Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2515: Three princesses

"The ancestor was born in the first house, and that house is also the home of the Western Palace."

"In addition, the other three palaces also came from the big houses, but, except for the direct descendants of the four big palaces, everyone lives in the white house."

"Our team, the fifth room, is the weakest. Although my talent is the strongest, after all, I am not backed by the palace."

"After you arrive at my house, don't pay attention to the words and expressions of other brothers in the house. They are used to being proud. In fact, they are all rubbish."

Bai Mengyi took Ling Tian and others to the Bai Mansion, and on the way, she kept introducing Ling Tian about the situation of the Bai family.

Ling Tian nodded, and now he was finally in the middle. The relationship among ancient families like the Bai family was naturally extremely complicated.

However, since he came to Dajin next time to win over the forces, then this Bai family, he could not bypass it anyway.

When they arrived at the White Mansion, everyone was shocked by the style of this mansion.

Although Ling Tian hadn't been to the Dajin Imperial Palace yet, it was just this White Mansion that he did not know the margins. It was much more magnificent than all the imperial palaces Ling Tian had seen.

All the buildings in the White House are made of precious white jade, they are flawless and elegant without losing their style.

"Let's go!"

Bai Mengyi led Ling Tian and everyone into the White Mansion and walked all the way.

The disciples of the Bai family I met were curious about the arrival of these strangers.

After all, this White House is not accessible to anyone.

Even if the Sect Master of the Eight Great Immortals wants to enter the White Mansion, he must apply in advance.

However, seeing Bai Mengyi before these people, ordinary Bai family disciples naturally did not dare to ask.

"Yo-yo, look, isn't this our Mengyi? Why, who is this handsome guy? You never come in and bring outsiders into our house."

However, when entering the back house of the White Mansion, a group of women were greeted. These women have extremely beautiful looks and temperament.

But it gave Ling Tian a coquettish feeling.

Moreover, facing Bai Mengyi, this woman did not have the sense of fear that other Bai family disciples felt.

"Three princesses, why are you here!?"

Bai Mengyi hurriedly bowed to this woman.

Ling Tian suddenly realized that this was actually a princess from the royal family.

No wonder.

"This is Ling Tian and his apprentices. My grandfather asked me to take them to the house as guests."

Bai Mengyi explained.

"Oh!? Are you the Immortal Lord Lingtian of Wushuang Immortal Sect?"

The woman looked at Ling Tian with watery eyes, as if she could speak.

Bai Mengyi quickly transmitted to Ling Tian, ​​"Ling Tian, ​​the three princesses are the lord's most beloved emperor."

"She is very nice."

Ling Tian nodded secretly, before he bowed and said, "Wu Shuang Immortal Sect Ling Tian, ​​pay homage to the third princess."

"Don't be polite!"

The third son gave a false help, and then smiled, "Don't say it, I really didn't expect that Ling Tian Xianjun of Zhendong Huaxianshan is so young, it seems that you are also a junior."

Ling Tian was noncommittal, and it was considered acquiescence.

"That's it, since it's the guest invited by the Five House Patriarch, then you should go there quickly, and I'm going back to the palace too."

The third princess glanced at Ling Tian, ​​and then left with a group of court ladies.

"There are seven sons in total, but three of them died prematurely. Now there are three princes and this third princess."

"In the future, you may be able to use her. With your skill, it's not a problem to level a woman, right?"

Bai Mengyi smiled.

"Stop it."

Ling Tian glanced at Bai Mengyi, "Lead the way!"

"Huh, you can't make a joke!"

Bai Mengyi rolled her eyes, but dared to leave, a sharp roar sounded from behind.

"Who is Wushuang Xianzong Lingtian!?"

When everyone turned around, they found a woman with a long narrow face, raised eyebrows, and a mean look, leading a group of people, walking up aggressively.

"Bai Mengying, what are you doing!?"

Bai Mengyi frowned.

"It doesn't matter to you!"

The woman came straight to Ling Tian.

"You are that Lingtian!?"

Although this woman is asking, but her sharp aura looks hideous.


Ling Tian nodded.

I don't know which of the tendons of this Bai family is wrong.

Are you crazy! ?

However, the next moment, Ling Tian's expression changed.

Amidst the exclamations of everyone, the woman directly lifted her palms and slammed Ling Tian's face with the rolling Xianyuan.

"Do you dare to abandon my brother's cultivation base and look for death!"

It turns out that this woman is the elder sister of the prince of the Southern Palace!


A loud slap in the face suddenly resounded in the back house of the White Mansion.

A figure flew upside down in response to the sound.

And everyone who saw this scene was stupid.

Including Bai Mengyi.

Because it was Bai Mengying who flew out.

Ling Tian retracted his big hand.

Snorted coldly.

"What about it!?"

Really laughed, a mere woman wanted to slap herself in the face.

This is absolutely impossible.

Even the Lord of the Jin Dynasty does not have this qualification.

"You, do you dare to hit me!?"

And that Bai Mengying herself was stupid.

She is the monarch of the Southern Palace, loved by thousands of people, respected and feared by countless people, and no one dared to slap her in the face.

But today, he was beaten by this little Xianjun of Wushuang Xianzong!

"Hehe, if you are not funny, I can kill you!"


Ling Tian frowned, and the cold breath filled his body.

Ling Tian really didn't mind killing these defiant women.

"You are presumptuous, but you know who I am!?"

That Bai Mengying roared.

Today, so many people in the Bai family watched that his younger brother was abolished, and he was beaten. This made him a branch from the Southern Prince's Mansion. How can he continue to stay in the Bai Mansion?

"Mengying! What are you doing!?"

However, a cold drink sounded, Bai Mengying turned around, the ferocious anger on her face disappeared immediately.


The speaker was an old man in black.

"Hmph, Ling Tian came to Bai's as a guest. He is a guest. Are you treating guests like this!?"

The old man said coldly.

"Patriarch, this person has abolished Bai Fan's cultivation base, my brother, martial arts have been cut off!"

The woman said sharply.

"What!? Really?"

Hearing this, the old man's face changed.

"It's true. My father has already rushed back from the palace, and he will be in the White House in a while. He also asked the Patriarch to ask my brother for justice!"

Bai Mengying said.

The old man immediately looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Junior, even if Bai Fan really did something wrong, you can't stop his martial arts, you are so ruthless!"

"Hehe, he just took the blame for himself, and I have left him for his life, which is already considered a kindness."

Ling Tian sneered, completely ignoring the pressure of the old man's breath.

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