roar shook the sky, the fairy king's dragon wings flapped, Ling Tian suspended above the high sky, and the will of the **** of war behind his back manifested again, appearing behind Ling Tian, ​​a sacred will burst out, and Ling Tian also stepped into the sky. OK, the void oscillated, raising his hand to attack, a storm of destruction swept out, piercing the incomparable huge shadow and shattering it.

Ling Tian sneered forward, put away the golden war halberd, and between his hands, a fairy sword filled with the light of stars appeared on the sky.

Of course Lan Qisheng refused. The demon shadow gathered again, and trampled on the void with horror, like an ancient monster trampling on the sky. Every step was in Ling Tian's heart, but he seemed not to hear it. The dragon roared and endured every step. His face remained as usual, as long as he approached, even if it was Lan Qisheng, who had the blessing of the Valley Master clone, he would kill him.

The meteor sword was lifted directly, and in an instant, tens of thousands of sword shadows bloomed between the sky and the earth, and the sword formation was condensed. At this moment, the ten thousand zhang demon shadow was directly imprisoned in it.

At this moment, Lan Qisheng only felt that it became difficult for the demon shadow to lift his feet, as if the movement was about to stop. He realized a trace of bad emotions. In the roar, Lan Qisheng was like a crazy demon, abrupt Breaking through the restraining force, stepped on it with one foot.

"Boom." With a loud noise, the ghost shadow shattered and was once again ruthlessly strangled by the sword array.

The Meteor Sword transforms into a light sword through the sky, and the last light sword of the four elephants is used to cut off an edge.


In Lan Qisheng's body, the Valley Master let out an exclamation.

In the next moment, in front of Lan Qisheng, countless demon heads evolved, trying to resist the sword light.

"It's useless!"

Ling Tian’s sword light was still cut down, and a sword burst out of ten thousand feet of light. To shatter the sky, the figure of a demon head was destroyed. I saw Lan Qisheng's arms blocking in front, trying to block the meteor sword with his body. His arms trembled fiercely, and there was a faint feeling of tearing, and his body was shaken high into the sky.

At the same time, the countless magic gate magical powers below strangling towards Ling Tian.

They wanted to kill Ling Tian with a saturated attack.

With a loud noise, Ling Tian's body remained motionless, and all the attacks still did not affect Ling Tian.

Lan Qisheng still couldn't shake Ling Tian, ​​and the supernatural powers of other people didn't even want to hurt Ling Tian.

It seemed that Ling Tian was not only extremely tyrannical in defense, but his physical body was also surprisingly strong.

"You, how could you be so tyrannical, I don't believe it!"

"Lan Qisheng doesn't believe me!"

Lan Qisheng was shocked, with blood flowing at the corner of his mouth. At this time, the avatar of the Valley Lord in his body was directly beheaded by Ling Tian's sword.

Without the avatar blessing, Lan Qisheng was just an ant in front of Ling Tian.

"Haha, don't be surprised, as you can tell, I killed Tianxing and Qu Wentong."

"It was six months ago!"

"I am stronger now!"

Ling Tian sneered, domineering unparalleled.

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