Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2548: Rough cut stone

However, during the tea time, there were more than 5,000 warriors who walked out of that formation.

There are countless immortal monarchs and more than a thousand immortal kings.

However, Ling Tian felt extremely sorry for this number of people, because in the Emperor Dragon City, there were tens of thousands of warriors at most, and more than 5,000 immortal kings. Now, there are only so many left.

Those warriors, either died in the battle with the Celestial Clan, or were affected by the battle between the Immortal Venerables, and died under the surplus of supernatural power.

However, the rest are strong among the various races, at least, the domestic slaves in Ronnie's mansion are all there.

After all the warriors were teleported from the Burying Dragon Yin Ruins, Ling Tian landed on the formation with a palm, completely destroying the formation.

On the other side of the Long Yin Ruins, Long Xuan also used the means of the Dragon Clan to blow up the entire space.

One of the four forbidden territories of the human race has disappeared in this world forever.

"What are you doing!? This formation has been preserved by me for thousands of years!"

The Great Jin Kingdom Lord was shocked. Now, Ling Tian didn't seem to put him as the Great Jin Kingdom Lord in his eyes.

"Hehe, if the country lord wants to bring a disaster for Dajin, then he can also prevent me from doing so!"

Ling Tian sneered.

Now, he is indeed not afraid of the Great Jin Kingdom Lord.

His combat power should be inferior to the Immortal Venerable of the day clan.

What's more, he still has thousands of immortal kings now,

"You! What on earth is going on with this, all of this, what about the imperial weapon!?"

The Lord of the Jin Dynasty said in anger.

"The ancestor has already explained to you what happened. I can't say more about the inner story. You only need to know that there is an extremely terrifying ethnic power in this burial dragon Yin Ruins, even if all of us are added to it. It's not its opponent either."

"You don't know, but it's safer."

"As for the imperial weapon, it is indeed in my hands now."

Ling Tian said indifferently, and then said: "However, I can't give it to you. The imperial weapon cannot be moved arbitrarily. Those who move may become demons."

"That won't work, I've been planning for this imperial weapon for so many years, how can I fall short and gain nothing!?"

The lord of Dajin was furious.

The imperial weapon has been held by Ling Tian, ​​how could he accept it! ?

"Hehe, what? Is it possible that the country master wants to grab it!?"

Ling Tian sneered with his hands.

For the imperial weapon of this great Jin Kingdom Lord, all of them almost died in the buried Long Yin Ruins. If it weren't for the arrival of Long Xuan, how could they have survived and lived to this day! ?

This great Jin country lord is too selfish.

"Ling Tian, ​​Emperor Father, stay calm and not irritable. If you have anything, you can discuss it slowly."

Seeing this, the three princesses hurried forward to mediate.

"Where are your two brothers!? Where are the other Patriarchs of the Bai family!?"

At this time, the Great Jin Kingdom Master discovered that there were only four of the Bai family who had returned from the buried Longyin Ruins.

Patriarch, five house owner, third princess and Bai Mengyi.

"Everyone else has fallen into the buried dragon Yin Ruins!"

The third princess sighed. Although it was unacceptable, the burial of Longyin Ruins was really terrifying.

The combat power of the mere top immortal king, within the yin deficiency, is really too weak.

"What!? All fall!?"

The Great Jin Kingdom's feet couldn't help but shake. These Bai family's immortal kings were the top elites of his Great Jin. Now not only they have fallen, but the two princes have also fallen.

This is undoubtedly a direct loss of Dajin's top-level fairy king's combat power!

If other immortal dynasties or dark demons attacked Dajin at this time, how could his immortal dynasty not be destroyed! ?

This is the disaster of extinction!

"Haha, you don’t have to worry about the Lord. Although these powerhouses are mine now, they can stay in the Great Jin Dynasty. With them, your Great Jin Dynasty will be as stable as a mountain, everyone. Don't want to shake it."

But at this time, Ling Tian smiled.

These five thousand strong men who escaped from the Emperor Dragon City are also homeless now, but this is another extremely powerful force.

Among these people, the number of top immortal kings is more than that of the previous Dajin Immortal Dynasty.

When Ling Tian wanted to establish the immortal kingdom by himself, and to be side by side with the four great immortal dynasties, then these powerhouses were the cornerstones of the immortal kingdom.

But now, it's not the time for Ling Tian to establish the immortal kingdom, so Ling Tian can't bring more than five thousand powerful people to Dawei.

Staying in Dajin is the best choice.

"Ling Tian, ​​what exactly do you want to do!? Is it possible that you really want to subvert my Dajin and become the master of the Dajin country?"

However, this word fell in the ears of the Great Jin Kingdom Lord, but it was extremely ear-piercing.

Now, he has not much power left in the top Immortal King of the Great Promotion. This Ling Tian has left so many powerhouses behind, so is this Great Jin still his Great Jin?

"The lord of the country thinks too much, I just passed by here, and I have absolutely no idea of ​​coveting the position of the lord of the country."

Ling Tian smiled and shook his head.

"Ling Tian, ​​my father is looking for the imperial artifact for the purpose of cutting open the holy original stone. Do you think this works? We don't want the imperial artifact, but you can try to get the five holy original stones of our great promotion. Cut it."

"If you can, if there is a treasure out of the five holy original stones, you can choose one."

The third princess frowned.

She understood that if this holy original stone was not cut, his father would never give up.

"Cut the holy rough stone?"

Ling Tian frowned for a moment.

The secret of the holy original stone was indeed enough to attract Ling Tian.

Moreover, if the imperial weapon is only used to cut the sacred rough stone, there is indeed no need to use the true power of the imperial weapon, so there will be no danger of being demonized.

It's not impossible.


Therefore, Ling Tian nodded, "I can help you cut the sacred rough stone."

"Haha, that's great." The three princesses smiled and looked at the Lord of the Jin Dynasty, "Father, what do you think?"


Princess Da Jin frowned, in fact she was extremely unwilling, he wanted to use the imperial weapon to cut the holy original stone, but who could resist the temptation of the imperial weapon! ?

But now, he did not compete with Ling Tian for the capital of the imperial weapon.

"Well, I promise!"

"It's not too late, come with me!"

The Lord of the Great Jin was anxious, turned around and left the hall.

"You wait for your breath to recede, and now rest in the palace."

Ling Tian asked the elders of the human race in Ronnie Mansion to temporarily control the more than 5,000 warriors, and then, with the ancestors of the Bai family and Ye Gucheng Leng Xuanye and others, followed the lord.

Dajin Treasury.

As a rare holy original stone in the world, it is naturally stored in the safest place in Dajin.

That is the Dajin Treasury!

And the five sacred rough stones were all stored in the deepest part of the treasury by the Great Jin Lord at this time. In the past, only the Great Jin Lord could enter here.

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