Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2508: North Palace Storm 【Large

The aura in the bodies of the first two warriors is obscure and inexplicable, but the slight pressure is enough to show their identity.

"The younger generation Pingyang City takes in the Si disciples, has met all the seniors, and welcomes the seniors to Pingyang."

Those Array Masters respectfully bowed their bows to show respect, and the surrounding warriors all changed when they saw it, bending slightly to show respect.

This kind of coercion, and so many immortal kings, is enough to prove that their identities are extraordinary.

Ling Tian's eyes flickered slightly and said lightly: "Don't be polite."

His eyes were on the unheard of teleportation square. Thousands of light pillars of formations rising from the sky showed the strength of Pingyang City.

At this moment, Ling Tian couldn't help sighing, he was indeed one of the four immortal dynasties.

Just this teleportation formation is not comparable to Chu State and Zhao State.

Chu State wants to become a great Chu, but it is still far away.

Ling Tian also slightly put away the contempt in his heart.

After all, Dajin is also one of the four great immortal dynasties. This Pingyang is the core and important place of Dajin. It is very likely that there will be more than the top immortal kings.

"Please also seniors, give your identities, and I will wait for it to be recorded!"

Respectfully said for the first mage.

"Wu Shuang Xianzong."

Ye Gucheng only said four words.

All the warriors on the side of the hundreds of teleportation formations around them all lost their voices, and they all looked at Ling Tian and the others as if they were looking at this monster.

"Haha, what, is there a problem!?"

Ye Gucheng smiled faintly.

"No, no, dare to ask, who is Immortal Ling Tian!?"

It took a long while for the mage to react, but he asked.


Ling Tian nodded.

"Oh, it turns out that you are Xianjun Lingtian. You are here to participate in the sect promotion ceremony. If so, the seniors will be arranged to rest in Furongfang."

"If not, you can find a place to live by yourself."

The mage said.

"Oh!? There are such rules!?"

Ling Tian frowned and glanced at Bai Mengyi behind him. Bai Mengyi didn't say this.

"I am indeed here to participate in the promotion ceremony of the sect!"

Ling Tian nodded.

The surrounding warriors began to hum.

After entering the Furong Fang, I can't look back.

The sect promotion ceremony is easy to enter, but not easy to get out. It seems that Immortal Monarch Ling Tian, ​​as expected, is the same as the legend, extremely arrogant!

"Seniors, wait a minute!"

The mage hurriedly took out a token to urge it. After a while, a line of Jinyi Immortal King descended to the teleportation formation and bowed towards Ling Tianye Ye Gucheng, "I am waiting for Pingyang to lead the Si Immortal King, please seniors. Follow me to Furongfang!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Ling Tian nodded, and the group followed.

With the arrival of Wushuang Xianzong warriors, the teleportation square began to lively, and many warriors flocked to all directions to spread the news.


All previous sect promotion ceremonies have been held in Binh Duong City, and as the host, Binh Duong City is naturally responsible for hosting all forces.

Furongfang is also the place where the warriors who have participated in the promotion of the sect have been repaired, and it is not unusual here.

There are many houses in the square, but they are divided into size and strength of spiritual veins, which also shows the address of the sect.

In the past few days, various warriors have arrived one after another, and Furongfang has been forbidden to open one after another independent courtyards, and gradually become lively.

"Predecessors, this is Furongfang." In front of a series of gorgeous buildings, the enchanting fairy king stopped, respectfully saluting.

"Senior, please, register here first."

Ling Tian, ​​Ye Gucheng, Bai Mengyi and the others stepped in. At this moment, there were many immortal kings sitting in the Furongfang Hall, their eyes swept away, and they noticed the former cultivation base, and they suddenly showed awe in their eyes, and be careful to avoid them.

"Welcome to you all."

The manager of Furongfang is a fat white fairy king, who looks extremely inconspicuous, but his cultivation base is not weak. He has reached the realm of the seventh-order fairy king.

"The owner, these people are warriors from Donghua Xianshan Wushuang Xianzong. Please also arrange a courtyard for you."

The enchanting fairy king bite **** the words Wushuang Xianzong.

Ok! ?

The owner immediately raised his eyebrows and took a deep look at Ye Gucheng and Ling Tian before he walked out from behind the counter.

And the group of immortal kings in the hall immediately focused their eyes on Dao Lingtian and the others, and after feeling the terrifying aura radiating from Ling Tian, ​​they all took a deep breath and did not dare to speak loudly.

