Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2634: Reinforcements arrive

Not only that, today's Chonglou disciples are trembling all over, like sifting chaff.

A suffocating coercion came from far away. It was too strong. Even though it was extremely far away, one could still clearly feel how terrifying that coercion was.

The dazzling golden phoenix figure spreads its wings above the void, and those big Wei imperial powerhouses wearing golden robes are so gorgeous and dazzling, that golden phoenix chariot, high above, like a god-like lord of the big Wei, Overlooking all beings.

"Xianzun Wei Zheng." Many people clenched their fists, and they will face Da Wei Xianzun, the king who controls the immortal dynasty.

The army was getting closer and closer, and the army of the Great Wei Xian Dynasty also swept towards Ling Tian and the others above the mountain, with a cold expression and cold killing thoughts in their eyes.

And sneer.

Because Ling Tian, ​​who used to be rampant in Luoyang City, threatened to destroy Da Wei, but now there are only a few hundred people, which is really ridiculous.


A voice came out. Next to the chariot that the Lord of Wei was riding in, Wei Wuyan, the leader of the army, waved his hand, and the army stopped moving forward. The two legions were separated by a long distance, but for these powerful practitioners, this The distance can be spanned in an instant.

At this time, in the Great Wei Army regiment, a young strong man wearing a gorgeous royal blouse stepped out. Holding a halberd with a golden luan pattern, he pointed at Ling Tian and the others on the mountain, and shouted coldly: "You, everyone, see The lord of the Great Wei hasn't bowed down and bowed."

His voice billowed, reverberating between heaven and earth, as the Wei imperial family, to overwhelm Lingtian people and suppress Lingtian's momentum.

"Hehe, it is true that the former Dawei was the head of the human race, sitting on nearly half of the human race's top combat power." At this time, a voice came from the mountain peak, and the speaker was Ling Tian.

Hearing his words, everyone in the Great Wei Xian Dynasty Legion showed pride. Back then, the golden lion cavalry swept the human race and established a magnificent military exploit.

"Unfortunately, the Great Wei Xian Dynasty is still the same today. For thousands of years, there has been no progress. It really disappoints me!" Ling Tian continued: "Originally, I thought you could give me some surprises. Now look at it. Come, it's just that."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

The young man of the great Wei imperial family held up the golden spear and said angrily: "What right do you have to continue to taunt my great Wei Xianchao!? Relying on these hundreds of rubbish-like disciples!? You kill!"

"Haha, hundreds of people!?"

"Sorry, I have a lot of people. Since you have already come, then my army should also appear."

"Now, let you know what qualifications are!"

"Formation, Kai!"

Above the mountain, Ling Tian let out a cold snort. During the overhaul, the hand of the Azure Dragon raised, and a banner of the formation technique appeared on top of his head in an instant.

The formation flag hung high, and the array of rays of light bloomed from it, and the moment Ling Tian sacrificed the battle flag, it seemed that the entire Tianfeng Mountain Range behind him began to tremble.


Behind Ling Tian, ​​everyone in the heavy building looked at each other, wondering whether the formation that Ling Tian sacrificed wanted to rely on the force of the formation to fight the Great Wei Legion, or what.

But if you want to transform into a large army, I'm afraid it's impossible.

Now that the Great Wei Army is coming, there are tens of millions, how can we compare with it! ?

However, before they were surprised, their eyes were suddenly shocked.

Because, behind them, with the rays of light shining through the sky, all the mountains and rivers and ravines seemed to have formation totems manifested, and then, a series of figures manifested from the formation.

Those soldiers in armor, like a flood that bursts a bank, gushing out of countless formations, densely packed, as if endless.


Such a crazy and magnificent scene not only stunned everyone in that heavy building, even the tens of thousands of warriors of the Great Wei Legion were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

With so many armies, and they are all human races, where did Ling Tian get it? How come they haven't heard a word of wind before! ?

"There are people from Dugu Immortal Kingdom and Dayan Immortal Dynasty!"

Behind the big Wei imperial family, someone furiously said.

"Sure enough, this Dugu Immortal Kingdom and Dayan Immortal Dynasty also tried to fight against me, Dawei!?"

However, following the millions of troops of Dugu Immortal Kingdom and Dayan Wangchao, the army behind Ling Tian, ​​more and more, is still surging.

The number has already exceeded six million!

"It's not over yet!"

At this time, the strong men of the Wei imperial family began to be shocked.

"I seem to have seen the flags of Chu and Zhao!? They even dared to come to the Tianfeng Mountain Range and fight against my Dawei!"

"Although there are not many people in Chu and Zhao, there are only two million, but they seem to be elite! Tiger and wolf cavalry, all of them!"

The exclamation continued. Behind Ling Tian, ​​the army was still soaring. In the blink of an eye, it had already reached 8 million people!

Eight million to ten million seems to be enough.

At least in terms of the number of people, the Great Wei Xian Dynasty no longer has absolute repressive power.

At this time, the formation in the depths of the Tianfeng Mountain Range began to quiet down, as if all the reinforcements had arrived.

"This, so many people!"

The lord of the heavy building was dumb, turning around and looking at the boundless black and oppressive army, above the battle group, there was the will to soar to the sky, and for a while, he was shocked.

At this moment, behind them, there was an army of human races from the four immortal kingdoms of Dugu, Dayan, Chu and Zhao.

The number of people exceeded 8 million, and in terms of momentum, it is not worse than that of Wei's tens of millions.

Among these armies, perhaps there are not many immortal kings in Chu and Zhao, but in the battle group of Dayan and Dugu Immortal Kingdom, the strong immortal king has roared towards the front, like steel The torrent is average!

The number is not bad for the Great Wei Xian Dynasty!

"Hahaha, Ling Tian, ​​here we are!"

"You bastard, but I miss my ancestors so much!"

From the east and west sides, there is a strong figure on each side, appearing above the sky.

One of them came with hundreds of immortal kings from the lonely immortal kingdom, with a blood-colored golden armor and nine immortal king wings surging behind him, like an ancient king’s prize. The battled Dugu Hanshan.

And Dugu, also regarded as Ling Tian's senior, had once obtained the skill of mountain and river warfare.

On the other side, there is an old man who looks energetic. His heavy cyan armor does not have the aura of a king, but he is extremely powerful and has a supreme cultivation base. , But also a mere line apart.

This person is the ancestor of the Ling family, Ling Xiao!

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