Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2481: Rongrong failed

It seems that this piece is deliberately waiting for Ye Xichan to come out of the pill.

The rich pill incense in an instant attracted the tribulation of heaven.

Nothing else, it seems that this Lai is extremely confident in this pill.

After the catastrophe came, the pill fell in Zhang Lai's hands intact.

\"Miss Bai, please have a look!\"

Zhang Lai delivered the pill to Bai Mengyi's hands.

\"Yes, it is indeed the third grade **** pill, and its value is much higher than that of Ye Xichan!\"

Bai Mengyi nodded.

\"Hehe, I said, you stinky fish, rotten shrimps, that's it, you want to win the Baicao Conference champion, you also deserve it!?\"

Zhang Lai turned around and looked at Ye Xichan and Ling Tian.

His face was full of disdain and arrogance.

\"Hmph, you are in the realm of the immortal king, what can I say, besides, my master has not yet his old man~\"

Ye Xichan turned to look at his master and found that Ling Tian was empty in front of him.

\"Um, Master, why haven't you done alchemy yet!?\"

She had been focusing on her pill cauldron just now, so she hadn't noticed Ling Tian's alchemy situation at all.

At this time, he discovered that Ling Tian didn't seem to refine his pills.

How can this be used to win this Baicao Conference champion! ?

Can you rely on your mouth! ?

\"Hehe, just him!? A person in the realm of a fairy, or your master, it's really a laugh!\"

\"Now, even if he can refine alchemy, he doesn't have time. I don't have the patience to wait for him!\"

Zhang Lai sneered and looked at Bai Mengyi, \"Miss Bai, this kind of person, you really don't need to pay attention to him!\"

Bai Mengyi shook her head, not paying attention to Zhang Lai's words.

\"Qin Tian, ​​what do you want to do!?\"

She looked at Ling Tian.

I'm so curious.

She didn't think that Ling Tian came to participate in the Baicao Conference this time as a formality. The smile on Ling Tian's face was exactly the same as when he gambled with Cui Zhou in Tianshifang that day!

This guy is absolutely sure in his heart!

\"Don't worry, wait and see, then Miss Rongrong, haven't the refining been completed yet!?\"

Ling Tian stroked the sleeping little white fox in his arms and smiled faintly.

\"You guy, really calm!\"

Bai Mengyi shook her head, Ling Tian's appearance, sometimes, really hates people.

However, the Baicao Conference is not over yet.

They also had nothing to do with Ling Tian.

Three days later, on the high platform, Nalan Rongrong was still refining.

However, with the dignified color gradually rising on Nalan Rongrong's face, everyone frowned.

It seems that the situation is not so good!

\"No, although Rongrong's elixir and fire are powerful, the grade of this pill is still too high!\"

Bai Mengyi shook her head.

It can already be seen that this Nalan Rongrong is going to fail

On the high platform, Ling Tian also shook his head.

This Rongrong's talent is extremely high, but his cultivation is still a little worse.

If this pill was refined in the realm of the Immortal King, there would never be a problem.


However, Nalan Rongrong before Danding refused to give up.

The plain hand patted on the pill cauldron, forcibly let the pill come out of the cauldron!

boom! ~

With a muffled sound, the elixir rushed into the field.

However, what made everyone frowned was that the smell of this pill was filled with a stench.

The pill rose into the sky, but after it was suspended in the air, it stopped moving.

Above the sky, no robbery cloud descended.


Many people sighed. Unexpectedly, Nalan Rongrong would also fail one day on the alchemy.

Nalan Rongrong was holding the pill that fell on her, her face full of loss.

She didn't have long mastered the method of refining the Yang Soul Pill.

It is indeed impossible to guarantee a 100% success rate.

It's a pity that she came to Wushancheng this time to participate in the Hundred Herbs Conference, in fact, for the Nine-turn White Dew grass.

But unexpectedly, it failed.


However, when someone is worried, others are happy.

That Zhang Lai looked up to the sky and smiled, his face was full of joy.

Even the well-known Nalan Rongrong was defeated in his own hands.

So this time, he is regarded as the Purple Cloud Sect, and has gained a new face!

\"Nalan girl, sorry, the champion of the Baicao Conference is mine!\"

Zhang Lai proudly.

Immediately, he looked at Bai Mengyi and Cheng Bin.

\"Two, announce the result!\"

Cheng Bin and Bai Mengyi looked at each other, the latter nodded, and Cheng Bin was about to step forward.

\"Wait, I haven't shot yet, why is it over?!\"

However, on the high platform at this time, Ling Tian spoke.

Ok! ?

At this time, everyone looked over.

Immediately, everyone frowned.

What, this guy, it's not over! ?

He clearly didn't refine the pill, what's more! ?

Let's make trouble by heart! ?

\"Qin Tian, ​​I advise you not to offend me!\"

\"Now, the Baicao Conference has come to an end, you are not qualified to make irresponsible remarks without refining the pill!\'

Zhang Lai said coldly: "Also, don't tell me to refine the pill now, because I don't have time to wait for you!"

\"Yes, Mr. Qin Tian, ​​you still don't make trouble. The champion of this Hundred Herbs Conference, everyone can see, is Zhang Lai!\"

Cheng Bin also said.

\"not necessarily!\"

However, Ling Tian shook his head.

\"City Lord, Miss Bai, the Baicao Conference is better than alchemy, right?\"

\"Yes, what do you want to say!?\" Bai Mengyi nodded.

\"Hehe, that's easy, as long as I have a way to prove that I am more accomplished than this one, can't it be done!?\"

Ling Tian shrugged.

\"How to prove that the most intuitive thing is that you refine a pill of higher rank than others, but now time does not allow it.\"

\"Also, don't say anything to improve the quality of Zhang Lai's pill, that does not prove that your elixir skills are better than him.\"

Bai Mengyi seemed to have thought of what Ling Tian would do.

\"Hehe, improve the quality of his pill!? I don't have that kindness.\"

However, what Bai Mengyi had expected was that Ling Tian didn't even have this idea.

\"Everyone, there are many ways to prove your alchemy.\"

With that, Ling Tian suddenly walked towards Nalan Rongrong.

\"You, what are you doing!?\"

Nalan Rongrong's face suddenly became tense.

She had never seen this Qin Tian.

However, this person's momentum is compelling and has a special taste.

\"Girl Rongrong, if I can turn this waste pill in your hand into a finished pill to survive thunder, can you prove that my alchemy attainments are better than that one!?\"

However, Ling Tian's voice fell, and the entire Wushan City Square fell silent for an instant.


Nalan Rongrong also reacted after a while.

\"You said, you can let my waste pill survive the catastrophe!?\"

\"how can that be!!\"

However, Nalan Rongrong shook her head flatly.

If you want to change waste for good, you must have a level of alchemy that is higher than your own, and know all the problems encountered in the process of refining this pill.

Even she hadn't fully figured it out at this time.

How could this guy do it.

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