Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2536: Daughter of the Lord of the Chonglou [Five Watches]

I don't know what Mingyue is doing at this moment.

A trace of melancholy unpredictable flowed out, entwining my heart, unconsciously giving birth to a feeling of loneliness. Ling Tian sighed softly, turned around and walked away several feet away, simply restrained under the cloth at the mouth of the hole, and then sat down cross-legged.

He thinks he is not a gentleman, a kind-hearted man, but he can't bear to watch this human woman fall into danger. If Ling Tian didn't take her away, another warrior would definitely find out that she would end up worryingly by then.

"Fine, this woman is poisoned. Although I have detoxified her, I still have to sleep for three days to wake up. I will keep her here for three days, not in return, just out of a kind of compassion. "

Moreover, this woman has an extraordinary background, and her temperament is pure and not bad, so she should be able to take care of it.

Ling Tian shook his head slightly, then slowly closed his eyes, and went to meditate cross-legged.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and the accumulation of dripping water can become a vast ocean. The martial art is based on continuous accumulation, and one must practice diligently and not slack off.

Three days, in a blink of an eye.

"Ah!" The scream is ten degrees higher. Although it is not a magical power method, the power in this cave is not weaker than an ordinary spiritual attack. It only makes people's ears hum and dizzy.

At this moment, the white-clothed woman sat on the ground, touching her messy show, looking at her high puffed chest, and the slightly messy clothes on her chest, a thought that made her stiff and whole body like an ice cave. Born in her heart.

Was raped! !


The second scream came out again, no worse than before. It's just that this cry didn't last for a long time, it was short-lived and piercing, and then turned into a whispering cry. She never thought that this kind of thing would actually happen to her.

It's over, I'm defiled.

I haven't been in love yet, and I don't have anyone I like.

If it spreads out, what about my reputation! ?

I am still waiting for my prince charming to come!

Will you be pregnant with the bad guy's child! ?

What to do when the child is born.

I want revenge!

Forget it, now it's tarnished, I might as well die.

Disordered thoughts rushed in the mind of the woman in white.

All of a sudden, the woman cried crazily.

At the entrance of the cave, Ling Tian frowned, then opened his eyes, a look of helplessness flashed in the dark eyes, shook his head slightly, then got up, took out a clean handkerchief and handed it over.

The woman raised her head timidly, and wondered in her heart, could it be him?

At this time, Ling Tian had already removed his robe, he was dressed in blue robes, with silver hair and jade-like eyebrows. He was mature, revealing infinite charm.

Now that he has fallen into the token with his own name, there is no need to hide his identity.

All, in the eyes of the white-clothed woman, Ling Tian was indeed born very well, and it made people feel safe and wanted to rely on.

No, no!

This guy raped me, is my enemy, how can I be so shameless! ?

Will he do it again! ?

No, I've been in a coma for so long, have I been **** by him several times! ?

I want to kill him!

At this time, although the woman woke up, her whole body was weak and weak, and her body's immortal essence and spiritual consciousness were still recovering.

But the picture in my mind flashes crazily,

"Don't cry, I don't know how the elders of your family protect you, or, what kind of wind you are, you ran out and made this look." Ling Tian shook his head helplessly, it is hard to imagine, in this danger In the Tianfeng battlefield, there is still this kind of top quality.

The mind is simple, not knowing the danger, to say something nice is to be ignorant and ignorant, when it comes to ugly, that is, idiot, stupid!

This kind of person is simply a natural fat sheep. If it weren't for meeting him, I'm afraid there will be no more bones left by people now.

The girl in front of her looked at her for about twenty-eight years, she was pure and beautiful, and her appearance was very good, especially at the moment, Qiu Shui's eyes were full of steam and her small face was pale, which was even more pitiful.

For a while, Ling Tian actually felt a gentle feeling for this woman, and wanted to protect her.

But at this moment, Ling Tian's eyes were instantly clear.

Although this woman is good in appearance and stature, how could Ling Tian be a mystery of beauty! ?

He has seen so many peerless women, and in his heart, he has long been like a stone.

How could this feeling be born? Looking at the woman with the pear blossoms in front of him, Ling Tian's expression suddenly darkened, and there was a sharp glow in his eyes, "Girl, put away your charm, otherwise I will subdue you and throw you back to the original place. Fend for itself."

The woman’s pretty face was slightly dazed. She was born with a body of inner charm. Since she was a child, her body has already been filled with every inch of her body. Every gesture of her hand can exude endless charm, even the top fairy king. Can't resist at all, all will be recruited.

But today, when she used her full strength, she was broken by the wicked man in front of her!

"Ah! This lady is fighting with you, you badass! Damn bad! I'm going to kill you!" The woman screamed directly, but she didn't want her body to be sore and weak, and her movements were limp and weak, it was more like Throw in your arms and hug in general.

A pair of small pink fists hammered in his chest, making Ling Tian quite helpless.

This girl, isn't she a fool! ?

"Hey, what are you thinking in your mind!? I am saving you and the others, but I am not a bad guy who is going to **** you. Did you forget the old man three days ago!?"

Ling Tian grabbed the woman's flamboyant fist and frowned.

"Hmph, don't want to lie to me, you are the old man who disguises! How could I be so easy to lie!?"

But the girl didn't follow it.

"Damn, you are so imaginative!"

Ling Tian was helpless, she would become smarter.

"Hmph, tell you, you'd better let me kill me obediently, my identity is not something you can provoke!"

The girl said with shame.

"Oh!? Really, then I'm really curious, what is your identity?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, "I guess, you are the princess of the Great Wei Dynasty!? Or the granddaughter of the three sages of the Great Wei Dynasty!?"

"Or... is the descendant of the leader of the Ascension Alliance!?"

"Huh, it's not. I'm scared to death by telling you that I am the daughter of the lord of the Great Wei Chonglou!" the girl snorted.

"What!? You are a heavy building!?" Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, which indeed made Ling Tianwei smile.

After so long, he finally saw the man in the heavy building.

"Hmph, be scared!"

The girl was arrogant.

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