Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2535: misunderstanding

The dragon woman slowly closed her eyes, and a drop of tears flowed from the corner of her eyes, full of humiliation.

"Three middle-grade national implements!"

But at this moment, a voice suddenly resounded within Yulongfang.

Suddenly, let the audience be quiet.

All the heavenly races were amazed when they heard the sound, and when they looked over, they found that Ling Tian was the one asking the price!


"Hahaha, Ronnie, you are very arrogant, three middle-grade national products, when did you get rich!?"

On both sides of Ling Tian, ​​the guards were also shocked, never thought, it was Ronnie who spoke!

"Haha, Ronnie!? Why, you ignorant fellow, dare to steal a woman from me!?"

The old man suddenly looked cold.

"Why, does Yulongfang have rules, I can't compete with you!?"

Ling Tian sneered, unmoved at all.


The old man was furious, and Yulongfang was a filthy place that the middle and upper levels of the Celestial Clan were unwilling to step into. Here, his gallons were the highest existence.

But now, there are even Dragon Envoys who dare to provoke his majesty!

This Ronnie really did not live or die.

"Boss Gallon, if you really want it, just bid!"

Ling Tian stood up.

"Well, since you provoke me, then I will let you know who is the boss of the Dragon Envoy!"

"Five middle-grade national implements!"

The old man gave a low cry.

These five middle-grade national implements are already his treasures, and they have been searching for more than ten years.

As soon as he exited, there were shouts of exclamation in the entire Yunufang.

As expected to be the Gallon boss, this shot is really generous!

"A high-grade national implement!"

However, the exclamation of everyone has not yet subsided, Ling Tian has already spoken.

Let the chaotic Yunufang calm down again.

All the Dragon Envoys looked at Ling Tian for a moment, as if dumbfounded.

Top grade national equipment! ?

This is in Yu Nu Fang, but it has appeared for a long time.

Such existences are generally contributed by the middle-level heavenly clan who go out hunting.

The mere messenger of the Royal Dragon, what kind of **** luck, can find the top-grade national equipment! ?

The leader of the gallon was also dumbfounded, but after a while he was relieved, and immediately said: "I don't believe it! You have a high-grade national weapon in your hand!?"

‘Take it out and take a look, don’t lie to us! "

"Haha, it's just a high-grade national weapon." Ling Tian sneered, and directly took out a black spear and threw it on the high platform.

This is the treasure inventory of the nine-headed dragon anaconda, and this is the last remaining top-grade national artifact.


As soon as the spear appeared, a tyrannical national weapon burst out.

Even the dragon girl opened her eyes, her golden eyes were filled with surprise.

The ancient dragons were chased and killed by the heavens. Except for the talents and physical bodies of the dragons, their techniques and the way of weapons have been cut off. These high-grade national weapons are extremely rare among their dragons.

After all, within the Burial Longyin Ruins, there were only one resource left over from the Great War ten thousand years ago, and only one was found. Such high-grade national artifacts were originally very rare.

"Now, do you believe it!?"

Ling Tian jumped up directly and flew onto the high platform, his eyes swept down on a group of Royal Dragon Envoys.

The messengers looked at each other, although they had never seen Ronnie so arrogant, but the high-grade national weapon's shots could indeed block their mouths.

"Is there any higher!?"

Ling Tian looked at the Gallon leader.

"Hmph, Ronnie, you have a seed, wait for me!"

The old man shouted angrily, took a deep look at the dragon girl in the sky, and walked away.

"In that case, the dragon girl will be sold to Ronnie."

The auctioneer smiled and said, "But, Ronnie, remember that you only have one night. The next day, you will send this woman to the giant tower for sacrifice!"

"I know."

Ling Tian nodded, grabbed the dragon woman by his waist, and left Yu Nu Fang.

The two guards quickly followed.

"Haha, Ronnie, I really didn't expect you to be able to get a high-grade national weapon!"

"It's really enjoyable!"

"However, you have such a treasure, why don't you directly dedicate it to the giant tower? That way, you might be promoted directly to the middle-class Celestial Clan and become the guard of the giant tower!"

Ling Tian frowned, "The Guards of the Giant Tower, why didn't you say it earlier!?"

"Ah!? Did you forget!?"

The two guards frowned.

"How could I forget."

Ling Tian shook his head. These, in Ronnie's memory, did not. Maybe that guy didn't expect that he could get a high-grade national weapon.

"Hey, brother, boss, this girl is really the best this time, you see, you can't enjoy it by yourself, let's wait, wait for you to enjoy it, let us have fun!?"

"That's it, just let us cool off once!"

The two guards laughed obscenely.

"Go away, while I am not angry, otherwise, I will abolish you two now!"

Ling Tian's eyes suddenly became cold.

"You! Ronnie, you guy, how do you turn your face and turn your face!?"

The two guards were ashamed.


Ling Tian let out a cold snort and shot directly, and the two of them flew out with a palm.

The two guards spewed blood out, and in an instant, they suffered serious injuries. ,

"Your combat power!"

The two were shocked and never thought that Ronnie would dare to make a direct shot.


Ling Tian shouted again, and the two guards ran away rolling.

Ling Tian hugged the dragon girl and returned to the house. When the snake demon saw it, his expression was full of resentment.

Since then, she has fallen out of favor.

Holding the attractive body of the dragon woman, Ling Tian thought for a while, and finally brought it directly into the Taoyuan.

This is the Emperor Dragon City, where there are strong immortals sitting in town, it is better to be more cautious.

The dragon girl didn't say a word, she was taken into Taoyuan by Ling Tian, ​​and she didn't feel too surprised.

I only thought it was the phantom formation arranged by Ling Tian, ​​after all, this was nothing to the heavenly clan.

Putting the woman on the ground, Ling Tian reached out and grabbed the greasy snow on her chest.

"Tianzu dog thief, even if I die, I won't let you go!"

The woman finally spoke, but she cursed!

Ling Tian didn't pay attention, and pressed his finger on the woman's arm protecting her chest, the sword shadow penetrated into it, and then he groaned, "It's a special toxin that seals the dragon veins!"

Immediately, Jian Ying directly strangled all the toxins.


The dragon woman's face was surprised, but she felt the dragon veins in her body recover and the strength of the rolling dragon race was rushing, so she jumped up.

"Heaven, you and I will never die!"

However, without any gratitude to Ling Tian, ​​the woman suddenly made a move and punched Ling Tian's face.

"Ha ha."

Ling Tian wasn't annoyed either. He knew that for this dragon woman, she wanted to kill the heavens in her dreams.

Even his Celestial Clan detoxifies her.


However, this woman was only the combat power of an ordinary top-level fairy king, and she hit Ling Tian with a punch, and she never shook Ling Tian a bit.


The woman was ashamed and never thought that she was so weak.

"Girl, you are afraid of misunderstanding, I am not a heavenly race."

Ling Tian took off his mask and revealed his face.

"I don't believe it! These are all illusions of your heavenly clan, so you are willing to play with them so that I will dedicate my body!"

"Don't want to lie to me!"

The woman said coldly.

That Yingwu's fierce appearance suddenly reminded Ling Tian of Ran Hongfu, and he didn't know how well that girl was cultivating with the Feng Clan.

"Hehe, then, can you prove it?"

Ling Tian smiled, the black card on his body faded, the beaulieu turned directly on, and the fairy king's dragon wings bloomed, causing Ling Tian's head to grow a pair of dragon horns.

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