Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2665: Ling Tian is a Fu Zhen master! ? 【Four more】

In this formation barrier, the sky was gloomy, black mist was permeated, and thunder light flickered from time to time, and there was a burst of rumbling sound, which resounded in all directions. There are gusts of wind whistling between the sky and the earth, and it is as cold as a blade, making people feel chilly.

The mountains stretch, and the creeping land is like an ancient blue dragon. It is tens of thousands of miles long, and there is no end in sight at a glance. In the eyes, there are rugged stones, no vegetation, no living beings.

At this moment, Ling Tian, ​​Chang Meng and others appeared directly on a high mountain, feeling the cold gust of wind, smelling the breath of death that swept through, and their complexions were extremely solemn.

Tens of miles away, on another mountain peak, headed by Jie Yi, a team of seven people looked gloomy and sullen, looking at Ling Tian and the others!

The two sides are in this savage land, thousands of miles away, and oppose each other murderously.

"Looking for Brother Qin, I didn't expect you to come too. Six of us are enough."

Chang Meng and others looked at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian was already grateful for being able to win this opportunity for them.

Now he didn't expect that this Xun Qin would also enter this ring.

"Hehe, it's okay, after all, there are seven people on one side, I'll see the excitement."

Ling Tian waved his hand.

But he said in his heart, if he didn't come in this time, he would often wait for six people, and he would definitely die here today.

Lu Bai glanced at Ling Tian and said without any expression, "Follow me behind me for a while."

Between Chang Meng and Ji Yi, they are already in the same position, otherwise they would not just meet each other at all costs and want to kill each other. Now that you have entered the battlefield formation, naturally you will not waste your tongue too much. The two sides looked at each other and issued a cold roar in their mouths. The terrifying aura of the top fairy king rushed into the sky with the cold murderous intent of the forest, like crazy. Usually violently collide in the void.

The fluctuations can be seen in the naked eye on the first layer, which erupted from the point of collision with the core, and storms swept in all directions. The rocks along the way shattered, and the smoke covered the sun.

call out!

call out!

There were seven people on both sides, and the spirits of Qi Qi flashed outside the body, each selected an opponent, and the figures flew forward with howling.

Chang Meng did his part and directly met the strongest monk Jie Si!

Dasha's physical body is strong, but his supernatural powers are not weak.

Lu Bai's swordsmanship is the most mysterious, and he should be able to stop it now when he is moving towards that quit.

The remaining Gu Pop Wenyuan and Shuling also found their own targets and flew out.

He often roared fiercely, his eyes were full of determination, and the immortal yuan inside his body was roaring and roaring, like the great Yangtze River. The violent Xianyuan crazily drilled into the spear in his hand along his arm, and an endless sharp aura burst out of it instantly, trying to smash the ground.

Dasha let out a low roar, and there was a burst of intensive crackling noises in the flesh. The flesh and blood bulged high, and the skin exuded a nearly metallic luster, which was obviously a physical technique.

Then, he took out a bone flute, and after a buzzing sound, he summoned a huge black bear, more than two hundred feet high, the cultivation base of the top immortal king, the two joined forces, and the combat power was not weak.

Lu Bai held the black sword in his hand and pointed it obliquely to the sky. Suddenly, his entire breath was distorted and changed, and he felt a sense of fusion with the sharp sword in his hand. Turning into a sword by his body was an extremely high realm of kendo.

Under this kendo aura, there were five hundred sword shadows around Lu Bai, and the sword's edge was so strong that it was able to stop that ring.

Wen Yuan Shuling and the three also displayed their strongest methods at the same time, without any concealment, brazenly shot!

The last thing left is Ling Tian.

On the other side, there is also one person who has never made a move.

That person's cultivation base was the weakest, but even so, his cultivation base surpassed the Ninth-Order Immortal King.

However, with this cultivation base, it is still easy to kill a Tier 2 Immortal King, even if it is the best among the younger generations.

Therefore, the man grinned at Ling Tian, ​​did not look Ling Tian in his eyes at all, decided to pay attention to a quick fight, and after killing him, he turned to deal with other enemies.

"Boy, die for me!"

With a sharp drink, the big hand stretched out and slammed down.

