Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2563: Powerful Jun Bufan

However, when they took a closer look, they found that these two figures were indeed humans! ?

"Does the human race have a strong price to join again, do you know which arrogant this is!?"

"I don't know, it doesn't seem to be the nine sons of Wei!"

"It may be the warriors from other human bases. You know, in addition to the nine sons of the Great Wei, Luo Cheng of the Great Yan, and Zuo Xiao from the Immortal Kingdom of Dugu, they are all tyrannical existences comparable to the first four of the nine sons of the Great Wei. !"

"That's right! Let's go quickly, the human race has the strong to join again, this time I am afraid it is not a lamb!"

The warriors left one after another.


The two who descended in the abyss of the gorge landed.

With a light cough, Ling Tian let go, Yin Rourou blushed and backed away a few steps, her little head was about to drop to the ground, she squeezed and dared not raise her head. Although she knew that there was a reason for the incident, the first time she watched her so intimacy with her relatives and men, it still made Yin Rourou shy, and a bright red color appeared on her face.

"What do you look like? It was just in an emergency situation. I didn't take advantage of you." In this situation, Ling Tian should speak up first and spread his hands.

Yin Rourou shook her head and whispered: "Cut, I, I know, this lady is not a fool, she naturally knows that you are doing it for my good. Besides, if you have the courage, you dare not do anything to me."

"Haha, isn't it, why is this!?" Ling Tian suddenly smiled.

"Because, because you are a good person!" Yin Rourou stretched out her hands and put them on her chin, pretending to be a small flower.

"It's boring, don't send good people cards indiscriminately."

Ling Tian shook his head, his eyes and spiritual thoughts began to spread in this abyss, he had already sensed that there was a breath of warriors from many ethnic groups, and the number was extremely large, as many as hundreds of thousands!

Yin Rourou looked at the chuckling man in front of her, her complexion stunned, and then she blushed and hurriedly lowered her head. She secretly said that this guy also looked pretty when she laughed, that is, she always looks like a stranger shouldn't enter.

Ling Tian's face was calm. Although he was aware of it, he looked calm and calmly said: "Well, since it's okay, let's go. This Buguiyuan looks like a huge space, and I don't know how to find you. Brother and others."

Yin Rourou nodded silently, but at this moment, the little girl's face suddenly showed a sense of surprise, her hand flashed slightly, and a string of beads was emitting a little aura at this moment.

"Ah! Brothers and them are nearby." This bead chain is like some kind of secret treasure, obviously it is something that can induce each other. Looking at the spiritual light on it, Yin Rourou's face is full of joy.


The bead chain fell off, and under a tremor, it suddenly turned into a stream of light and rushed forward. Yin Rourou took Ling Tian, ​​followed behind the bead chain, and chased it up.

Under the abyss, there are tens of thousands of miles in radius, like an independent underground world. A moment later, there is a mountain stream in front of you. From a distance, you can hear the sound of the flowing water, and there are fierce magical power fluctuations. Obviously, Here at this time, there is a fight.

call out!

call out!

One after the other, Yin Rourou and Ling Tian shot out from the dense forest at the same time, seeing clearly the situation on the court.

On a small river with a width of one hundred meters and turbulent waters, there were dozens of warriors confronting each other, and several celebrity warriors were among them, and the rest were all powerful men who seemed to be transformed into wolf races. The people who fought against each other at the moment were a human master and a flying wolf clan immortal king with wings. Both of them were the strongest players in the battle group today, and the fighting broke out with great momentum.

However, the human race master obviously has the upper hand, and his gestures seem to be very random, even with one hand behind his back, and the other hand, the folding fan is swayed, which is to block the flying wolf tribe’s attack and killing methods. At this moment, the eyes flickered slightly, and he patted it down with one hand. The void's own majestic strength condensed in an instant, and forced the demon king to suppress it down. The demon king gave blood and spewed out, instantly losing the power to resist.

The gap is too big, the cultivation base of this young man of human race has reached the peak of the second-order immortal king, which is even higher than Yin Rourou, and the combat power is not comparable to the power of the ninth-order immortal king.

The demon king immortal king also has the fighting power of the ninth-order immortal king, but he was so easily suppressed by this person, which shows the tyrannical son of this human race.


The demon king was defeated, and the other demon martial artists fled in all directions. However, the son of the human race did give a cold snort, and immediately, from behind him, burst out a tower-like figure, rushing over, and a phantom stick smashed into it. Next, the group of monsters and the seriously injured leader of the monsters were directly bombarded and killed on the banks of the river.

"Thank you, Mr. Bufan, for your help. The two brothers and sisters in Xixia are grateful!"

At this moment, beside the son, two men and women with wounds came forward and bowed to salute.

His face was filled with gratitude and awe. The girl behind the man looked at Jun Bufan with admiration.

Obviously a nymphomaniac.

Moreover, I have to say that this Jun Bufan is enough to make all the young girls head over heels, handsome face, long body, dressed in a white dress, handsome and graceful, gentle and gentle, and there is a gentleman's style between gestures.

This person who shot is just among the nine sons of the Great Wei, the human line is hailed as the first son of the family, the Chonglou Jun is extraordinary!

At this moment, Na Jun Bufan smiled faintly when he heard the words, and said: "You and I are both humans. Although you are not my warriors, we are the same in this Tianfeng battlefield."

"Now, it's very dangerous here. You two are weak. Don't stay here for a long time. It's better to find the human community earlier."

"My brother and sister will remember to mention something. When the injuries are well-trained, they will immediately return to the ethnic territory." The pale-faced man arched his hands and bowed his hands, before leading the obviously reluctant sister behind him to turn and leave.

"Huh, the strong man of the flying wolf clan dared to hurt my fellow human clan. I really don’t know whether to live or die. The brother is too kind. I should take the action!" The strong man holding a giant stick flew back from a distance. , The suffocation was tumbling, but in the end, the points collected were returned to Jun Bufan.

After all, Jun Bufan needs points most at this time.

"Well, Junior Brother Du Feng, you don’t know the Qianyang Qingxinjue practiced by Brother Jun. The righteousness is strong, and it is even higher than Xuantian's awe-inspiring righteousness. You can only be seriously injured, most avoid killing, and the brother has a gentle temper. When you treat everyone as murderous as you are, be careful that no one will be able to save you in the future."

Behind Jun Bufan, there are three others, two men and one woman.

The speaker is one of the women with gentle temperament. Although she is not beautiful, her temperament is quite fascinating.

In terms of clothing, they are all disciples born in Chonglou.

"Cut, don't scare me, anyway, Lao Tzu is also the Immortal King now, crossing the Tribulation!? Then I have to wait until the Xianzun, who knows the year of the monkey and the horse month, don't forget, now even the Mingyue Immortal King is stuck under the Immortal, I'm not in a hurry !"

Du Feng sneered.

"Okay, let's just say a few words, we are here, we are here to attract the younger sister, she is here!"

At this moment, Jun Bufan raised his hand, and within his palm, there was also a string of beads. On it, the light spots were violently flashing, and the beads flew up, pointing to the direction of a deep forest in the distance.

"Hehe, Rourou, since they have all arrived, why haven't they come out yet!?"

Jun Bufan turned around and looked at the dense forest with a chuckle.

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