Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2657: Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou[Three Thousands

"This is what I am most worried about right now. Your aunt Qiu'er has a simple temperament. If she soars to other places, I really don't worry."

Ling Tian sighed.

"Okay, when I leave here, I will also help find the whereabouts of my aunt, father, take care."

Ling Nian stepped back a few steps, knelt down to Ling Tian, ​​and knocked his head nine times.

"Boy, go!"

Ling Tian laughed and cursed again.

However, watching Ling Nian turn around and disappear into Taoyuan, Ling Tian shook his head, and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes without a trace.

When his son grows up, he can share some things for himself. This feeling really makes him gratified, and his fighting spirit has skyrocketed.

Yes, he still has a lot of things to do, and he still has a lot of people who need to find and protect himself.

"Ling Tian, ​​what do you plan to do next!?"

Liuyao and Qingxiao manifested behind Ling Tian.

"I'm going to the Demon Race. Mingyue used the Celestial Armillary Sphere to check. Qiu'er is likely to fly to the Demon Race. I'm going to see it."

"In addition, except for Qiu'er and Yanyan, Yiyi and Shishi have all appeared in the Demon Race's Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou. Therefore, this demon race, I must go."

"And after that, I'll take another trip to the dragon clan."

Ling Tiandao.

This is his current plan.

Now, he has established the Dahanxian Dynasty. Although the first step of the plan has been completed, then he will find all his women back.

"Go to the Demon Race first!? That's just the right thing, the manifestation of the map on the Six-Yao Ding, these days, I have also checked, it is from the Ten Thousand Demon Immortal Prefecture.

Six Yao Road.

"Oh, isn't it!?"

Ling Tian frowned, with Megatron in his heart.

Above the six-line cauldron, what was once recorded was the secret book of the eternal Burning Heaven Jue. Before that, only three sides were opened, and the last one was left.

And the inscription on the last side of the cauldron was opened when he Ling Tian was once the immortal king.

However, what made Ling Tian and Liu Yao a little surprised was that what was revealed by the inscription on the last side of the cauldron was not only the remaining secret of the Eternal Burning Heaven Jue, but also a map.

This map appeared in the cauldron.

Liu Yao has copied the map down.

The map looked like mountains and rivers, but Ling Tian didn't know where it was.

At the very least, Ling Tian couldn't find a corresponding existence in the picture of Shanhe Sheji. Then, this place is definitely in another Xianzhou.

Now Liu Yao said that this place was in the Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou, but Ling Tian was surprised.

His goal on this trip is the Yaozu, and this map also points to the Yaozu, which is really a coincidence.

"That's right, and the Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou has been a place rich in immortal fire since ancient times. I hope you can find a more excellent kind of fire during this trip. After you become the fairy king, this little holy fire is really not enough. "

Liu Yao smiled.

"I hope so."

Ling Tian nodded, and then disappeared in Taoyuan.

Ling Tian left Luoyang City quietly. Except for a few close people, Ling Tian didn't tell him.

He put all the treasures and resources accumulated over the years into the Dahan Treasury, and he only left with a tripod, a guqin, two swords and a battle armor.

He didn't know when he could return to the big man.

But he hopes that when he returns, it will be the beginning of the human race's counterattack.

He also hoped that in these short days when he was away, the human race here could live unharmed.

Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou.

Xianzhou is called Wan Yao, as the name suggests, there are tens of thousands of kinds of monsters living on this Xianzhou.

The monster race is huge, almost the number of strong people in the entire immortal world, the largest party power.

However, among the Yaozu, because of their nature, the races are not united. They each become a community and separate.

Only those top big monster races will allow the surrounding monster race groups to surrender and form a demon kingdom.

But even so, the demon clan has not been unified after years of civil war, and there is no absolute demon clan that can rule the demon clan.

Otherwise, in this immortal realm, there is only the Celestial Clan who can fight against the demons.

Ling Tian arrived at the border of Ten Thousand Demons Xianzhou and entered it three months after leaving Luoyang.

Along the way, Ling Tian inquired about Ling Qiu'er and Lin Yanyan's women, but they didn't get any results.

However, I learned that there had been news of high-rank immortal fire in the border of the monster race.

So, on this day, in a hidden canyon somewhere, from the outside, the valley is ordinary, with faint clouds and mists, trees looming, and a quiet and peaceful scene. Even if the monsters pass by, they will definitely not be able to detect the strangeness.

The sky is clear, the seven-star sun is shining, the blue sky is blue, and a flash of light is extremely fast, whizzing through the sky, and coming straight to the valley here, the light converges, revealing one of the green-robed human immortal kings, his complexion is calm, With his hands on his back, his eyes slowly swept across the valley.

This Qingpao Immortal King is Ling Tian. After entering the Yaozu, he got news by accident that there was a gathering place for human warriors in the valley, and he rushed straight for a little thought.

