Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2672: The dog-blood story of a love triangle


"But, do you think it's unfair!? I think this transaction is very cost-effective. After all, this Tianzhu Wonderland is safe enough, and the pure immortal energy inside is enough for us to quickly advance our cultivation base. This is enough. ."

Shen Biyuan nodded.

"Hehe, I hope."

Ling Tian suddenly sneered.

If he was in charge of the Ascension Alliance, such a humiliating treaty, he would never agree to it.

"You are just a little second-order fairy king, so don't be angry here."

"Let's go to Tianzhu City, where the Ascension Alliance's General League is located, where my home is.

After Shen Biyuan said, she returned to the cabin.

"Ling Tian, ​​I look at Shen Biyuan, which seems to be interesting to you. She is the jewel in the palm of the mountain lord Shen Congfeng. If you can take her away, this may be a great help for you!"

Shen Chenyu smiled.

"Shen Congfeng!? Humph."

Ling Tian shook his head, "I know that old man, just before my big man was established, he projected onto my palace and threatened me to join the Ascension Alliance."

"Even if he rushes to let me marry his daughter, I still don't do it!" Ling Tian said in a bad mood.

"Hehe, maybe it's no wonder that he, Shanzun Shen Congfeng is actually in the Ascension Alliance, and his reputation is pretty good. Before he came to the big man, it was also the result of joint consultation between the four respects. No, it should be said that it was the decision of Lei Zun and Jian Zun.

Ling Tian frowned, "Is the relationship between Sifangzun and the four families so chaotic?"

Shen Biyuan shook his head, "It's not a chaos, you just need to know that in the Sifang Zun Zun, Qin Zun Liu Jieyu is a member of the Feng Family, just like the mountain Zun Shen Congfeng, under normal circumstances, he does not care about the internal affairs of the Ascension Alliance. "

"The Feng family is also the case. Compared with the Shen family, their strength is the weakest among the four major families."

"However, in the past few years, the Feng family came out in large numbers. Except for Feng Jixing and Feng Qixi Festival, it is Feng Yunyang who is called the first descendant, and Feng Yunyang also worships Jianzun Gongsun as a teacher. Therefore, in theory, The Gongsun family and the Feng family are considered to be one."

"This makes the Gongsun family's strength gradually so great that it can challenge the Lei family of the first family."

"Speaking of the Lei family, they are the first group of people to establish the Ascension Alliance, and it can even be traced back ten thousand years ago. Of course, after the war, the Ascension Alliance's human race was almost annihilated, and they are all latecomers."

"But the Lei family has a solid background. When the leader does not come out, they are the people of the Ascension Alliance."

"Before, Shen Biyuan had a crush on the Lei family, so the Shen family also secretly supported the Lei family."

"In this way, the Feng family and the Gongsun family, the Shen family and the Lei family are in a state of mutual checks and balances, and it is also considered a balance."

Ling Tian shrugged, "Sure enough, it's still messy!"

"Then the situation is rising, is it really strong?"

"It's okay. In my opinion, it may be comparable to the human fairy king Qin Mingyue. The goal of the previous situation is to defeat Qin Mingyue, but you have come out before he can find Qin Mingyue to challenge him. With you He is far worse than that." Shen Chenyu said helplessly.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you a gossip. Feng Yunyang likes Shen Biyu. Because of this matter, I did not find Lei Qianyu trouble less!"

Shen Chen smiled at the corner of his eyes.

"Walter? Feng Yunyang likes Shen Biyu!? Is he blind?" Ling Tian heard it, and couldn't believe it. He thought that Shen Biyi had a crush on Lei Qianyu because his eyes were bad, but now he understands it. A junior, there is nothing normal.

What and what, the love triangle is out, there is enough blood.

"I don't know the specifics. Maybe Feng Yunyang wants to win over the Shen family. After all, with the power of the three major families, the Lei family can be suppressed. These years, the Lei family is really too strong."

Shen Chenyu groaned.

"Follow him, when the time comes, don't mess with me, just go back." Ling Tian raised his hand, he didn't want to listen to these gossip collusion.

"Hey, you want to enter the Tianzhu Wonderland quietly, but with you here, how can it be calm, hey."

Shen Chenyu looked at Ling Tian's back and couldn't help sighing.

After half a month, Shen Biyu's immortal boat arrived at Tianzhu City under Tianzhu Mountain.

This city is extremely huge, once again refreshing Ling Tian's knowledge of the city.

This city is huge, I am afraid it will have a radius of 30,000 miles.

However, the most shocking thing was the huge Tianzhu Mountain in the middle of the city.

At the foot of the mountain, Ling Tian felt the grandeur of Tianzhu Mountain.

Compared to Dajin, when Tianzhu Mountain came out, who would fight for the front! ?

However, Ling Tian also suddenly felt that this Tianzhu Mountain looked like a chimney, but he didn't know if there was a stove below!

The four major families are the strongest forces in the ascending alliance, naturally occupying the treasure lands of geomantic omen in the four directions around Tianzhu Mountain, and the closer Tianzhu Mountain is, the more the fairy spirit will be.

The entire city is also divided into outer and inner cities.

Correspondingly are the inner alliance and outer alliance of the Ascension Alliance.

Under normal circumstances, the distance between the house and Tianzhu Mountain can reflect the position of the warrior in the alliance.

The Shen family is in the north of Tianzhu Mountain, and the Feng family and Gongsun family are adjacent to the east and west. From the direction of the Shen family, the Lei family on the opposite side cannot be seen.

The immortal boat fell in front of Tianzhu City, and everyone followed Shen Biyu into the city and went straight to Shen's house.

After all, Ling Tian is not familiar with this place, and Shen Chenyu can only arrange areas for Ling Tian outside the alliance, which is far beyond the Shen family.

However, when everyone arrived at the gate of Shen's house, they discovered that a group of people had been waiting in front of the gate early, and they were overjoyed when they saw Ling Tian.

"Brother Xun Qin, you can be regarded as coming back. I know that it is inevitable to get out of Lei Ze with your ability!"

Surprisingly, the crowd is often fierce.

Ling Tian didn't expect that these few had come out of Lei Zen?

"Haha, Brother Chang Meng, it’s been a long time since I saw you, it’s nice to see you all safe and sound."

Ling Tian arched his hands.

"Hehe, we are all old fried dough sticks. Although there was a situation in Rezene, we still came out early."

Chang Meng glanced at Shen Biyuan, saw that his face was cold, and didn't say anything deeply.

"Well, when we came here, we just wanted to say hello to Brother Xunqin. Now that we saw Brother Qin, we left. In the future, if Brother Qin is free, we will go to the Rujia Inn in the outer city to find us."

Chang Meng gave Ling Tian a wink and left in a hurry.

Ling Tian pursed his lips without making a move.

"Let's go, these days, you will live at my house first. Although the Lei family is the strongest in the Ascension Alliance, it also has the most reputation. Under normal circumstances, in Tianzhu City, it won't do you anything."

"But, just in case, you'd better go out less."

Shen Biyuan glanced at Ling Tian and led everyone into Shen's Mansion.

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