Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2479: Nalan Rongrong

Ling Tian also followed everyone's gazes and found that the so-called Nalan Rongrong looked very petite, but in reality it was extremely majestic.

Inexplicably, a few words flashed in Ling Tian's mind.

No wonder these people are crazy, this Nalan Rongrong is simply the pure face of an angel, the seductive figure of the devil.

However, Ling Tian doesn't catch a cold for this kind of beauty.

Amidst the noise, Cheng Bin, the lord of Wushan City, descended on the square.

The breath of the peak of the sixth-order fairy king is indeed the highest in Wushan City.

\"Hehe, everyone, I am Cheng Bin, the Lord of Wushan City. Thank you for coming to the Baicao Conference held in Wushan City.\"

\"In this Hundred Herbs Conference, I, Cheng Bin, specially prepared a priceless treasure. The alchemist who won the championship of this Hundred Herbs Conference will get a sacred grass, Nine-turn White Dew Grass!\"

The voice fell, and a brocade box appeared in Cheng Bin's hand.

The brocade box has been opened, and a bright sacred grass with alluring fragrance is shining with intoxicating crystal light.

And at the moment when the magical grass appeared, many alchemists, including Ling Tian and Nalan Rongrong, had a burst of light in their eyes.

This kind of sacred grass is really rare.

\"Hehe, are you here for this magical grass!?\"

Behind Ling Tian, ​​Bai Mengyi did not leave.

She was looking for the weakness that could make Ling Tian submit.

Seeing Ling Tian not talking, Bai Mengyi smiled again, \"Although this thing is very rare, I can get it too.\"

\"Don't worry, Miss Bai, I will get it.\"

Ling Tian smiled, and then brought everyone forward.

\"However, everyone also knows that too many alchemists came to this Baicao Conference, and their standards are extremely high. For the smooth progress of the Baicao Conference, we must set the threshold higher!\"

\"City Lord, no need to talk nonsense with them!\"

However, before Cheng Bin finished speaking, Zi Xiaozong Zhang Lai flew to the high platform.

\"I am Zhang Lai of the Zixiaozong, I will not bully you, any alchemist who can refine a first-grade **** pill, come up and try!\"

\"If you can't even refine the second-grade **** pill, then there is no need to participate in the Baicao Conference, go back!\"

Zhang Lai is very arrogant.

With talented anger, he drank coldly.

Although many alchemists were unhappy, they didn't dare to say anything.

The second grade **** pill can already block 90% of the nine alchemy masters.

Perhaps, only the top disciples in the first-class sect can refine it.

After all, the ninth grade of Shen Dan, but the medicine corresponding to the realm of the Immortal King, there is only the lower fourth grade of Shen Dan.

The second-order **** pill, that is for the immortal kings above the third-order.

\"Come on, let me see, who would dare to come on stage to compete with me!\" Zhang Lai sneered.

But the next moment, Nalan Rongrong fell lightly.

Standing before the collapse of the platform, without squinting, he looked like he could refine the pill at any time.

After that, there were disciples from Tianhua School, Withered Wood Cliff, Qingfeng Tower, and Jingxin Temple.

And it was Chen Yinfeng that Ling Tian knew who came out of Qingfeng Tower.

But other than that, no one is on the stage anymore.

It can be said that this Baicao Conference, from the very beginning, was the final.

\"Anyone else!?\"

Cheng Bin scanned the crowd.

\"Yes, we!\"

At this moment, two figures flew up from the crowd.

Seeing the two fall, Zhang Lai frowned, \"You guys!?\"

The people here are Ye Xichan and Ling Tian.

\"You guys, dare to try Dandao with me!?\"

Zhang Lai was furious.

These two people really do not live or die!

\"Why don't you dare!? We represent Wushuang Xianzong!\"

Ye Xichan raised his chin.

\"Wu Shuang Xianzong!?\'

However, as soon as the gate was exited, the people on the square rang out with surprises.

Wushuang Xianzong has gained fame in Donghua this year.

There is already a posture to catch up with the four first-class sects.

Moreover, they all understood that Ye Xichan's visit to the Baicao Conference was also for Wushuang Immortal Sect's fame.

\"Hehe, you are from Wushuang Xianzong!\"

Zhang Lai sneered.

\"Okay, very good, I will let you know the gap between you stinky fish and shrimps and our top fairy gate!\"

\"City Lord, let's start!?\"

Cheng Bin immediately said: \"The rules are extremely simple, there is only one round, whoever refines the highest quality pill is the champion. For the sake of fairness, we specially invited Miss Bai from Tianshifang as the referee this time!\"

In Ling Tian's slightly surprised gaze, Bai Mengyi flew up to the high platform with a smile.

\"Qin Tian, ​​I didn't expect it, whether you can become a champion, I am the key,\"

Bai Mengyi smiled when she passed Ling Tian.

\"Let’s wait and see!\"

Ling Tian didn't care.

\"Baicao Conference, start now!\"

As Cheng Bin's voice fell, on the high platform, a total of eight alchemists stood on the collapsed platform.

In fact, what kind of pill the alchemist refines can tell the rank from the medicinal materials he takes out.

It seems to want to shock everyone.

The corner of Lai's mouth raised, and with a big wave of his hand, more than 800 kinds of medicinal materials appeared in front of him.

Everyone exclaimed, because the types of medicinal materials needed for the second-grade **** pill were only six hundred kinds of Quyu.

And the pill made of 800 kinds of medicinal materials, how to say, can also reach the third-order **** pill!

And this class of pill can only be taken with the presence of the fifth-order immortal king's combat power.

However, the fifth-order immortal king is already the mainstay of the major sects.

The younger generations being able to refine the elixir of this level are enough to prove Zhang Lai's elixir skills.

\"No, not only that, this medicinal material is close to nine hundred, which is not an ordinary third-grade **** pill!\"

Someone exclaimed.

\"Haha, among the medicinal materials, there is aquatic **** grass. If I am not mistaken, Zhang Lai should be thinking of refining the healing magic medicine of the third grade, with the spirit water pill, which can be taken by the fifth-order immortal king, which can restore most of the immortal yuan. \"

Bai Mengyi smiled.

\"Miss Bai has a good vision, and next, I just want to refine this medicine!\"

Zhang Lai immediately admitted, and then opened his palm, 400 layers of azure blue fairy fire poured out.

\"It is Zhang Lai’s fame fire, Hai Bingyan.\"

\"I heard that Zhang Lai was able to refine the third-grade **** pill half a year ago. I didn't expect it to be true.\"

\"No wonder this piece is so arrogant.\"

Everyone sighed, this piece is worthy of being the second-ranked immortal king of Zixiaozong, and his talent for alchemy is really strong.

But when Zhang Lai wanted to refine the third grade **** pill, Chen Yinfeng and others changed their expressions.

The gap between them and Zhang Lai is still too big.

The pill that they can refine is at most in the second-order **** pill.

However, although everyone was astonished at the pill grade refined by Zhang Lai, they did not conclude that he would be able to win this Baicao Conference champion.

Because there is still Nalan Rongrong on the stage!

The latter is the orthodoxy inherited from Donghua Immortal Mountain Pill Road!

Sure enough, under everyone's attention, Nalan Rongrong's expression has never changed.

She raised her bare hand, and densely packed herbs hung around.

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