Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2487: Huangquan? You do not deserve!

However, she was also ready to take action at any time, and she definitely wouldn't let Ling Tian have anything to do.

When everyone's thoughts were turning, the old Taoist's Senbai blade had already come crashingly.

Ling Tian's eyes were still calm. At this moment, the light on his body flashed, and he quickly retreated.

The old Taoist sneered again and again, "Don't you think that you can escape by escaping speed, just die for me!"

As its voice fell, the blade instantly changed its direction and swept away.

The blade has a blade of thousands of feet, as if it is about to break through the mountain.

The first-rate sect's suzerain made a move, enough to shake Wushan.

Many warriors exclaimed and fled far away.

But at this moment, Ling Tian stopped suddenly and looked at the oncoming blade, motionless!

Just now, he got away from everyone's distance, but just wanted to see the toughness and resilience of this physical body.

After all, this is the characteristic of this clone.

"Stop!? Accept death!"

"You can't escape, so, this guy, I still give up!"

"Hey, the talent is good, and I will learn stone and alchemy again. What a pity!"

Many people sighed again and again, and never thought that such Tianjiao would still die.

To blame, blame Qin Tian for being too arrogant.


In Bai Mengyi's eyes, there was a flickering light.

Just before the shot, he suddenly stopped.

Because, at this time, she used the power of the original source of Lingxi, and she suddenly discovered that the Ling Tian in front of her was not the real Ling Tian.

This guy looks more like a living puppet!

"Clone technique!?"

Suddenly, Bai Mengyi's heart was shocked.

This guy is really unexpected every time.

The clones are so strong, what about the main body! ?

In short, Bai Mengyi knew that if Qin Tian dared to use a clone to fight, then there would be absolutely nothing wrong.


But at this time, the blade of the old Taoist priest had already swallowed Ling Tian.

Below Wushan, it was quiet.

died! ?

Everyone looked at each other.

Because they didn't feel Qin Tian's breath.


Ye Xichan and Leng Linfeng were also startled.

They can't accept this guy.

Why doesn't the master avoid it! ?

"Hehe, don't worry, this kind of successful magical powers can't be used by the master at all."

However, Zuo Xianzhi's face did not show any surprise.

What a joke, Ling Tian was once able to fight the top fairy king, these supernatural powers were no different from tickles.


"The ignorant younger generation still died in the hands of this seat!"

"Tianhua, have you seen it!?"

The old Taoist raised the ups and downs in his hands and looked at Tianhua behind him.

But the latter also shrank his pupils, looking at the place where the storm was gradually dissipating, suddenly exclaimed, "He is not dead!"’


The old Taoist's heart was shocked, and he also felt a certain breath.

Immediately turned around, but found that a figure walked out of the smoke and dust.

A turquoise armor and silver-white hair.

On his body, there is no trace of the blade raging! ?

"This is impossible!"

That old Dao was extremely surprised, how could he have thought that Ling Tian was swallowed by magical powers, and he would not die! ?

"Hehe, supernatural powers are too bad!"

However, Ling Tian shook his head again and again.

The toughness of this clone was far beyond his expectations.

Even this old Daoist's knife failed to destroy the clone.

The resilience of the clone should be no less than the change of the beacon.

The worst is the powerful dragon clan battle power brought to Ling Tian by the Panlong Transformation.

This is something that the clone has never had.

"Is there anything more powerful!?"

Ling Tian stretched out his hand and pulled out the long sword from the guqin behind him.

It is pure Jun sword.

At this time, the pure Jun sword has been refined by Ling Tian into several magical materials. Although it is not as terrifying as the meteor sword, it is not much worse.

"If there is no stronger one, then you are going to die!"

Ling Tianqing held a pure Jun sword and pointed directly at the old Taoist priest on the withered wood cliff.

"You want me to die!? You deserve it too!"

The old Taoist priest was furious. He was the lord of a sect. He had lived in this immortal world for hundreds of years. He hadn't seen any Tianjiao who raised him. Today, even this Qin Tian is extremely talented, he will die!

Immediately, he raised the ups and downs in his hand again, and said coldly: "Since you want to die so, let you see and see, the true magical powers of my dead wood cliff."

"Huangquan Great Seal, suppress me!"

The old Taoist priest there instantly outlined an ancient black-yellow mark by floating on the sky.

When that mark falls, it tears through space.

Coming down, the entire Wanzhang Wushan was violently shaking,

"Huangquan Great Seal! This is the magical power of the town sect of Withered Wood Cliff!"

"The old way is anxious!"

"This supernatural power is absolutely comparable to the eighth-order immortal king!"

Everyone was amazed when they watched the sky descending from the sky, with a large seal of nearly eight thousand feet.

too strong.

"Haha, acceptable!"

However, in the exclamation of everyone, that Ling Tian actually stepped on the void, soared into the sky, and directly rushed into the mark of the yellow spring.

In an instant, it was swallowed by the barren ancient lines.

The Huangquan Great Seal was spinning rapidly, exuding this terrifying aura.

"This, this guy, just rushed in!?"

"It's just to die!"

"This Qin Tian is really strange, people can't guess what he is going to do!?"

"It's too much to underestimate the big seal of Huangquan!"

Everyone still shook their heads and sighed. They didn't believe that Ling Tian could escape and ascend to heaven! ?

On the sky, watching Ling Tian himself enter his magical powers, the old Taoist priest raised the sky and smiled.

"Hahaha, what a fool, I can see that you are extremely strong, but within my Yellow Springs Seal, you have only a dead end!"

The old Taoist sneered, and the ups and downs in his hands made all kinds of marks, causing the mark of the yellow spring on that day to spin and vibrate more violently.

At this moment, this guy is actually enhancing the power of supernatural powers!

"Hehe, it's still too weak!"

"Furthermore, in the name of Huangquan, your magical powers are not worthy of being used."


However, at this moment, in the Yellow Spring Great Seal, a voice of indifferent sounded.

In the next moment, the old Taoist was shocked, because Huang Quan Da Yin was no longer controlled by him.


With a bang, Huangquan Great Seal broke apart.

And in the sky full of black and yellow aura, a turquoise figure suddenly appeared in front of the old Taoist priest.


A sword chirping sounded.

Below Wushan, everyone just saw the disintegrated Great Seal Seed, which was slashed down by the shocking sword light.

In the next moment, the body of the Withered Wood Cliff Sect Master was beheaded and turned into a cloud of blood mist.

The heart of the fairy king broke directly.

The sect master of Donghua's four first-rate sects, just like that, died in the hands of a younger generation! ?

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