Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2558: Fooled again

The sword can be so fast, even his own heavenly spirit treasure can't catch up!

What kind of person!

Nowadays, Yin Rourou is still dressed in women's clothing. The clothes are not conspicuous, but they are extremely exquisite. Moreover, she can sense the obscure celestial fluctuations in it. Obviously, this dress is also not an extraordinary thing.

Yin Rourou, who has completely restored her daughter’s dress, is undoubtedly more glamorous. This is also the most confident part of the little girl’s heart. However, in front of Ling Tian, ​​she obviously has no chance to expand her vanity, so she can only whisper in her heart that this villain is true. There is no appreciative ability.

One after another, the two were silent. According to Yin Rourou's statement, she stayed alone and sneaked out. The brother and others were in a human settlement named Tianfeng City.

From Yin Rourou's words, Ling Tian also learned that there are many human bases in the Tianfeng battlefield today.

Almost except for Dajin, Chu Kingdom and Zhao Kingdom, other immortal kingdoms participated in this Tianfeng battlefield.

Including the Dugu Immortal Kingdom, which is in the same situation as the Great Wei!

However, because of the different factions, their strongholds are also different.

Terran has ten strongholds in the Tianfeng battlefield. Among them, Tianfeng City is the largest.

Among them, there are four of the nine sons of the Great Wei, sitting in them, and now they have created a lot of proud records and killed many foreign races.

Moreover, the current record of the nine sons of the Great Wei is the best of all races, even the Tianjiao of the Great Song Dynasty and the Dugu Immortal Kingdom can't match it.

Therefore, Ling Tian also wanted to see what the real nine sons of Wei had.

However, the two of them walked quietly before long, and they had to stop, just because two women of the red fox race were caught in a siege of three aliens not far in front. They whirred again and again, and their pretty faces were pale, obviously in a situation. Not good.

The three aliens who were besieged from the periphery were of thin build, dark complexion, wrinkled skin, and five limbs that were slightly similar to the human race. At this moment, they were whistling again and again, and they seemed to be the dark demons.

"Hey, two beauties, why bother to support it? How about just letting us go?" One of the dark demons laughed, and his saliva almost dripped.

The other two monsters laughed at the same time when they heard the words.

Yin Rourou's complexion quickly turned red, and her eyes almost burst into flames, and her white little tiger teeth squeaked, "These **** dark demons are as **** as the rumors are, it's **** it!"

Ling Tian looked calm, looking at the fierce fighting in front of the two sides, his brows wrinkled slightly, his eyes flashed a little bit, a little mocking, but he didn't say much, and said indifferently: "Why, this is not our human race," As he spoke, the light flickered in his body, and he wanted to leave.

At this moment, the Red Fox woman who was under the siege called out for help, "Two human races, please help. Our sisters are grateful and willing to reward us. Don't let us fall into the hands of the dark demons. "The voice was anxious, matched with the pale face, which made people feel pity.

Yin Rourou gritted her teeth, turned her head, looked at Ling Tian pitifully, and said, "Will we help them? It’s the same as before."

This little girl begged him softly this time, in order to save two alien warriors.

Ling Tian expressionlessly turned his head and glanced at him, and said, "You and I had an agreement before, and I will listen to my arrangements for everything on the road. Otherwise, I will not be responsible for any problems."

"I won't save these two monster races."

"Could it be that you forgot how you got trapped before?"

Yin Rourou's face flushed instantly, and she gave Ling Tian a ferocious look, "Okay! You, this young lady saves it, isn't it the three dark demons? Do you really think that Miss Ben can't deal with it by herself? If you don't want to make a move, just Stay here!"

After she finished speaking with her small face tense, Yin Rourou's hand flashed with spiritual light, and she directly sacrificed the folding fan she had used before and went straight to the next three Dark Demon Warriors.

Today, in this Tianfeng battlefield, the strength of the Dark Demon Race is undoubtedly the strongest existence, almost the public enemy of all races.

Moreover, these dark demons are unscrupulous in the battlefield. They are licentious and like to have sex. Whether it is a monster or a human, or a dragon or a phoenix, or even the ghost and Yasha women in the underworld, they are all Don't let it go.

