Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2608: Vellus hair of six-eared macaque


The clone coughed.

Although its physical body is not as tough as the first clone, it is not terribly bad. It is definitely much more tyrannical than the ordinary top-level fairy king. But now, under this shot, the arm has broken, and even the weapon is almost Can't hold it anymore.

"So strong!"

Ling Tian took a deep breath, and liked the puppet more and more.

I already have some plans in my heart. In the future, the war puppets will become battlefield mechas and war killers!


Shocked by a shot, the clone was furious, and in an instant, he recovered the injury on his arm, holding the saber, and wanted to fight again.

"Enough, no need to go."

However, the clone was stopped by Ling Tian.

Not much time, he let the clone come out, but just want to try the combat power of the puppet.

However, the giant puppet had already activated, but he didn't want to let these intruders go and kill him towards Ling Tian.

"Hehe, I don't have time to deal with you now, and I will go to Taoyuan to stay!"

Ling Tian smiled and raised his hand, directly bringing the puppet into Taoyuan.

The puppet fell into the deep mountains in the countryside, and the formation mechanism could no longer sense the breath of creatures, making the puppet a little ignorant, standing in the mountain peak like a fool.

This simple and crude method is undoubtedly the fastest.

At this moment, Wu Yao and Jin Peng, who were fighting with the puppets in their respective passages, also suddenly heard the terrifying waves from the depths of the underground palace.

Immediately, the pupils of the two geniuses shrank.

Because these fluctuations are already close to half a step Xianzun, and they definitely come from the core of the underground palace.

"Could it be that he was one step ahead of me!?"

The two of them almost spoke in unison. The next moment, the two of them roared in anger, their combat power was fully utilized, and they rushed towards the depths of the tunnel madly.

The temptation of the ancient treasure is unprecedented, and whoever can get the ancient treasure is destined to get a great reward from the ethnic group.

Moreover, along with the ancient treasures, there may be other ancient opportunities left, and they must not allow these opportunities to drain from their hands.

Therefore, at this time, hearing about the underground palace, the two geniuses couldn't wait any longer.

But Ling Tian in front of the main hall frowned, and he could feel the supernatural aura in the passage behind him at this time.

The speed of Wu Yao and Jin Peng is not slow!

"Xianjun, we seem to be too late."

The old man frowned.

Now this sacrificial hall is the core of the underground palace.

It is not easy to crack this last formation.

Moreover, after entering the hall, he had to face the lord of the dwarves.

These hours were enough for Na Wuyao and Jin Peng to arrive.

"Hey, it seems that I really can't force it."

Ling Tian frowned, thought for a moment, and said: "No matter, let's not enter this sacrificial hall first!"

"What, no entry!? Then we are here for nothing!? Xianjun, is it possible that you are going to give up the Protoss armor!?"

Jiuqu old man's face changed.

"Give up!? How could it be possible, but we should be the one behind the oriole. Since Wuyao and Jinpeng are so eager to come, let them meet the lord of the dwarves first!"

"We sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and we can't lose a good plan!"

Ling Tian suddenly sneered.

Because the treasure house and puppets were collected midway, Ling Tian had lost his first opportunity.

However, Ling Tian was still sure.

This Protoss battle armor is definitely in his bag.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian looked around with the nine-tuned immortal ginseng, hidden in the corner of the hall, the sword shadow infiltrated the hall formation, and began to try to control the big formation hub here.

If all the formations here are controlled, then even facing Wuyao Jinpeng and the Lord of the Dwarves, Ling Tian can be destroyed at will.

After a while, Wu Yao was the first to come, but looking at the empty space in front of the hall, Wu Yao frowned slightly.

Here, it seems a bit unusual.

The sacrificial hall is such an important place, how can there be no defense at all! ?

However, even though she was surprised in her heart, Wu Yao didn't care about that much anymore, stepped forward, sat cross-legged in front of the hall door, and began to crack the formation on it.

You cannot enter the hall without breaking the formation.

After a cup of tea, Jin Peng also rushed to the door of the other hall. He knew that his formation was not high, and he wanted to enter the hall before the dark demons. It was almost an extravagant hope.

All, Jin Peng's eyes were shining with golden light, and he stretched out his hand, and a simple golden needle appeared in his hand.

"Huh, fortunately, when I came out, the family elder gave a hair of this ancient great demon six-eared macaque. With it, I can enter the formation smoothly, Wu Yao, can't you think of it!? "

With a cold smile, Jin Peng blew a demon gas at the golden needle, and the golden needle bloomed with golden light and pierced the hall formation.


With a muffled sound, the almost indestructible golden needle oscillated on the formation, and it pierced half an inch directly!

Moreover, it is still in constant depth.

Jin Peng was overjoyed when he saw this, and his body was shocked, turning into the size of a sesame, attached to the golden needles, and entered the formation little by little.

After a full half an hour, the golden needle pierced the hall barrier, and Jin Peng also fell into the sacrificial hall.


Jin Peng landed and took a deep breath. Jin Peng, who had recovered his original size, looked at the center of the hall. The next moment, his whole body was shocked.

Because, at this time, above the altar in the center of the hall, a green-gold armor was suspended, soaring to the sky, so that the entire hall was shrouded in a dreamlike light, and waves of terrifying energy swept away, as if this A battle armor can resist all the attacks in this world!

"The ancient treasure is actually a battle armor!? No, this is the battle armor of the Protoss!"

Jin Peng’s eyes were round and round, and he never expected that the treasure hidden in the Tianfeng Mountain Range was actually a product of the Protoss. No wonder the Dark Demon sent the Wuyao. They definitely knew that there was a Protoss here. Things!

Although the monsters are not so eager for the things of the protoss, the tyrannical armor of the protoss is Jinpeng and cannot be ignored.

"Oh!? Who am I!? Turned out to be a junior of the Jintong Juju clan, why, just you, the junior, also want to get involved in the treasure of my Dru clan!?"

At this moment, that voice suddenly rang in the hall.

Jin Peng's gaze fell from the armor, only to find that a short and strong man, sitting cross-legged in front of the armor, almost failed to notice.

"Are you the lord of the dwarves!? Now that I know that I am a golden-eyed man, don't hesitate to give the heavy treasure to me!?"

Jin Peng drank low.

Jin Tong Yu Ma is a family of ancient big monsters with the blood of sacred beasts. He is even more respected within the monster clan. For this dwarf clan, he naturally carries the aura of a superior person.

He looked down on these dwarves from the bottom of his heart.

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