Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2622: Killing [four more]

The entire Xuantian authentic sect main peak was completely boiling, this Ling Tian was really too crazy.

Give a fake fairy weapon?

And you don't need a weapon to shoot! ?

What a contempt this is. After Ling Tian really got up mad, his jaw almost fell off astonishingly.

It is conceivable that Jun Bufan was feeling aggrieved at this moment, originally thinking of revenge, and returning all the previous humiliation to Ling Tian.

Unexpectedly, he was frantically stunned before he started, and he was about to vomit blood.

Moreover, Ling Tian dared to say that he didn't need to use weapons to fight him. Is it true that the Fengxiang sword in his hand is a fire stick!

Jun Bufan kept his face sullen and continued: "Swordsman said, it is difficult to chase horses, since you dare to humiliate me in public, you have to bear the price of such arrogance. If you can't defeat me with a single sword, you give me the weapon of the pseudo-immortal. I lost……"

"You will not lose, you will only die!" Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"You must die!"

Jun Bufan gritted his teeth.

"Okay, then we will live or die!"

Suddenly, everyone above the main peak took a deep breath.

This time, it was really a battle of life and death!

Everyone looked at Ling Tian in disbelief, was this guy crazy? He didn't need a weapon to kill the current Jun Bufan in one move! ?

This seems to be impossible.

But soon, they will be able to witness.

Ling Tian flew down from the gate of the main hall and hovered across from Jun Bufan.

No aura was scattered on the body, "Let's do it."

"But I remind you, use your strongest sword, don't let yourself be wronged, because I won't give you a second chance."

Ling Tian spoke, still stimulating Jun Bufan.

"Okay, I will make you arrogant again, Ling Tian, ​​remember that you will lose today because you underestimated me!"

Jun Bufan coldly held the sword in his hand, and the sword intent on his body vibrated again.

Everyone held their breath and kept their eyes on.

The war is about to start, and this time shouldn't end soon.

Na Jun Bufan urged his Tier 4 fairy king peak combat power to the extreme, he took a deep breath, his expression was solemn, and he didn't dare to be careless.


In the next moment, the majestic sword intent of the great master of heaven exploded from his body, the true essence flowed, the sword light bloomed all over his body, and his long hair danced without wind.

Able to comprehend the original sword intent in the realm of the immortal king, one can be called a kendo wizard and needs a unique talent among thousands of people. It took Jun Bufan almost three years to be able to cultivate the elementary original sword intent to the intermediate level. His kendo talent is absolutely not bad, otherwise he would not be able to cultivate the sword.

In terms of talent alone, he is definitely not worse than Yin Moshou, and with the support of the two major forces of Xuantian Zhengzong and Zhonglou, his resources are more abundant than any Tianjiao.


Without the slightest nonsense, when the sword power reached its peak, Jun Bufan stepped out and drew his sword out of its sheath.

Cang! Cang! Cang!

In an instant, nine afterimages appeared around Ling Tian, ​​and each afterimage produced a sword, and each sword contained a biting cold light. What is even more exaggerated is that the positions of the nine figures have their own mysteries, and completely different spirit patterns are shining in the sword light.

When everyone saw this, they were all shocked. This sword was actually different from the sword technique that Jun Bufan had shown before. No, it was not the same. It was split from one sword into nine swords!

These nine swords are like a sword formation, so that his sword technique has skyrocketed in power!

There is a streamer rotating among the nine afterimages, like a dragon, faster than Jinghong. It turns out that this is the true face of the sword of Zhanfan! ?

No matter what angle you look at, these killer moves can be described as seamless. Not to mention Ling Tian defeating Jun Bufan with a single sword, he can guarantee that he will not be injured under this sword.

Xuantian Zhengzong and others were above the hall, looking at that Jun Bufan, and nodding secretly.

Jun Bufan deserves to be a descendant he has cultivated secretly for more than 20 years.

Future achievements will soon surpass him.

Just when everyone wanted to break their heads and felt that Ling Tian could not crack this trick, Ling Tian on the battle stage unexpectedly closed his eyes when the nine figures were about to be killed.

The next moment, something strange happened.

The nine afterimages in the air seemed to be imprisoned, and the light of the sword that was originally fast and shocking was so slow that it was shocking.

rub! rub! rub!

