Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2681: Perfect body four-stage Tianlong

Ling Tian and Ouyang Xun descended on this island, and they saw that the two human races fell in a pool of blood.

Although he is not dead, his face is full of pain.

Ouyang Xun swallowed, only to find that the lower body of Brother Gongsun had been castrated.

Shen Chenyu on the side was in a coma, but his clothes were intact and not defiled.

After Shen Chenyu, a seductive figure stood there with its back to Ling Tian and Ouyang Xun.

Ouyang Xun had to swallow again.

Because the figure in front of him is a perfect body.

As if it were the perfect proportions pinched by the creator, the figure of this woman was really too tempting.

Rao is a warrior like Ouyang Xun who has always had no desires and desires and is not close to women.

And Ling Tian's eyes were full of appreciation.

There is no **** in his eyes.

I have to say that the snake tribe is definitely the most perfect figure among all tribes, and there is no one.

They are completely different from the charm of the fox clan. For all men, this is the fatal temptation.

Ling Tian has seen countless talents and national colors.

Among them, there are a lot of people with beautiful figures.

Including Cui Jiu'er, Ji Jiuyou, Di Jiuge and others, if you say that you have a better figure, I am afraid that no one can match the figure in front of him.

Now, that face is missing.

"Girl, it's time to turn around."

Ling Tian said with his hands on his back.

"Human Lingtian, isn't it?"

Sure enough, hearing Ling Tian's voice, the woman turned around leisurely.

His eyebrows were narrow and long, and he looked behind Ling Tian, ​​his eyes were full of indifferent colors, without the slightest fear.

However, when Ling Tian and Ouyang Xun saw the woman's face clearly, they couldn't help being stunned.

It's not because of how beautiful this woman's face is, but... it's a bit hideous.

The woman's face was covered with a layer of golden scales, as if totems were tattooed on her face, which made the woman look very weird.

At the very least, it fits this figure, very out of place.

Ouyang Xun couldn't help sighing in his heart, secretly saying that it was a pity for this figure.

Ling Tian frowned slightly. Although this woman's appearance surprised him, Ling Tian discovered that the scales on this woman's face seemed unusual.

After all, with the current cultivation base of the Demon King, it should be possible to refine the scales on his face.

Moreover, from these scales, Ling Tian actually felt a trace of mysterious dragon blood.

This golden scaled sky snake clan looks a little different.

However, despite the doubts in his heart, Ling Tian still sneered, "Since I know it is me, then do you know, what does this mean?"

"Knowing your name means dying. You don't want other people in Lei Ze to know your identity."

The Demon King woman was still unusually calm.

"So, you are not afraid of death!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"Hehe, since they are all dying, what's the use of being afraid!?"

"However, although you are Terran Lingtian, in the legend, you have the strongest combat power, but I, Kui Cailin, really wanted to see if Terran Lingtian is as terrible as in the legend!"

After the last two words were exited, the woman suddenly burned a layer of terrifying golden flames all over her body.

An extremely powerful monster race aura, as if exploding in an instant, swallowed the woman directly.

"This, what kind of blood is this!"

Ouyang Xun was shocked when he saw this, the aura of this demon clan girl suddenly increased several times!

Moreover, this layer of golden flames seemed to be formed by burning blood. Isn't this a bit too scary?

"You first withdraw."

Ling Tian raised his hand and moved Ouyang Xun to a distance.

Although the demon in front of her, Ling Tian was not afraid.

However, Ouyang Xun could not.

At this time, the demon girl suddenly turned into a golden glow and disappeared in place.

"Haha, the body is good!"

"Let me see the power!"

Ling Tian chuckled.


Before Ling Tian's laughter fell, the void in front of him suddenly collapsed.

A golden claw directed towards Ling Tian's face and grabbed it directly.

This is not the magical power of the snake clan at all, it is more like the dragon clan!

Ling Tian's face changed slightly.

Above this golden claw, there is a fierce and sharp light, and with his current body of a dragon, he can't resist it at all!


The next moment, Ling Tian suddenly raised his palm and stood in front of him.

Ha ha!

In the void, the body of the demon clan woman was affected.

Ling Tian didn't retreat, and he wanted to use his body to resist her golden claws. So, it's just looking for death!

For his own sharp claws, Kwai Cailin, unusually confident!

One of her sharp claws is absolutely unique in the entire Golden Scale Sky Snake Clan.

When she discovered that this pair of sharp claws was almost indestructible, Kui Cailin had always been the most powerful snake monster in the Golden Scale Sky Snake Clan.

Although, the thin blood of Xuanjin Gouchen in her body prevented her from becoming the next patriarch.

But as long as the combat power is enough, she doesn't care what the position of the patriarch!


However, when her golden claw touched Ling Tian's palm, a spark burst out.

Under the terrifying power, it made Kui Cailin feel that her golden claws were grasping on the divine tool.

It can't be broken at all!

Such a strong and tough body! ?

Kui Cailin's heart was shocked, but before she could take her hand back, Ling Tian had already backhanded and held the golden claw directly.

Within his arm, the Qinglong breath surged, and a little bit, he brought this monster clan woman into his arms.

"Haha, now, do you know the gap between you and me!?"

"Why is the dragon breath in you so strong? Isn't it possible that you are after the dragon!?"

Kui Cailin's expression of astonishment, she did know before that the legendary Ling Tian was able to understand the Dragon Clan's exercises and his body was powerful.

However, she really never thought that Ling Tian's physical body could really be strong enough to resist her own golden claws.

No, it's not just to resist, but it didn't put her golden claws in his eyes.

"You can also say the same, isn't it the same for you? Although the Golden Dragon bloodline in your body is thinner, it's really extraordinary. If I'm not mistaken, it's the fourth rank of the legendary Celestial Dragon."

Ling Tian smiled.

The fourth-rank Tianlong is stronger than the five-color dragons, and within the dragons, it is also the lord of the dragons.

Even the current Dragon Clan Wudi is the fifth-rank Shenlong clan, and the bloodline of the fourth-rank Tianlong clan is already a very top-level existence.

At least, it was more tyrannical than Ling Tian's Azure Dragon's blood.

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