With this palm falling, the entire space trembles suddenly, and then there are endless celestial elements roaring and condensing, turning into a palm of one hand, ten thousand meters in size, the texture is fine and like the substance, the whole body is jet black, and it exudes a hint of coldness. , As if grabbed by the hand of an evil spirit.

The power of this palm is definitely not weak, and the opponent is also an ascending martial artist. This kind of magical power technique is definitely cultivated to the realm of supernatural transformation.

The combat power has all exploded, and it is also not bad in the combat power of the top immortal king.

I have to say that the martial arts level of the Ascension Alliance is indeed stronger than that of the major immortal dynasties.

So, in the eyes of others, this search for Qin is absolutely irresistible.

"A mere second-order fairy king, who dare to intervene in our affairs, is really overwhelming and seeking a dead end!"

"Hey, now that you have entered this formation, you have to be prepared to lose your life. This is your own choice and you can't blame others."

"Xun Qin, follow me!"

Several voices rang around.

Among them, Lu Bai was shocked, seeing Ling Tian not following him, he turned around and wanted to kill Ling Tian.

"Hey, kid, your opponent is me!"

Na Jie suddenly sneered, and the Buddha beads in his hand were directly sacrificed, and a heavy blow fell behind Lu Bai.


The sword shadow of Lu Bai's body shattered, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Wanting to save Ling Tian is already beyond reach.

Outside the canyon battlefield, Shen Biyuan could clearly see the pictures and shadows through the formation.

Jia Si shook his head, "This second-order immortal king is really a nonsense, so wouldn't he be sent to death!? Miss, would you use me to save it!?"

After all, he also knew that this person was helpful to Shen Biyuan's piano skills.

"No need to."

"He shouldn't die so easily."

Shen Biyuan shook her head.

As for Ling Tian in the formation, facing the death of the Immortal King, his expression on his face was still extremely calm, and his dark eyes flashed with cold light.

Suddenly, the cold light in those eyes did not disappear, and then the big hand in the sleeve was raised, and the formation totems were manifested in the void. In an instant, the energy of those formations gathered together, like a river waterfall, billowing. Down.

That's right, Ling Tian took the shot.

Moreover, they did not use any weapons or magical powers, but instead used formations to ban them!

The formation that Ling Tian sacrificed was transformed into four forbidden runes, which were suspended in front of Ling Tian up and down, left and right, with a huge distance between each other, and space surged in the rune-shrouded formation.

Although I still don't see the power of this formation, it is obscure and difficult to name, and it is very mysterious.


The big hand of the strong one on one side slammed down and entered the four-sided prohibition rune, which immediately activated the prohibition power. There was endless evil spirits that burst out from the formation in an instant, and layers of destruction energy burst out from all sides of the prohibition. The magical powers were completely wrapped, causing its shape to shrink rapidly, and the insidious color on it gradually dissipated, and then revealed a tremor and instability, trembling crazily, as if the palm print would collapse in the next moment.

Such a result surpassed everyone's expectations in an instant.

"Formation mage!? Is this guy actually a formation mage, and judging from the understatement when he set up the formation, this person's cultivation in the formation is absolutely extremely strong!"

"The formation mage of the second-order immortal king's cultivation base, relying on the mysterious formation, the combat power that can burst out is often far beyond the real cultivation base of the body, it seems that I will really underestimate this person."

"Even if it is an array mage, how can the second-order immortal king's cultivation base be destined for his limited strength, even if he can resist the opponent's strangulation, as long as the fight between other people results, then this person will still die."

"That's right, although this mage can block the opponent's supernatural powers, other people, under the hands of Jieshe and Jiesha, can't hold on for long."

Outside of the formation, the guards behind Shen Biyu said one after another.

"No, this is not an array mage, but a rune array master who is even more mysterious than an array mage!"

"It seems that the origin of your ascended warrior is not small!"

However, Shen Biyuan suddenly laughed.

I became more curious about Ling Tian.

"Master Fu Zhen!?"

Jia Si and the others looked at each other, and they obviously realized it suddenly.

Rune Master is a variant of Master Master and Rune Master. If you want to become Fu Master, you must be proficient in Rune Seal and Formation.

However, if you become a Talisman Master, you will have the power of both the Master Master and the Rune Master, and you can arrange your formation in an instant, without any formation flags and plates, and your combat power is extremely strong!

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