Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2477: The three sacred trees

"That's not bad, but it's a pity, the heart of the ancient wood that grew next to the **** wood is also dead!"

"I want to see how powerful Jianmu really is."

Tao Yaoyao sighed.

"By the way, Yaoyao, I heard you talk about the three sacred trees, but besides Jianmu, what are the other two sacred trees!?"

Ling Tian suddenly became curious and asked.

"In addition to Jianmu, the second sacred tree is Xunmu. Jianmu was born in the earth, and Xunmu was born in the sky."

"Legend, Xunmu is the place where the gods of the heavens live."

"In the end, it's the flat peach tree."

"The flat peach tree was born in Kunlun, covering the sky and the sun."

"Moreover, the reason why the flat peach tree ranks among the three sacred trees is because it blooms for thousands of years and bears fruits for thousands of years."

"Every peach that bears is a **** among the gods. According to legend, it can make mortals soar in an instant!"

Tao Yaoyao yearned forward.

"Xunmu and Pantao!?"

Ling Tian frowned, he hadn't heard of what Xunmu was, but he knew that Peach Tree, wasn't it from Queen Mother Xi? The fruit was really amazing.

No wonder it can become the three great sacred trees.

However, Ling Tian saw the huge peach tree outside through the window, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Yaoyao, what kind of tree is the peach tree outside!?"

"Hehe, it's not a sacred tree, it's my home!"

Tao Yaoyao pursed her lips, turned around and left.

In fact, Ling Tian had also asked about the details of the peach tree several times, but Tao Yaoyao kept secret and never talked to him.

Liuyao, Aman and others also said they didn't know.

But Ling Tian felt that they were lying to himself.

He just knew that this peach tree was extremely terrifying. In the peach orchard, no matter the living creatures such as phantom stinging bees, or all the vegetation and flowers, they are willing to inhabit under this tree.

Moreover, the herbs that grow under the peach tree are also excellent products carefully selected by Tao Yaoyao, and every plant taken out is a thing that can shock one party.

Under the peach trees, the growth of these medicinal materials is also extremely rapid, and can even reach hundreds of times the speed of the outside world.

This is also the secret of why Tao Yaoyao is able to cultivate thousands of years of god-level herbs in the shortest time like the sky.

Of course, since Tao Yaoyao didn't want to say anything, Ling Tian wouldn't ask her facelessly.

Such a peach tree, the core of Taoyuan, has saved his life countless times.

Xiao Jianmu's heart was burned by Ling Tian with the fire of the little holy spirit.

Start refining.

Fortunately, the immortal fire in Ling Tian's body is the fire of the small holy spirit of five hundred layers, otherwise, the immortal fire below the five hundred layers would never be used to refine the heart of Xiao Jianmu.

As for Ling Tian's second clone, he chose to use wood materials to refine it after careful consideration.

Because Sanqing represents everything in the world.

Cultivating to the extreme state, every dust in this world can become Ling Tian's clone.

Of course, Ling Tian was very suspicious, this was the Sanqing Separation Technique himself bragging.

However, with today's avatar technique, a total of four avatars can be created.

Coupled with the body, the five elements must be compatible.

Ling Tian's first clone was the gold clone of the main killer.

And his body is a natural fire elephant, so the clone does not consider the fire attribute.

Then the rest is the three systems of wood, soil, and water.

You can choose freely.

In the end, Ling Tian set down the Mu Family clone.

In fact, a large part of the reason is also because the heart of Xiaojianmu first appeared.

Moreover, the combat power of the wood clone is not as abnormal as the gold clone, but it has extremely strong vitality.

This kind of clone can be hidden in the body, so it can also use the characteristics of Xiaojianmu's heart to give Ling Tian's body possess terrifying vitality and recovery ability.

It can be said that it is very powerful.

Three days.

In the Four Elephant Pagoda, Ling Tian spent one hundred and eighty days.

This will complete the refining of the clone.

Looking at the green armored clone in front of him, Ling Tian was very satisfied.

Although he couldn't advance to become the fairy king, and he couldn't practice into the Azure Dragon Transformation, he had the clone of this wood-building heart.

Ling Tian's combat power still got another increase.

This is the limit that can be done without being able to become a fairy king.

After all, it is extremely difficult for Ling Tian to increase his combat power a little now.

Coming out of Taoyuan, Leng Linfeng and Ye Xichan were already waiting outside.

Today is the Baicao Conference held in Wushan City.

Although this kind of alchemy test book will not be taken to Ling Tian's heart, because the reward of the Baicao Conference is Nine-turn White Dewgrass, and Ye Xichan also values ​​this honor, so Ling Tian has to try it. tried.

\"How about, how is Prajna palm comprehension!?\'

Ling Tian looked at the two of them with great expressions, and asked with a smile.

\"Master, it's only three days, and we can't control the flow of time, and this kind of palm is really mysterious, so I just learned some furs!\'

Ye Xichan pursed her mouth, raised her little hand, and in the air, he condensed a palm with fairy fire.

However, there was already a breath of Prajna palm.

\"I am almost the same as Sister Ye, Master, are we too stupid!?\"

Leng Linfeng also said.

\"No, it's pretty good to be able to do this in three days.\"

Ling Tian shook his head.

The talents of the two children are absolutely not bad.

He was also a little anxious.

After all, the Prajna Palm and Pure Yang Finger came down in the same line, so Ling Tian could master it so quickly.

For two children, these top supernatural powers are still extremely difficult.

\'\'Okay, let's go, Master, let's go to the Baicao Conference, my father said, you used to be the first elixir of the human race, and now it! ? \'

Ye Xichan took Ling Tian away.

\"Now, I dare not say first, but there is no problem to help you win the champion of the Baicao Conference.\"

Ling Tian didn't have the slightest humility.

\"Haha, is it!? Master, don’t overturn the car when the time comes. We are in a big Jin, but the prosperous immortal dynasty inherited by the human race is definitely the best for the entire human race. It is much more powerful than the refining stone , Among the thirteen top immortal king powerhouses, half are all alchemy masters!\"

\"Furthermore, we have also inquired in the past few days that an unexpected genius of Alchemy has come to Wushan City.\'

\"It is very possible that this Baicao Conference in Wushan City will become the most abnormal one in history!\"

Ye Xichan said with a smile.

\"Oh!? Really, there are such things, what are the amazing geniuses here!?\"

Ling Tian shrugged.

In my heart, I didn't care.

\"There are two of the most powerful, one is Zhang Lai, ranked second in Zixiaozong.\"

\"He was a nobleman from the Zixiao Sect. Not only was he more powerful than that of Cui Zhou, he was also a man of alchemy and aspirations to the Zixiao Sect.\"

\"I didn't expect him to participate in this Baicao Conference.\"

Ling Tian sneered, \"I'm afraid it's because of Cui Zhou!?\'

Three days ago, Cui Zhou lost the face of Zixiaozong in Wushan City.

If this piece of Lai passes by Wushan City, then this opportunity will never be missed.

\"Perhaps, not only Zhang Lai, this time Wushan City has gathered two top Xianzong disciples in Donghua Xianshan!\"

Ye Xichan has something to say.

\"The two top sects, who else!?\"

Ling Tian also suddenly remembered that he already knew about the four top sects in Donghua Immortal Realm, but he really forgot to ask about the two top sects except the Purple Cloud Sect. \"

\"Yunlanzong, Nalan Rongrong!\"

Ye Xichan's expression suddenly became serious.

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