Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2510: Fighting poems?

This little woman is really interesting.

"Liuye Ruo!?"

However, the lady boss frowned, her eyes filled with hesitation.

"Why, look down on me!? Xianshi, we won't miss you!"

Bai Mengyi sneered, and directly took out a box, opened the box, and it was densely packed with the best immortal stones.

"It's not a matter of concealing your son, it's not a matter of money, but that little lady Liu Ye Ruo entertained the guests upstairs today, saying what it means to make friends with poems, you can't get rich if you have money, you must be talented, this is me. There is no way."

Is the boss lady embarrassed.

Looking at the box of the best immortal stones, she also wanted to make money.

"Oh!? Meeting friends with poems!? This is a bit interesting. In that case, let's go and see."

"Ling Tian, ​​go!"

Bai Mengyi seemed to be interested, and took Ling Tian straight to the top floor of the drunk flower shade.

When the two of them got upstairs, Ling Tian saw the so-called lineup of Liu Ye Ruo, who was indeed the person named by Bai Mengyi himself. His appearance was absolutely nothing compared to Chen Yin from Qingfeng Tower before. Wind is as much as 50% as beautiful.

Moreover, the turquoise fairy skirt, even the temperament, is not comparable to that of ordinary women. If it weren't for Ling Tian's kendo in this brothel, Ling Tian would never think that she was a brothel woman.

"Well, the temperament and appearance are still excellent, this woman is quite famous in our city of Binh Duong, and she is also a famous geisha, but no one can kiss Fangze."

Bai Mengyi chuckled in a low voice.

"You really understand this!"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"Nonsense, Pingyang City is such a big city, of course I know."

Ling Tian also discovered that on this top floor, there were a dozen young masters with excellent temperament sitting at this time.

Above the edge, a row of guards and small servants stood.

Among them are all fifth-order immortal kings, it is conceivable that these princes have different identities.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect Liu Ye Ruo to be so hot now. Those present here are all the disciples of the even greater top Xianzong and the people of the palace!"


Suddenly, Bai Mengyi's pupils shrank, and his eyes fell on the back figure sitting in front of everyone.

"what's happenin!?"

Seeing that Bai Mengyi's face changed, Ling Tian asked suddenly.

"It's okay, but I didn't expect that King Han would also come. She is the fourth son of the emperor of Dajin, and she has a respectable status that we can't compare."

Bai Mengyi whispered.

Ling Tian was surprised, and he also looked at it, but found that the one that should have been particularly clear, but he couldn't see his appearance clearly.

However, judging from the aura and the coercion of the cultivation base, it is indeed the highest among all the talents present, and has reached the peak of the second-order immortal king. This cultivation base is indeed the prince of the immortal dynasty. It is really terrifying, no wonder This Bai Mengyi was so jealous.

But at this moment, the Liu Ye Ruo sat cross-legged in front, facing the people, and a guqin was placed in front of him, and a light piano sound was heard, which made people fascinated.

Ling Tian's pupils shrank even more, because the guqin in Liu Ye Ruo's hand was also a four-character famous qin!

Moreover, it was much more noble than the Qingxiao Crane tears on his back, and it was an existence of the same level as that of Bi Tianfeng.

This had to make Ling Tian very surprised.

A woman in a brothel can actually use such an excellent guqin? !

This great Jinxian Dynasty is too unbelievable.

After the song, Liu Ye Ruo got up and put the Guqin in front of him in front of King Han.

"The king's guqin is indeed the top of the Da Jin, and it's really good."

It turns out that this guqin is not owned by this woman.

"Hehe, if you like it, just accept it, I'll give it to you."

King Han said with a smile.

The sound is nice.

It makes people feel like spring breeze.

"No, this piano is precious, I don't deserve it."

"I don't know, after my song, your poems are ready!?"

That Liu Ye Ruo shook his head and looked at the others.

"about there!"

"The girl used the theme of peach blossoms, and she played a song of Drunken Peach blossoms for me. With such an artistic conception, if I can't make a good poem again, I'm really sorry to the girl.

"That's it."

A crowd of talented people stepped forward and sent up the poems in their hands.

Liu Yeruo looked at them one by one, and only then picked two out of them.

"Everyone's poems are excellent, but I like these two the most. For a time, it's really hard to choose."

Liu Ye Ruo was pondering.

"Hehe, whose poems are it, why don't you let me taste it together?"

"Yes, let's take a look too!"

The crowd roared.


The Liu Ye Ruo nodded, and revealed the two talisman papers in his palm in front of everyone.

"One of them is from His Royal Highness King Han."

"The river is east in front of Zuiyin Tower, and the spring is lazy and leaning against the breeze. The peach blossoms bloom in a cluster, lovely crimson and light red."

"This poem by His Royal Highness King Han is very delicious, handsome and handsome, and it makes people happy when they see it."

"The second one is Young Master Zhao from Nanhua Qianshan Immortal Sect."

"Mountain peaches are full of red flowers, and a river of spring water beats the mountains and streams. Bonuses are easy to decline, and the currents are like sorrow."

"This poem by Zhao Gongzi is sad and tactful, but it is a song that matches me just now."

"So, I don't know, whose good is it!"

Liu Ye Ruo sighed.

When other Tianjiao saw these two poems, they all shook their heads.

They admit that their poems are far from these two poems.

However, Liu Ye Ruo has already said today that whoever wins the poem will be able to stay overnight in Drunk Huayin tonight.

I was able to have a spring night with such beauties like Liu Ye Ruo, but these people came to the goal.

Therefore, this victory or defeat must definitely be divided.

However, Young Master Zhao of the Immortal Sect of Thousand Mountains suddenly stood up and said: "It's okay, I am here, and it's not why I won. I just want to see the girl's beauty, and, I admit, this poem, Not as good as His Royal Highness King Han, so I surrender!"

Never thought that Young Master Zhao had directly surrendered.

Everyone looked at Zhao Gongzi, secretly sighing in their hearts.

Even if you want to come, who is the King of Han, although the great disciple of the Qianshan Sect is also a great Jin celebrity, it is absolutely incomparable with the prince.

Want to grab a woman with King Han, isn't this seeking a dead end? ?

"Tsk tusk, this Zhao Jinming, he knows how to behave!"

Bai Mengyi tut, and suddenly looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Ling Tian, ​​you once told me that you are proficient in everything, this, can you do it!?"

"It's alright, but I'm not so bored."

"Let's go, go down, it's so boring!"

Ling Tian shook his head and turned to go downstairs.

Make a poem! ?

It seems that he has rarely used this eyeball.

"and many more!"

"Our poem, you haven't read it yet!"

However, before Bai Mengyi waited for Ling Tian to come downstairs, she shouted, attracting everyone's attention.

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