Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2490: The ultimate horrible mine

"Hehe, this mine looks extremely deep, everyone, be careful, there is still suffocation in it, and there must be this mine beast in it that hasn't left!"

As Bai Mengyi said, she drew a thin white fairy sword from her waist.

"Hehe, you are also a sword repairer!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

It was the first time that he saw Bai Mengyi's weapon.

"Haha, why, don't you allow me to use swords!? I think your swordsmanship is good, if you have the opportunity, let's learn from each other!?"

Bai Mengyi raised her eyebrows.

"Then you have to see, your sword, will it work?"

Ling Tian carried his hands on his back.

"Don't underestimate people, wait!"

Bai Mengyi's figure flashed and suddenly accelerated.

Her bright star pupils burst with divine light, like stars in this dark cave.

Even in the mine, there is a suffocating aura that can block the line of sight and spirituality, but Bai Mengyi can still see clearly, as if walking on the ground.

This is something other people cannot do.

"Ha ha!"

Ling Tian smiled faintly, the one hundred thousand sword shadows in his body spread out as soon as he entered the mine. At this time, Bai Mengyi was already far behind.

The speed of everyone has also increased abruptly.

But even so, they reached the bottom of the mine only after several hours.

At this time, the inside of the mine was completely dark.

Even if Bai Mengyi had this incisive eye, he could only see things with a radius of one hundred feet.

This place is really weird!

Bai Mengyi frowned and scanned the surroundings a little bit intently.

"Beware, front left!"

But at this moment, Ling Tian suddenly exclaimed.

Inside the mine, there is also a cold wind blowing at any time.


Almost subconsciously, Bai Mengyi raised the sword in her hand and fell, cutting a sword in the front left.


There was a whine, as if something was cut off in an instant.

Falling from the air.

"Huh!? It's a miner!?"

Bai Mengyi stepped forward and found that the beheaded thing was two feet tall and covered in thick black scale armor.

It seems that it is not very easy to deal with.

"It's a miner, and, a lot!"

"Everyone gather around, Xianzhi, you use the piano to assist!"

Ling Tian suddenly pulled that Bai Mengyi back.

"A lot!? Ha ha, how many, are you and me here, are you afraid of it!?"

Bai Mengyi smiled.

"Don't take it lightly, these things are not stupid!"

"I'm fine, but my apprentice can't get hurt!"

Ling Tian said coldly.


Bai Mengyi pursed her lips.

"They seem to be here!"

At this moment, Ye Xichan exclaimed.

Bai Mengyi and the others then looked into the depths of the mine, but the next moment, their pupils shrank.

I saw that in the darkness, a series of scarlet lights suddenly lit up.

Densely packed. As if the red waves are surging!

"It's a miner!"

"The cultivation base is above the fifth-order immortal king, everyone be careful!"

Bai Mengyi exclaimed.

"There are also at the back, you go to the back, I will deal with the one in front of you!"

"The same is true for you, stand in the battle formation position I drew, don't move!"

Ling Tian commanded directly.

However, the ten members of the Bai family never left, but looked at Bai Mengyi.

"Trust me, if you do what I say, none of us will die!"

Ling Tian said coldly.

"Listen to him!"

Bai Mengyi pursed her lips and went to deal with the rear.

The others were also standing in the battle formation that Ling Tian had just drawn.

Zheng! ~

Zuo Xianzhi's piano sounded again, giving blessings to everyone in the battle group.

And it seemed that it was stimulated by the sound of the piano, the mine beasts in the dark suddenly roared like a tsunami, and then rushed towards them.


There were hundreds of miner beasts arriving in the first batch of wind gusts.

At this moment, he rushed up frantically, even Bai Mengyi couldn't help but change his aura.


In the mine, there was a flash of sword light, Ling Tian suddenly drew his sword, his sword aura raged, and immediately killed countless mine beasts.

And don't Bai Mengyi and the others behead the mine beasts behind.

However, the mine beasts seem to be endless. They are hidden in the ore, and they can even get out of the rocks above their heads.

If you don't pay attention, the Tianjiao of Tier 5 Immortal King's combat power will be killed instantly.

Ling Tian and the others killed for half an hour, not knowing how many mine beasts died in their hands.

After this shock, the entire mine began to quiet down.


After being safe, many people fell to the ground.

Gasping fiercely.

At this time, they finally realized the power of this mine beast.

Even if Ling Tian and Bai Mengyi were there, it was still so tricky.

"It's really strange, there are so many miners here!"

"I have never heard of it."

Bai Mengyi stared at the empty mine in front of her.

"Where is the corpse!? We killed at least tens of thousands of mine beasts!? Enough to fill the mine."

Ye Xichan frowned.

"No, mine beasts are monsters, not monster beasts. They are a group of energies that exist in the ore, but after tens of thousands of years of brewing, they have given them wisdom. If it is an ancient and mysterious mine, the inside The mine beast, the more terrifying."

Bai Mengyi walked to the rock wall of the mine, touched it, and then looked at Ling Tian, ​​"It seems that this is a dead end, it should be the end of the mine farmers."

"Well, the stones here are indeed exactly the same as the ores you brought!"

Ling Tian also nodded, stepping forward to Bai Mengyi's side.

"But it seems that there is no aura of holy original stone."

"Oh!? Could it be that you can't see the direction of this vein!?" Bai Mengyi raised her eyebrows.

She asked Ling Tian to come over for this reason.

If his spiritual eyes were no longer useful, then Ling Tian would have to rely on.

"I'm fine, but I don't recommend that you keep going."

However, Ling Tian shook his head.

"What can you see?"

Bai Mengyi shook her head, "My spiritual eyes are no longer useful."

"But, I still have such a Shanshan knife. With it, I can make a way out!"

Ling Tian shook his head, "You can't see the danger. It's definitely not a good place here. I even regret it a little bit. I brought my apprentices here!"

"Ah!? Master, is it so terrible!?"

Behind him, Ye Xichan and the others looked at each other, never seen Ling Tian, ​​so serious.

"Ling Tian, ​​what did you see, right!?"

"Is there any direction for this vein!?"

Bai Mengyi looked at Ling Tian blankly.

"Well, I can see it, and it's not far from here."

Ling Tian nodded.

At this time, his hundred thousand sword shadows had reached the depths of this mountain range.

However, he saw nothing but a terrifying dark world.

On the contrary, it was an extremely terrifying coercion, but his hundred thousand sword shadows were shocked.

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