Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2463: Taoist nun

It's just like the dudes like Cheng Hao can take out.

\"This shameless disciple returned to Wushan City without thinking. Chen Yinfeng really shouldn't come to Wushan City today.\"

Ye Xichan cursed in a low voice.

\"Oh!? Why, this guy, has provoke you!?\"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

Looking at Cheng Hao, he found that this man had a big belly and was an ugly fat man.

The image is really unpleasant.

\"Well, this Cheng Hao was born in the Zixiao Sect. He has good talent. Now he is a top fairy monarch, but because his uncle is a high-level person in the Zixiao Sect, he has always been arrogant and domineering. His evil hand.\"

\"I went to the city at the foot of Zixiaozong to purchase medicinal materials half a year ago and was harassed by him.\"

Ye Xichan said coldly.

\"Oh!? There is such a thing!?\'

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, so it would be much easier to do so.

Perhaps, he came to Wushan City because of fate.

In other words, he ordered Wushan to be destroyed!

"Xianzhi, reward, middle-grade national equipment." Ling Tian turned around and said, is he better than magnanimous, he is good at it.

"This..." Zuo Xianzhi looked at Ling Tian in amazement. The treasures Ling Tian had searched from the nine-headed dragon anaconda treasure house were now placed in Zuo Xianzhi's hands to organize records.

Among them, there are many treasures, and there are naturally some national instruments.

However, there are not many Chinese national products.

Say rewards, rewards! ?

This master is capricious enough.

Ling Tian smiled and looked at Zuo Xianzhi, but secretly the voice transmission said: "Can't you let me lose face in front of the younger generation?"

\"Good master.\"

Zuo Xianzhi was just startled, she naturally wouldn't disobey Ling Tian's order.

Immediately she stepped forward, took out a piece of national weapon from the ring and handed it over. The woman who received the national weapon was a little surprised. She checked it carefully and asked, "Who gave it to you?"

"My master," Zuo Xianzhi said.

\"Last name...Qin!\"

Ling Tian added a sentence.

The woman nodded and stood on the boat, facing the painting boat far away, the fairy Yinfeng with a gloomy expression said, "Master Qin gave a piece of Chinese national artifact."

In an instant, all eyes fell on Ling Tian, ​​presenting the Chinese national equipment, who is this guy?

When the national equipment is rotten on the street! ?

Even for Cheng Hao's fortune, it is absolutely impossible to give away a middle-grade national instrument.

Many people have guessed Ling Tian's identity. Now many people from the outside world have come to Wushan City, and this person looks very strange. In terms of clothing, he doesn't look like Dajin. Could it be that he came from outside?

After a while, the woman in the painting boat looked at Ling Tian with a smile, and said, "Master Qin can enter the painting boat later."

Fairy Yinfeng also looked at Ling Tian with her beautiful eyes, nodding lightly, a little curious about who this son Qin was.

When she saw Cheng Hao appear just now, her heart had fallen to the bottom.

Meeting Cheng Hao in this Wushan City was tantamount to sending myself into the mouth of a tiger.

With the dominance of the Purple Cloud Sect, even if Cheng Hao defiled himself, he would not be affected by the Qingfeng Tower.

Moreover, Cheng Hao is a national weapon when he shoots, and he is clearly determined by himself.

But unexpectedly, a mysterious Young Master Qin appeared at this time, and he passed Cheng Hao as soon as he shot, and this person looked much more pleasing to the eyes than Cheng Hao.

However, his age looks a little bit older, and his cultivation base is not very high.

"No, this middle-grade national device is to thank Fairy for a song, it's enough." Ling Tian said with a smile: "As for entering the scene, it doesn't need to be, thank you Fairy for his kindness."

Many people were even more surprised. This person was not a guest of the curtain as a gift of Chinese products.

Fairy Yinfeng showed a slightly curious look in her beautiful eyes. Although she also understood that the cultivator had strong willpower, since she had seen her again here, almost no one could refuse her invitation.

Could it be that this person is going to play that tricky trick! ?

"Okay." The woman didn't say much, nodded with a smile.

\"Hehe, Chen Yinfeng, since he doesn't like you, let me go up!\"

\"You beauty, you can't waste it.\"

But Cheng Hao was overjoyed when he heard the words, and he was about to board the painting boat immediately.

\"I'm not allowed!\"

However, above the riverside, Ling Tian made a clear drink.

\"I gave up this opportunity by myself. If you want to go up, then take out another piece of Chinese artifact and give it to Girl Yinfeng!\"

\"Yes, Master Cheng Hao is really sorry, this round of rewards is over, you are coming up now, it’s not up to the rules!\"

Fairy Yinfeng also quickly said.


Cheng Hao was furious, turned around and looked at Ling Tian, ​​\"Where did you get out from, don't you know who I am!?\"

\"Who are you!! What, are you amazing? Is it possible that you are the reincarnation of the ancient pig god!?\"

Ling Tian shrugged.

But the people on both sides of the hot river burst into laughter.

\"You, you are looking for death!\"

\"Today, I will let you know who I am, Cheng Hao. Today, Chen Yinfeng, I am going to go, let me see who dares to stop me!\"

Cheng Hao was so embarrassed and angry, when has he been ridiculed in this way! ?

Turning around immediately, he must kill Ling Tian.

\"The son! The son! The master wants you to go back in a hurry!\"

But at this moment, an immortal king squeezed through the crowd and came in and shouted.

\"It's not too late for me to kill this person!\"

Cheng Hao didn't listen.

\"No! Master said, this time is the big man from above, you must not cause trouble, let you go back immediately, otherwise, you will be at your own risk!\"

The fairy king said anxiously.

\"What!? The big man from above!?\"

Cheng Hao was surprised that his father had never said himself so harshly, so maybe something really came out this time.

\"If you have a seed, just wait for me!\"\"Be optimistic about these people, no one is allowed to leave Wushan City!\"

Cheng Hao glared at everyone in Ling Tian and left.

\"Thank you son for helping me.\"

Chen Yinfeng bowed and saluted Ling Tian.

\"No, it's easy!\"

Ling Tian shook his head and turned around to leave.

\"It's so good-looking.\"

Unexpectedly, at a booth not far behind, there was a disdainful hum suddenly.


\"Are you talking about my master!?\"

Zuo Xianzhi frowned. Someone slandered his master. That's not okay.

The reputation of a middle-grade national instrument.

Ling Tian also looked over, but found that sitting behind the stall was a young woman in a Taoist gown.

Taoist nun! ?

This was the first Taoist aunt Ling Tian had seen since he soared to the Immortal Realm.

It is said that the land of the Great Jin is mountainous, and there are many gates in the mountain.

Seeing it now, it's really extraordinary.

But even so, he can't be said to be polite.

\"Girl, I didn't provoke you, right?\'

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

\"Hehe, what do you men think in your heart, you know yourself, the middle-grade national products have been given away, and they are still not in the curtain? Who do you want to see!?\"

The Taoist sneered.

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