It turns out that all the legends are true!

"Hehe, you all are warriors of the Wushuang Immortal Sect. You came here by a coincidence. Our Furongfang is the best courtyard by the lake, and today there is only the last one left. The younger generation will immediately order someone to tidy it up and take you to rest. ."

The owner of Bai Pangfang opened his mouth, and after he said, he invited several young servants, and ordered a few words to send them away.

But at this moment, there was a sneer from outside.

"This independent courtyard, I have taken a fancy to Ji Dao Sect, people of Wu Shuang Xian Sect, go elsewhere!"

When the words fell, dozens of immortal kings also poured in.

Fortunately, this Furong Square is very large and spacious, with a lot of immortal kings influx, but it will not appear crowded.

The first two warriors who came were all over fifty years old, with indifferent expressions and a sneer at the corners of their mouths.

Ji Dao Sect!

In the hall, many immortal kings' complexions changed slightly, and then they showed awe.

This sect is one of the two top sects in Beihuaxian Mountain. Inside the sect, one of the thirteen immortal kings, Ji Yuanlang, sits in town.

Unexpectedly, Ji Dao Sect actually arrived with Wushuang Xianzong.

I spoke to the fairy king earlier, it was Ji Yuanlang, the supreme master of Ji Dao Sect!

Ling Tian's complexion instantly became extremely ugly, sharp lights flashed in his eyes, and a chill broke out in his body.

Suddenly turned around, staring at that Ji Yuanlang.

Although they did not speak, the breath of the two sides faintly collided, making the atmosphere here instantly stiff.

Ji Yuanlang's side was the Great Elder of the Great Dao Sect. At this moment, he took a step forward and sneered: "Why, is my Great Dao Sect here? Your little Donghua's Wushuang Xianzong dare to compete with me. No place to live?"

While speaking, the breath in the body bursts out, compatible with Ji Yuanlang's aura, and instantly gains the upper hand.

The complexion of Ye Gucheng and others changed drastically, and they were shaken back.

The top sect is the top sect, without Ling Tian, ​​their unparalleled immortal sect is absolutely incomparable.

"Haha, Ji Dao Sect!? I haven't heard of it, is it strong!"

However, Ling Tian gave a sneer, and a sea of ​​qi in his body instantly activated, rolling out boundlessly, pressing down the breath of Ji Yuanlang two again.

Unexpectedly, not letting the wind fall!

Seeing that, the strong on both sides are about to take action, and the white fat fairy king is killed.

This is Furongfang, if something goes wrong, he will die!

"Haha, is this Ling Tian? It's really domineering, but, do you know that this is Furongfang, who uses breath without authorization, but it's a crime!"

"This is Pingyang, not your Donghua Immortal Mountain!"

But at this moment, after the people of Ji Dao Sect, a group of white-clothed warriors walked up.

At the moment when these people appeared, the owner and all the warriors in the Furong Workshop knelt to the ground one after another.

"Humble job, meet the little prince!"

Ling Tian also frowned and looked at the group of people.

The leader was the one who had just spoken. He was dressed in a white feather feather robes and was personable. He looked similar to Bai Mengyi's age, but his cultivation level had reached the second-order fairy king, and he was a bit taller than Bai Mengyi.

The aura is also extremely strong, if Ye Gucheng doesn't use the power of the source, he must not be the opponent of this person.

"Meet the little prince!"

That Ji Yuanlang also turned around, bowed and bowed.

This person is the little prince from the Northern Palace, a noble disciple from one of the five branches of the Bai family.

Respect for status.

And the two top sects in Beihua Xianshan are Beiwangfu, and the head of the horse is looking forward!

Now that Ji Dao Sect and Wushuang Xianzong are competing for the house, he will naturally come forward to help.

Moreover, the name of Ling Tian had spread in Pingyang City a month ago.

He never paid attention to the unknown people from Donghua Xianshan.

Even if it is, this guy is very strong.

But in front of the Northern Palace, you still have to squint.

"Haha, brother Bai Chong, you've been crazy lately, your paws have reached Furongfang!?"

However, at this moment, behind Ling Tian, ​​a figure walked out.

The cloak above the figure was removed, and she was a woman in white with an extremely beautiful face.

When the little prince from the Northern Palace saw him, his expression changed drastically in an instant.

"Sister Mengyi, you... why are you here!?"

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