Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2663: Take us into Reze

Chang Meng and others who walked to the gate of the yard took a deep breath.

The secret way is really crazy enough to find Qin!

It was enough to refuse them once before, and now, he dares to refuse even Shen Biyuan's invitation! ?

Isn't he not sure, what a chance it was to be invited by Shen Biyu! ?

That Shen Biyu also frowned, this person, from beginning to end, seemed to have not put him in his eyes!

"Are you trying to die!? I thought that if you can play the piano, I wouldn't dare to kill you!?"

Shen Biyuan's eyes were full of killing intent.

"Haha, don't worry, Miss Shen, it's not impossible to let me guide you personally, but I have the conditions!"

Ling Tian smiled proudly.

"What conditions, say!"

"But I advise you not to be too presumptuous!"

Ling Tian pointed to Chang Meng and others who were about to leave the yard, "Let us join Lei Ze with you, I can guarantee that before entering Lei Ze, let your piano skills go to the next level, how about! ?"

Ling Tian's voice fell, and Chang Meng and others, who had already stepped half of their feet out of the yard, were shocked and suddenly turned back to look at Ling Tian.

Enter Lei Ze! ?

They really never expected that Ling Tian would propose such a condition.

This made their extinguished flames burn again from their hearts.

Lei Ze is the hot spot that has spread in Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou in the past few months.

Inside there, there may be a piece of blessed land in ancient times. Needless to say, there are treasures of heaven and wealth. It is very possible that there are still ancient Xianmen sites, and the inheritance of martial arts is bound to be many.

Being able to enter it, even if it is life-threatening, is definitely worth it.

Now, they were caught by Shen Biyu, and it was impossible to enter Lei Ze.

But now, Ling Tian gave them hope again.

This, how can they not surprise them! ?

"Hehe, you are a good abacus!"

Then Shen Biyuan sneered, and then looked at Chang Meng and others, "I don't know why you mentioned these conditions to me. These people are just a bunch of rubbish, not worthy of me to bring into Lei Ze."

"But if you want to go in, I can consider it."

But Ling Tian still shook his head, "No, you must take them with you."

It wasn't that Ling Tian showed great kindness, but there were a few people in Chang Meng who could better hide himself.

Moreover, the brotherhood between Chang Meng and the others made Ling Tian quite moved. This Lei Ze entrance was discovered by them after nine deaths. It would be unfair if they were so deprived of their qualifications.

"Furthermore, Miss Shen also said that by then, the Lei Ze will be the place where the strong will gather, and it will be dangerous. A few of them, the combat strength in this stronghold is also considered high-level and rich in experience. They don’t suffer any losses."

Ling Tian said again.

Hearing the words, Shen Biyuan thought.

To say that Chang Meng and others are trash, it is just that she looks down on these ascending warriors without background. In terms of combat power, these people are naturally stronger than Jia Si.

Although she came to Reze this time, she also brought her own guards from the alliance, but the number was not large.

Therefore, we still have to recruit the strong in the end.

"Miss, haven't you recruited the strong before? If you add Chang Meng and others, this person is too much!"

At this moment, Jia Si saw that Shen Biyuan was a little shaken, and he hurriedly said.

Because before Shen Biyuan asked him to go out to recruit the strong, he received a lot of benefits from others.

"Yes, this time to enter Lei Ze, although it is dangerous, I will not bring too many people in. I have my own seven guards, and I only need to recruit seven people."

"But before you, these powerhouses, I have already recruited them."

Shen Biyuan also shook his head. He has agreed to those strong, but now he regrets it. This is impossible.

"Haha, that's so easy to say, since the lady invited those strong people to enter Lei Ze, then, it depends on the combat power, it is better to call those people out and have a try with us. If we lose, that's fine. , We can not enter Lei Ze, but if we win, this will also benefit Miss Shen's Lei Ze trip!"

But Ling Tian seemed to have thought about his excuses a long time ago.

And Chang Meng and others also retreated, and when it came to the competition, they sneered.

Speaking of fighting, they are really very confident within one hundred thousand miles of this human base.

"This... this idea is not bad!"

Shen Biyuan thought for a while, but felt that Ling Tian's words also made sense.

Moreover, she really expected Ling Tian to help her improve her piano skills, and even this expectation was stronger than that of entering Lei Ze.

Therefore, Shen Biyuan looked at Jia Si outside the door, "Go and summon those people, go to the martial arts field in the backyard and wait, and try these people!"

"Miss, this..."

Jia Si frowned and felt embarrassed.

"Why, is it possible that you still want to defy my orders!?"

Shen Biyuan's face sank.

"No, the little one dare not, the little one, let's go."

Jia Si was shocked and went quickly.

"Let's go, go to the backyard, I can tell you that no matter what the result is, you will help me practice the piano, understand!?"

That Shen Biyuan stared at Ling Tian.

"Haha, it's easy to talk and talk."

"Brother Meng, let's go!"

Ling Tian was noncommittal, hooked Chang Meng's shoulder, and went out.

"Xun Qin brother, thank you so much for this time!"

On the way, Chang sighed fiercely.

Regardless of the result of the competition for a while, this opportunity was rare, and it was Xun Qin who won them over.

But Xun Qin just met them, and theoretically, there is no need to make another move.

"Haha, it's okay, you guys, behave well in a while, that Lei Ze's entrance was discovered by you. Now that Shen Biyu is innocent, I will not let you miss Lei Ze."

Ling Tian patted Chang Meng's shoulder.

And when Na Wen Yuan and others heard this, they also looked at Ling Tian with admiration.

Soon, everyone came to the martial arts field in the backyard.

Tianyi Auction House has a huge power. The backyard that Shen Biyu said is actually a canyon. The canyon is huge and surrounded by formations. Obviously, it is usually used for cultivating supernatural powers.

Shen Biyuan sat on the throne on the canyon wall, behind which were seven slender figures in dark blue armor.

From the standpoint of their stature, these seven people are all women.

Moreover, the seven women have visors on their faces, and their auras are deep.

She deserves to be Shen Biyuan's personal guard, she is really strong enough.

After Chang Meng stood still on the martial arts arena, that Jia Si, with a group of people, rushed over from a distance.

And when Chang Meng and others saw those people, both sides shouted in exclamation one after another.

"Quit one!?"

"Chang Meng!?"

"How are you!"

The two sides were almost in unison.

Standing on both sides of the martial arts field, they were all stupid.

Chang Meng didn't expect that the powerhouse Shen Biyu recruited was actually this group of goods!

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