Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2677: Save people

Seeing the identity of these monster races, the expressions of the three human immortal kings changed drastically, and there was a deep jealousy in their eyes.

Without saying anything, Ouyang Xun raised his hand and directly selected the Fang Jin box, and said in a deep voice: "Two people, things are not going well today. day."

The other two human immortal kings nodded fiercely, and each selected a treasure. The three turned around at the same time, and the aura in the body burst out, full of anger!

Obviously there is no need to say much about things now. Faced with such a powerful monster race, they can only flee desperately. If they can escape, then this opportunity will definitely change their destiny, and if they can’t escape, then He died!


The fight broke out without warning, facing the magical powers offered by the three human races, the monster race all sneered.

In their eyes, these three people are nothing more than fish on the cutting board.

"Go on, kill them!"

The Xuanjia Clan Demon King shouted angrily, killing Ouyang Xun, and the other two human races were also targeted by other Demon Kings.

Seeing the Xuanjia Clan Demon King's shot, Ouyang Xun was thankful in his heart.

Although this Demon King has amazing defenses, in comparison, his attack power is worse.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Xun laid out a formation around without a trace, and a big palm blasted out.

"Haha, you want to block me with such supernatural powers!?"

The Xuanjia Demon King sneered, did not do any blocking at all, and rushed forward.

The big palm that fell was directly smashed by the demon king.

It's useless at all.

Seeing that the Demon King was about to descend in front of Ouyang Xun, when the sledgehammer in his hand had been raised, Ouyang Xun sneered and directly opened the surrounding formations.


With a blast, the Xuanjia Demon King's sledgehammer was directly isolated by the formation, and the force of the counter shock made it fly out.

At the same time, Ouyang Xun was moved a hundred miles away by the formation.

In an instant, he left the battle group.


With a cold snort, Ouyang Xun glanced at the strong human race who had been killed in the air before turning around and fleeing.

This is his only chance to escape!

He must escape, as long as he survives, he can save his sister!

"Grandma's, it's the formation of the human race again!"

The Xuanjia Demon King who was played around was very embarrassed.

Carrying the sledgehammer, he chased up.

However, the speed of the Xuanjia clan is not fast, and it is not easy to catch up.

"Trash, Yaoer, you chase after you, kill this human race, and get back the treasure!"

The Yaozun opened his eyes and said impatiently.

When the voice fell, a child with a tiger-headed brain came out from behind. This demon clan looked only thirteen or fourteen years old, but in fact, he has been practicing for hundreds of years, and his cultivation has reached the realm of the fourth-order demon king. Among the younger generations, the reputation is not small.

He smirked, his eyes were full of bloodthirsty, and then with a whistle, it turned into a red light, and he chased after him with a group of monsters.

"not good!"

Sensing the fast approaching breath, Ouyang Xun was shocked and couldn't help biting through his tongue, forcing a burst of essence and blood, urging his escape to the extreme.

No way, the speed of the Demon King is too fast, if it falls into his hands, then Ouyang Xun can only die!

Just as Ouyang Xun was escaping for his life, Ling Tian appeared on the waters thousands of miles away.

Along the way, Ling Tian hardly stopped, even if he occasionally encountered a small island floating out of the sea, don't pick up the treasures in it.

As for those lobsters, they were not even left where Ling Tian had passed.

Now in Ling Tian's storage ring, there are tens of thousands of lobster scales.

However, at this moment, Ling Tian's expression changed.

The fleeing breath of the human race thousands of miles away can hardly hide his divine intent.

However, even if the human race is fighting for their lives, Ling Tian will never interfere, but this breath makes Ling Tian especially familiar!

Is an old friend!

Ling Tian's face immediately sank, and his magical body technique was turned on, and he flew past in the direction of that person.

At this time, Ouyang Xun was almost desperate. Even if he used all his hole cards to run away, the demon clan behind him still clings tightly behind him. In any case, he can't get rid of it.

Moreover, the distance between the two parties is constantly shrinking. According to this trend, I am afraid it will not be long before they will be caught up.

"No, I definitely can't die!"

"Sister's illness, I have to find a way!"

"If I die, what will my sister do!?"

Ouyang Xun's expression was tense, and sweat rolled down his face.

He wanted to hide directly into the void.


At this moment, the spirit orb that Ouyang Xun held tightly in his hand emitted a ray of light.

This is the spirit orb refined by the array mage within the Ascension Alliance. The position can be sensed between the teams. The proximity of other human warriors who are not in the team will also cause the light of this spirit orb to change.

Now, this spirit orb flashes wildly, which means that there is a human atmosphere nearby!

Suddenly, Ouyang Xun's eyes suddenly burst into surprise. If he can meet a kind fellow human, he may have a chance to survive!

However, this person's face did show a hesitant color, I don't know whether the demon race behind him should be drawn away. If the person whom the Spirit Orb is sensing is just an ordinary human race, then instead of saving him, he will fall together.

"A fellow human, I am Ouyang Xun, a disciple of Venerable Shen Chenyu of the Ascension Alliance. Now I am being chased by the monster clan. If you are a fellow with the power of the Immortal Venerable, please accept me!"

"If your combat power is under the Immortal Venerable, run for your life quickly!"

Ouyang Xun used Lingzhu's sound transmission ability to shout to the surroundings.

Within three thousand miles, anyone holding a spirit orb would hear Ouyang Xun's voice.

After saying this, Ouyang Xun looked at the spirit orb in his hand expectantly, but the light of the spirit orb suddenly disappeared, returning to its dim color.

Ouyang Xun's heart sank, and the corners of his mouth showed bitterness.

Sure enough, the human race that suddenly came across was just an ordinary warrior, and now he couldn't escape for his life. How could it be possible to save him.

"Hahaha, stupid human race, no one can save you in this sea area, quickly hand over the treasure in your hand, kneel down and die!"

At this moment, the Monster Race behind him was already very close.

The Tiger Clan Demon King grinned, his big hand already stretched out.

The combat power of this Demon King is far above that of Ouyang Xun, and the latter is now at the end of the battle.

Looking at the huge tiger claws covering the top of his head, Ouyang Xun suddenly despaired.

The Yaozu's speed is too fast, he is still going to die in this Lei Ze after all.

"Huh, you dare to move my old friend too!? Looking for death!"

However, just as Ouyang Xun closed his eyes and waited for his death, a figure directly tore through the space and appeared above Ouyang Xun's head.

The figure raised his hand slightly, and the aura of the talisman was blooming, full of ten thousand meters, swallowing all the magical powers of the fallen tiger claws!

Ouyang Xun was pleasantly surprised, and the spirit orb in his hand flashed wildly again.

It turned out that this person did not escape, but came with a terrifying method of tearing apart the space!

When his gaze fell on the silver hair of the incoming person, Ouyang Xun's eyes were almost boiling hot and streaming down.

"Ling Tian!"

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