Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2517: Leng Xuanye is here too

Ling Tian was shocked when he heard this.

The imperial weapon, that is the worst weapon used by the emperor Zhun.

Extremely powerful, far beyond the national equipment.

Ling Tian had only seen the ice-ling world sea stick in the hands of Emperor Jiuge.

That stick is an imperial weapon.

Apart from this, Ling Tian had not seen the second imperial weapon.

Now, the ancestor of the Bai family is saying, to find the imperial weapon! ?

How could he not let Ling Tian be surprised.


"You know the original holy stones, and you naturally understand that the tenacity of the original holy stones is the only thing in the past. Only the imperial weapon can cut them open."

"There are treasures in the holy original stone, and no one can ignore their existence."

"It's the same with my Dajin Bai family."

The ancestors of the Bai family said.

"Senior, looking for emperor artifacts is no trivial matter. If you want to come, the ruins of the buried dragon's yin should be extremely terrifying."

"The junior wants to ask, who can enter the Yin Ruins together!?"

Ling Tian asked.

He needs to figure out who they are.

"Yes, the Yin Ruins are indeed extremely terrifying. To be honest, in the entire Dajin, only me and the country lord have ever entered. There is really a dead place."

"Below the battle power of the ninth-order immortal king, there is no doubt that he will die when entering.

"As for the second question."

"To be on the safe side, we have invited a lot of strong people this time to bury the Dragon Yin Ruins."

The ancestor of the Bai family thought for a while and said: "Among them, I have the most Bai family. The lord cannot leave the palace. I personally preside over it. Similarly, the four great palaces and the eight great immortals are all eligible to enter the two."

"In addition, our Bai family will also select some Bai family's Tianjiao to enter it, looking for opportunities."

Ling Tian nodded when he heard this, but he didn't expect that so many people would go in this time.

Almost all the top combat power of the entire Dajin.

It can be seen that Dajin attaches great importance to this visit to the Yin Ruins.

It is simply a loss.

"In other words, only the eight great immortals after the sect promotion this time are eligible to enter the two to go to the Yin Ruins, right!?" Ling Tian asked again.


"Of course, you have enough combat power. Even if you are not from the Eight Great Immortals, we will invite you to enter the Yin Ruins."

The ancestors of the Bai family said.

"No, the Eight Immortal Sects are only. I came to Pingyang City for this purpose."

Ling Tian shook his head.

"Hahaha, well, indeed, with you, Wushuang Xianzong wants to enter the ranks of the Eight Great Immortals, naturally it is very simple."

The ancestor of the Bai family smiled.

"I'm worried now. We invited Ling Tian to the Bai family. Will those Xianzong be horrified after seeing it?"

The owner of the five houses suddenly smiled.

"Hehe, isn't that a lot less trouble?"

The ancestors of the Bai family raised eyebrows, not paying attention.

"No, I still hope that the two seniors will block this news."

"My Wushuang Xianzong has nothing to do with the Bai family. I want a fair promotion."

However, Ling Tian was right.

"Ling Tian, ​​you know that after today's storm, you almost offended more than half of the Eight Immortal Sects. The voice of the sect's promotion, you have to face a series of challenges, can you really do it?"

The five house owner frowned.

"It's not a problem."

Ling Tian smiled.

"Well, you junior, it's really extraordinary!"

The ancestor of the Bai family praised: "I heard that Mengyi has a very good relationship with you. I think it is not good. You married Mengyi. In this way, you are the son-in-law of my Bai family. With the support of my Bai family, you In the human race, it will inevitably become a giant in the future, how?"

The five house owner was startled when he heard the words, but he didn't expect that the ancestor was so optimistic about Lingtian.

Did you just ask your son-in-law in person?

However, Ling Tian shook his head, "Senior forgive me, Mengyi and I are very close friends, but there is really no relationship between men and women between us."

"Furthermore, the younger generation already has a sense of belonging, and this time it is just passing by Zhao Guo, heading to Dawei, looking for the younger generation's wife."

"Oh!? So you have a wife!? You're still in Dawei. I don't know how strong you want to come. If you can match you, you must be the generation of the Dawei royal family or the nine sons of Dawei."

The ancestors of the Bai family are very curious.

"The younger generation sends a wife, Qin Mingyue."

Ling Tian said proudly.

The name of Qin Mingyue is enough to make Ling Tian proud for a lifetime.

"What!? Your wife is the first immortal king, Qin Mingyue!!?"

However, the ancestor of the Bai family and the head of the Five Houses were shocked when they heard this.

Who is Qin Mingyue! ?

That is the legendary fairy king ranked first in the record of immortal kings.

The first combat power of the human race today is already at the pinnacle of the immortal king.

Some people even say that the Mingyue Immortal King may already have a terrifying combat power comparable to that of the Immortal Venerable.

That is an existence that everyone must look up to!

But now Ling Tian said that Qin Mingyue was his wife! ?

If someone else said so, the two would definitely say a fool.

how can that be! ?

Who doesn't know that Qin Mingyue is being pursued by so many heavenly gods now, even the prince Wei, and the nine sons of Wei, do not want to get involved in Qin Mingyue.


Ling Tian nodded, without explaining too much.

Anyway, when the time comes, they will know.

"Haha, well, in that case, we will talk about the marriage in the future!"

The ancestor of the Bai family and the Patriarch of the Five Houses looked at each other and stopped talking.

When Ling Tian took Ye Xichan and the three back to Furongfang, it was already late at night.

Along the way, Ling Tian did not see anyone from the Southern Prince's Mansion harassing him. Although the news that Ling Tian was received by the ancestor of the Bai family had been blocked, the Southern King could still know.

Therefore, he did not come to trouble him.

Of course, Ling Tian would not think that the storm had passed.

Nan Wang’s son’s cultivation base was abolished, this account, the Nan Wang will definitely calculate with himself in the future,

However, before the four of them arrived at the Wushuang Xianzong house in Furongfang, they saw a group of people surrounded there.

Ling Tian heard Ye Gucheng's laughter from a distance.

I don't know what makes him so happy.

However, when Ling Tian's gaze fell on the young man in black brocade opposite Ye Gucheng, his expression suddenly changed.

"Xuan Ye!?"

And that Leng Linfeng was also overjoyed, "Father, why are you here!"

That's right, the one who was talking to Ye Gucheng was Leng Xuanye who was the fourth brother of Sheng who was in the lower realm when Ling Tian was in the lower realm.

That is Leng Linfeng's father.

Unexpectedly, he also came to Furongfang.

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​long time no see!"

When Leng Xuanye heard Ling Tian's voice, he turned around and was overjoyed when he saw Ling Tian.

The two smiled at each other, and then walked over to a big bear hug.

The deceased met, like Ye Gucheng, Ling Tian has had hundreds of years, and he has never seen Leng Xuanye.

Now that the three of them get together again, it's really embarrassing.

"Xuan Ye, you have also come to this Furong Workshop. Is it possible that your sect will also be promoted to the Eight Great Immortal Sects!?"’

The three chatted for a while, and Ling Tian asked suddenly.

"Yes, I'm doing pretty well in Nanhua Xianshan, and I have invited a hidden top immortal king, and I want to try it."

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