For the female warriors in the Tianfeng battlefield, falling into the hands of the dark demons is better than dead.

Every once in a while, the major ethnic groups will stop the elite combat power and fight against the dark demons in order to hunt down the dark demons.

But every time the effect is very poor.

This was also the main reason why Yin Rourou was so excited to take action after seeing the Dark Demon Race. After all, she was a public enemy, and the points gained by killing the Dark Demon Race were the most.

Ling Tian looked at the flying Yin Rourou with a calm complexion. At this moment, she slowly shook her head. Although this was a bit stubborn, her heart was not bad. Otherwise, if she was really a woman with a snake-hearted heart, he would not save her before. Let it fend for itself.

"It doesn't matter if you have suffered, the sinister world of the immortal world can only be remembered if you have experienced it yourself and suffered a loss."

There are problems with these two monster races and dark demons.

Ling Tian had already seen this first. Although they were extremely fierce, they seemed to want to kill people, but they all left room, and the siege position was also extremely mysterious, which could instantly turn into a siege formation. . Although these may be coincidences, their vision cannot be wrong. Whether it was the panic of the Red Fox tribe woman or the lustful passion of the Dark Demon tribe's warrior, they were all deliberately disguised. Although the coldness in the eyes was well hidden, it could not hide Ling Tian's eyes.

Therefore, he is extremely confident in his own judgment.

So he can be sure that Yin Rourou will suffer.


Things were as he expected. When Yin Rourou drove the driving light to get closer, the three Dark Demon Kings "furiously" retreated, and the two Demon Race women panted and thanked them again and again. But the moment the little girl looked at Ling Tian triumphantly, there was a bump.

Two demon women raised their hands at the same time to release two large black and white two-color nets, shining brightly, and they were caught off guard and tied Yin Rourou directly. There was a fragrance specially for human warriors sprinkled on the net, so Yin Rourou had just recovered from the scar. And expressing regret, but there is nothing he can do.

"Hey, there are big goods again, this human girl is beautiful, and it makes our saliva go down."

"Quickly, the three of us can't hold it back anymore. Let us take this little girl to have a good time first, and we won't be too late if we wait for the treasures."

"The two elder brothers are extremely right."

The three dark demons kept swallowing and spitting in their mouths.

The two red fox demon tribes laughed and gave the three demon kings a beautiful eye. There was no panic before, "Why, isn't it enough to be refreshed with our sisters, it is so anxious to this point, it is really you dark The style of the Demon King."

"But before being happy, do you help our sister catch this handsome offspring first, and then we can enjoy it? But you have to be careful not to hurt him."

The two women who heard it spoke coquettishly, and the three demon kings suddenly became gloomy, and their eyes fell viciously on Ling Tian. The ugliness of this dark demons was not only lustful, but also extremely jealous. Now, seeing the human race on the sky above the sky so handsome, suddenly my heart burst into flames.


With a low grunt, the three Dark Demon Kings flicked out of their bodies and rushed straight forward, making up their minds that even if they would not really kill this human warrior, he would have to suffer a lot.

Ling Tian shook his head slightly. Now that Yin Rourou had learned a lesson, he didn't want to waste time here. At this moment, he hummed and stepped forward in an instant.

All over the body, a cyan clone light emerged, raised his arm, blasted out, and punched straight!

"Looking for death!" Seeing that this human fairy dared to take the initiative, the Dark Demon King was even more furious. Although he could not clearly sense this person, the three of them were enough to match the enemy's Tier Nine Immortal King, and confidently defeated this person. No problem!

"Hey!" A demon king grinned, his hand was dark magic light manifested, condensed into a black claw, and grabbed Ling Tian's punch.

Before fighting, he seemed to have watched the scene of this person's arm bones breaking every inch and howling painfully, and he felt even more excited in his heart.


The low and muffled collision sound instantly exploded, there was a miserable howling, and the black shadow shot out, not only the arm bones were completely shattered, but also the absolute severe damage, the bleeding spring, the expression was terrified.

It's just that the injured generation right now is the demon king of the dark demons!

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