Ling Tian in it, like a stroll in a leisurely courtyard, walked around at will. One step, two steps, three steps, he walked slowly, stopping from time to time, turning slightly to his side, avoiding the most dangerous sword moves in the eyes of everyone.

Ling Tian walked very slowly, but after the sword light passed by, he got up strangely quickly, so fast that he couldn't even see the afterimage.

For a while, everyone was stunned.

It's unclear whether Ling Tian's body is too fast, or Jun Bufan's sword light is too slow. Between the speed and the slow, the light and shadow are crisscrossed, and the sword intent is intertwined, making people dazzling, as if the space has been distorted.

In the hall, the originally confident Sect Master Xuantian trembled and said in amazement: "What the **** is going on? How can this Lingtian formation be so weird!?"

"It seems to be that the body technique of the Celestial Clan is too fast, and it is like a teleportation between square inches. This is the body technique method that the Immortal Venerable can possess!"

Nine thousand-year-old Jiang Li frowned.

I was shocked in my heart. How could Ling Tian possess the techniques of the Celestial Clan? Is it possible that it was Professor Qin Mingyue's! ?

"Xianzun can use his own body skills!?"

At this time, Sect Master Xuantian heard that his face instantly became gloomy. If Jun Bufan's Zhanfan Jianfeng couldn't help Ling Tian, ​​wouldn't it be that he would lose! ?


At this moment, Jun Bufan on the battle platform could no longer bear it, and he screamed, wanting to sacrifice all the power of the Nine Swords. This was his last resort. If he still couldn't force Ling Tian to use his sword, he would undoubtedly lose.

Sect Master Xuantian was extremely nervous, but Qin Mingyue shook her head, this Monarch Bufan had already lost.

Swordsmen are decisive in killing and cutting, and are most afraid of losing their sharpness by throwing rodents.


Sure enough, the moment Ling Tian's closed eyes opened, the high-level original sword intent exploded in an instant.


Silver rays of light bloomed from Ling Tian's body, his silvery white hair fluttered, his ethereal and handsome face, like an immortal, did not eat the fireworks in the world, and his brows were slightly imprinted from heaven and earth, adding a touch of sword immortal temperament.

After that, Ling Tian raised his hand, using his finger as a sword, and the sword came out. Although it was not any sword technique, every sword stroke passed by, as if it was carrying the original truth of swordsmanship.

Click! Click! Click!

Jun Bufan's sword intent was collapsed in an instant, and there was a gap between the intermediate and advanced sword intent sources.

What's more, one is ready to go, and one peak has passed.

It was like a peerless sword, and a blade full of bronze odor, the latter was immediately covered in bones when touched.


Jun Bufan vomited blood on the spot, his sword slashing technique didn't even have a chance to be used. With the blessing of the original sword intent, the sword light that Ling Tian swung out was destroyed and rotten in the blink of an eye, smashing the body of the opponent's body. True yuan.


The majestic sword fell like a mountain, and Jun Bufan spit out blood, his face flushed red when he was pressed.


His legs softened and he knelt down on the battle platform.

Kacha, half of the main peak collapsed, everyone sucked in cold air, just how terrifying the sword power that was pressing on Jun Bufan's body.

Jun Bufan's eyes were dull, and he looked at Ling Tian with horror.

The opponent only needs a face-to-face to make himself defeated, but he chose the easiest and most labor-saving way.

He forced himself to act like a clown for so long on stage, and then defeated himself with a cruel sword.

"I lost……"

Jun Bufan was dripping with blood, and the Fengxiang sword in his hand was crying mournfully.

He lost, who gave Ling Tian who hadn't even used his sword skills.

Moreover, his Zhanfan swordsmanship has never even hurt the opponent.

God knows how terrifying this Lingtian swordsmanship is.

"If you lose, then die!"

Ling Tian sneered, the finger in his sleeve clicked again.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are so presumptuous, in my Xuantian authentic sect, you dare to kill my descendants of the Chen family!?"

Inside the hall, Sect Master Xuantian shouted sharply.

"Hmph, you are immortal, now I just want to smash my face with you, this Jun Bufan, I was the first to kill, soon, it will come to you, don't worry!"

When the voice fell, Ling Tian didn't care about the Xuantian Sect Master who came out of the flying body, his fingers suddenly fell, and that Jun Bufan was killed directly.

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