This monster race has very few cities, almost all of them are communities. Ling Tian wants to listen to the news from those barbaric monsters, it is really too hard.

He needs to find a place where the human races gather.

And these Human Race strongholds scattered throughout the Yao Race are undoubtedly the perfect place for Ling Tian.

There are not many human races here, even within a stronghold, there are only more than ten thousand.

These human races have teams from other immortal kingdoms who come to experience and hunt for treasures, as well as human warriors from the Ascension Alliance.

After all, the Ascension Alliance has recruited most of the human races to the Tianzhu Wonderland between the demon race and the heavens. Therefore, many human races will choose to come to the demon race territory to find opportunities. This makes the human race of the Ten Thousand Demon Immortal State more and more. more.

This stronghold gathers a large number of human warriors, teamed up to hunt monsters, trade treasures, and enjoy it easily. Each gathering point is equivalent to a simple city. With the strong men of the Ascension Alliance, the security can undoubtedly be greatly improved. Guarantee. Moreover, in the gathering point, it is strictly forbidden to fight against the human race warriors, otherwise they will be chased by the strong of the Ascension Alliance. This is the main reason that attracts a large number of human races to gather here.

Ling Tian briefly recalled the information about the gathering point in his mind, his eyes flickered, falling in the valley, and there was a forbidden rune whistling and flowing in the depth of his eyes. A moment later, Ling Tian retracted his gaze, and his eyes showed a sense of appreciation. The restrictions outside the human gathering point were quite mysterious and surprisingly powerful. Relying on the formation, if nothing unexpected happens, it will definitely be possible. The demon race that resisted the realm of Xianxianzun. Its defensive power is not inferior to the protection of ordinary cities, which is amazing.

This also demonstrates the strength of the Ascension Alliance.

After a little thought, Ling Tian's mind moved slightly. Although the whole person's height and body shape did not change, but the eyebrows and nose bridges were slightly changed. Although the range was not large, there was no need to worry about being recognized by others. After all, he is definitely not in the human race now. If the unknown person is recognized, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

After doing this, he raised his hand slightly, and a jade die was shot out in a flash of aura and shot into the valley in front of him.

The jade die is very ordinary, but if it contains Ling Tianxi, it can be forbidden to recognize him, and he will automatically be sucked into the large array. If an alien powerhouse approaches, it will instantly lead to a ban on strangulation, and the end will be worrisome.

The jade jewel shot into the valley, as if it fell on the surface of a lake, ripples appeared in the void, and it was at the moment when the ripple appeared, a strong suction appeared and acted on Ling Tian's body instantly. Facing this suction pulling cart, his expression was calm and he did not resist, and then only felt that the surrounding space was slightly distorted, and his figure disappeared with a scream.

The teleportation was extremely fast, but the breathing time was over. When the line of sight was restored again, Ling Tian's figure had already appeared somewhere in the small teleportation formation. Here is a teleportation square with a radius of about a thousand meters. There are no less than a hundred teleportation arrays densely arranged, of different sizes, and there are constantly flashing lights in it. Human warriors appear in it, and their eyes are slightly swept around, and they walked hurriedly. Go outside.

On the entire square, there are light coming in and out from time to time, all of them are Terran warriors. Although not familiar with them.

But Ling Tian frowned slightly, only to find that these people's auras were extremely strong and low, and obviously, most of them were human warriors who had soared up.

Being able to see so many ascending human races really made Ling Tian extremely curious.

As we all know, in the human race, the combat power of the ascending warriors is generally higher than that of the ordinary human talents.

These ascending human races not only have a profound cultivation base, but also have an endless stream of fighting skills, which are difficult to deal with.

But Ling Tian only paused for a while in the formation, and was interrupted by a sound of cursing.

"Little Tier 2 Immortal King, watching something dumbfounded in the teleportation array, he didn't come out quickly. It delayed Lao Tzu's hunting, and be careful I crushed your brain." His voice was cold, high up, quite arrogant and arrogant. meaning.

Ling Tian frowned slightly. This time when he first entered the human gathering spot, he was in a better mood, and he didn't want to get angry easily. His eyes flickered at the speaker and stepped out.

The speaker was a bald head, wearing a blood-stained robe with no ring scars on his head, but there was a deep centipede-shaped scar on his face, with a string of glittering Buddha beads in his hand, although He looks like a buddhist person, but he is full of blood, and he looks like that kind of vicious person!

The cultivation base is in the realm of the top immortal king, and is also an ascending warrior, but the combat power is definitely far beyond the realm.

Moreover, behind him, there is also a group of men and women with unkind faces, who should be members of a team.

Ling Tian didn't want to cause trouble, ignored the monk's scolding, turned around and left.

However, the monk was obviously embarrassed at Ling Tian's defiant appearance.

"Stop, the old man let you go!!?"

Ling Tian's eyes narrowed with his back to the group of people.

It seems that he doesn't want to cause trouble, it's all down!

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