Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2465: Gambling [seeking fruit]


Here is the largest gambling shifang city in Wushan City.

Like Yuelai Inn, Tianshifang’s background is extremely deep, and the owner is mysterious. Everyone just knows that the sounds of Tianshifang are all over the entire Jin Dynasty. Even the two top sects in Donghua Xianshan must be given to Tianshifang. Face.

Some people even say that behind Tianshifang is the Dajin imperial family, even the top immortal kings on the record of the immortal kings, dare not provoke this Tianshifang.

When Ling Tian, ​​Ye Xichan and others came to Tianshifang, they saw that it was crowded with people.

After inquiring about it, I realized that it was someone from the top of the Tianshifang who brought a batch of fine stones. Many stone appraisers gambled on it.

And I heard that someone bet a terrific treasure, making Tianshifang extremely popular today.

"It's over, I have a hunch, Brother Leng must be there!"

Ye Xichan frowned.

"I also have a hunch, today we are afraid we are going to make a fortune!"

Zuo Xianzhi smiled and looked at Ling Tian.

"Don't be too happy, let's go, go in and find the Leng family boy!"

Ling Tian walked into Tianshifang.

Ling Tian hasn’t gambled on stones for a long time since he came to these seven immortal states, and he didn’t know the rough stones here.

Before, the holy original stone placed in the Four Elephant Pagoda, Ling Tian was helpless.

Enter Tianshifang and go straight to the core area of ​​the gambling stone.

After finally squeezing in, Ling Tian heard a burst of exclamation.

There is a bright light, blooming from the crowd.

Ok! ?

It's the aroma of pill!

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

Moreover, it is Gudan!

"Haha, it's a first-grade **** pill Tianyuan Pill!"

"Boy, you lose!"

"Come on, quickly hand over the long whip in your hand!"

Someone laughed wildly.

Ling Tian and Ye Xichan squeezed into the crowd, and found that there were rough stones everywhere in the field, and there were several figures standing there, which should be betting on stones.

"Brother Leng! You really are here!"

Ye Xichan let out a soft drink, and a figure in black clothes turned around.

However, when he saw Ye Xichan, the man grinned, "Sister Ye, why are you here!?"

"Nonsense, didn't we make an appointment to meet in Wushan City? Of course I'm here to find you!"

"Unexpectedly, you still came to bet on rocks, you are not afraid of Uncle Leng punish you!"

Ye Xichan pinched his waist.

"Uh, this... don't you tell me, how can my father know!?"

The Leng guy scratched his head.

"Hey, what's the matter with you, I'm willing to bet and lose, now, give me your whip!"

However, after Leng Jiaxiao himself, a strong man shouted in a low voice.

"What's the rush, are you still afraid that I will not be accountable to you by Leng Linfeng!?"

The Leng family boy smiled apologetically at Ye Xichan, then turned around, gritted his teeth, and was about to pass the long whip in his hand.

"Brother Leng, I remember correctly this whip, it was given to you by Uncle Leng on your fifteenth birthday. You actually lost him!?"

Ye Xichan stared.

"Sister Ye, don't worry, I will win it back!"

Leng Linfeng shook his lips, and threw the long whip in his hand.

The brawny man took the long whip and glanced at it. Then he nodded and smiled: "Yes, not bad, the national long whip, the refining technique is also relatively delicate, it can be worth some money!"

"Well, now that you have lost everything, then... get out of Tianshifang!"

The strong man sneered and turned to leave.

The onlookers around the martial artist also sneered and mocked.

"This junior from Nanhua is really a stunned boy. Even Tian Zhuang dares to challenge him. Don't you know that he is from the City Lord's Mansion? In this Tianshifang, he is a very famous stone appraiser!"

"Yes, I bet more than a dozen games in a row, this time I lost all of them!?"

"Wait!" But just then, a voice rang.

The brawny man turned around and found that it was still cold.


He frowned.

"The gambling is not over yet, what are you leaving in a hurry!?"

Leng Linfeng's mouth raised slightly and smiled.

He didn't put the ridicule around him in his eyes, and the demeanor on his face was definitely not something ordinary people could have.

This son's xinxing is extremely strong.

This is the son of Leng Xuanye.

Not bad!

Ling Tian in the crowd nodded secretly.

If this Leng family's kid is a gambling addicted dude, then he will definitely not care.

But fortunately, this guy dared to act.

"Oh!? You still want to bet!? But, you have lost everything on your body, what to bet with me!?"

The strong man put away the long whip of the national weapon and turned to look at Leng Linfeng, but his eyes suddenly noticed Ye Xichan in the crowd.

"This little girl is pretty good!? It's your friend!?"

"Let's do this! I can bet with you. The bet is her. If you lose, this little girl will play for me!"

"You're looking for death!" Ye Xichan was ashamed.

However, Leng Linfeng stopped Ye Xichan and looked at the brawny man. In his eyes, this killing intent was faintly pervaded, "The matter between you and me is nothing to do with others."

"I bet you last!"

"The bet is..."

Leng Linfeng took out a knife and threw it on the ground, "This life, do you dare!?"

Gamble! ?

When the voice of Leng Linfeng fell, there was a loud noise around him.

This guy is crazy.

It's a gamble! ?

Isn't it too cruel?

"Are you crazy?"

The strong man frowned.

"Why, dare not?"

Leng Linfeng sneered.

"If you don't dare, then return all my things to me!"

"Then, we are talking about you insulting sister Ye!"

"Hahaha, really laughed, do you think I, Tian Zhuang, would be afraid of you as a hairy boy?" The strong man laughed and clapped his hands immediately, "Okay, since you want to die so, then I will make you perfect!"

"You guys, you are all here too, to give me a testimony. Today, this kid voluntarily gambled his life with me. If he repents for a while, I will do it myself!"

The surrounding martial artists roared for a while.

After all, such scenes of life betting are not uncommon.

Moreover, he is still a hairy boy.

If he died, it would be a pity that he has martial arts talent.

But no way, who made this guy have to gamble! ?

"Okay, come on, this time you come first, or me first!? It's up to you!" the strong man laughed.

"This time you come first!"

Leng Linfeng Road.

In the previous ten times, he chose the stone first, but he only won twice.

This time, he has to change the order.

"Hehe, OK, then I will convince you!"

The strong man sneered, but there was a cold color flashing in his eyes, and he looked at a figure behind him without a trace. The figure seemed to walk randomly among the rough stones, but stopped in front of a stone. Three breaths, and then walk away.

The strong man who had been looking at the original stone immediately walked over and picked up the stone the size of a melon.

"Okay, that's it!"

"Boy, you choose!"

"Don't worry, if you choose the stone money, I will help you out!"

The brawny smiled.

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