Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2668: Shura Dhammakaya

They also paid a great price in order to go to Lei Ze, how could they accept the defeat! ?

"No, this person must be killed first, everyone, let's shoot together!"

Suddenly, the Ji shouted loudly.

He knew that if this Fuzhen Master did not die, they would undoubtedly lose!

At the moment when the voice of Jie Yi fell, the remaining six people suddenly shot their hands, all of them with extremely powerful supernatural powers, in an instant, they shattered the void, causing the space constructed by this formation to roar.

There is only one goal for his magical powers.

That is Ling Tian who is only the second-order immortal king's cultivation base!

"Protect Brother Xunqin, he must not have an accident!"

As for Chang Meng and others, naturally they wouldn't let the others take action.

In an instant, Chang Meng Lu Baideng's six people all flashed in front of Ling Tian, ​​and they all rushed out with the same magical powers, or spear light, or sword edge.

Boom boom boom!

Many confronted each other in the air, and exploded fiercely between each other.

The impact storm swept through, knocking Chang Meng and others on the road all over.


Even if one side is missing one person, the fighting power of the two monks, Jie Si and Jiesha, is too fierce.

When the supernatural powers of Chang Meng and others dissipated, there was still a fist and a palm print, bursting out of the smoke and dust.

That is impressively the magical powers of the two monks.

Although the power has been canceled a lot, it is still powerful and terrifying, almost comparable to the combat power of the ordinary Immortal Venerable.

"Look out for Brother Qin!"

The corners of his mouth were full of blood and often exclaimed. At this time, he was already beyond the reach.

"Ha ha."

However, looking at the magical powers that fell one after another, Ling Tian slowly shook his head, his steps never moved from beginning to end, and the eyes of the deep stars were full of indifferent colors.


This time, Ling Tian raised his hands flat, and the hundreds of auras all over his body gathered in front of Ling Tian's hands.

Then, Ling Tian's shoulders suddenly shook, and the halo began to spin frantically, turning into two huge horror arrays, in which there seemed to be turbulent waves condensed into a whirlpool.

"Water Fiend, devour it!"

At this time, the opponent's supernatural powers had also fallen.


However, what makes people unbelievable is that even the magical powers of Jie Si and Jie Sha were completely swallowed by Ling Tian's two talisman formations!

They had thought that the level that Ling Tian Fu Array could endure would not be so strong, but now they saw that Ling Tian, ​​who had just been a long time ago, hadn't really displayed the power of his Rune Array!

"No, how is this possible!"

When Na Jie saw this scene, he was directly silly.

Why can't all of them make such a move! ?

"Hehe, give it back to you!"

"Water quake, move!"

Shifting was performed again. Amidst the exclamation of the first class people, a talisman halo suddenly appeared above their heads, as if a gate of formation appeared. A palm and a punch suddenly appeared from it. Toward them, snapped a photo.


There is no time to dodge.

Those who are in the first class are all swallowed by magical powers!

A stream of blood spewed from their mouths.

For a time, apart from the two monks Jie Si and Jie Sha who seemed to be in no serious trouble, the others were all seriously injured.

In front of Fu Zhenshi, all of this seemed too unfair.

It's so uncomfortable.


Jie Si and Jie Sha glanced at each other, frightened in their hearts.

Except for the talisman formation, the opponent used all their magical powers to move them. The feeling of being slapped in the face was really humiliating.

They also know that if you don't use the Thunder method to kill this Fuzhen Master, you will be consumed by it sooner or later!

"Brother, use that trick and kill him in one fell swoop!"


The two monks glanced at each other, and in an instant, blood-red lines appeared on their bright heads, and a **** evil spirit burst out from their bodies.

At this moment, the two stood together back to back, as if they were performing some evil and mysterious magical powers.

But Ling Tian still stood there, witnessing everything, and had no idea to interrupt.

He wanted to see what hole cards the other party had.

Chang Meng and others also supported their injuries and once again surrounded Ling Tian in the middle.

Ho Ho Ho!

However, at this moment, the **** air around the two of them became more solemn, and Huacheng, a blood-colored Buddha with a height of thousands of feet, was crystal clear and full of explosive power.

No, it cannot be said to be Buddha. ,

Because, above the head of this blood-colored figure, two tentacles were born.

It looks more like the evil spirit in the Buddhist hell, or Shura.

In short, after the scarlet figure appeared, the two of Jisha completely merged into one.

The scarlet figure was born with two heads and four arms, suspended in the void, facing Ling Tian, ​​raising his arms and roaring.


Just a sound wave made Na Chang Meng and others retreat with tears of blood.

Xianzun combat power!

This is definitely the combat power of the Immortal Venerable!

At this moment, the two of Jiesha, facing a talisman master, did not hesitate to sacrifice their final trump card.

Such supernatural powers are unprecedented in Chang Meng and others!

Think about it, that Ling Tian's rune formation technique can't be swallowed absolutely.

"Hehe, you are all going to die!"

The blood-colored troll shouted angrily, and the four arms snapped them, covering Ling Tian, ​​Chang Meng and others!

That's it!

Chang Meng and others felt cold.

Although Xun Qin is already amazing enough, but the two of them are really a bit scary.

"Shui Yun, guard!"


However, Chang Meng and others, who were already waiting for death, suddenly discovered that a halo was condensed above their heads, and the talisman formation seemed to have turned into a barrier, stopping all the four arms of that blood-colored Shura. .

Swallowing is useless, so use guard! ?

However, almost visible to the naked eye, cracks began to appear in that talisman halo under the violent smash of the four arms.

Although it can be resisted temporarily, but I am afraid that it will not last long.

However, Chang Meng and others might not know that this was just Ling Tian deliberately.

This time he used the talisman formation technique, just to see how the talisman formation is on the battlefield. Now his goal has been achieved. If the performance is too abnormal, it is not a good thing.

After all, with the strength he has shown now, he can already match the Immortal Venerable. If he is stronger, then it will cause Shen Biyuan's suspicion.

After all, this level of combat power is definitely second to none among the second-order immortal kings of the human race.

On the surface, Ling Tian was struggling with the guardian talisman formation.

And the severely injured Ji Yi class, his tight heartstring loosened for an instant, and his face showed a relaxed look, and then he turned into a hideous cold, his eyes flashed fiercely.

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