Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2678: The top of the Tianzhu (seeking fruit)

Ling Tian left the back mountain. In the small courtyard, the figure of Shan Zun Shen Congfeng slowly manifested behind Qin Zun.

"Hehe, it seems that you also believe in this guy."

"What can I do if I don’t believe it, it’s impossible for Bi Yuan herself to get the six great celestial pianos in the illusion. All the six great celestial genres are psychic things, and they haven’t reached a very high level with the sound of the piano. I can’t pick it up at all.” Qin Zun turned around and looked at Shen Congfeng, “It’s you, but I was a little surprised. Why did you send out the Heavenly Talisman Treasure Mirror as soon as you met?

"To be honest, he is indeed the most talented talisman among the younger generations I have seen. I really don't know how he cultivated to this level of talisman formation." Shen Congfeng sighed, "I was fortunate before. I was instructed by the leader to say that in the near future, the Shen family will have a big catastrophe, and only a strong man who is proficient in the law of the talisman can save my Shen family."

"So, when we went to Qianlong Mountain that time, you finally chose the incomplete copy of the Heavenly Talisman Treasure Mirror." Qin Zun's face suddenly became grim, "By the way, you really didn't notice the anomaly in Qin's body. Huh?"

"I always feel that such an outstanding Human Race Tianjiao like him, how can he continue to practice until the second-order fairy king, and he is still unknown? It is really strange, and his piano skills are so good, he has come out of the chaotic battlefield. of……"

"Hahaha, I know what you are worried about, do you think he is Ling Tian, ​​the lord of the big man?" Shen Congfeng laughed.


"After all, that Ling Tian is not a member of my Ascension Alliance. If he sneaks into the Ascension Alliance and makes trouble, I am afraid that my Sifang Zun will join forces, and he may not be able to take him." Qin Zun nodded.

"He won't." But Shen Congfeng shook his head, "I have been in the human race for so long, and I think I still have some eyesight. I saw Ling Tian in Luoyang before."

"Although it is a younger generation, and the human race and other race powerhouses who died in his hands are countless, but they are definitely not the evil killer. Although he is unwilling to submit to my Ascension Alliance, he will not come to destroy me. Ascension Alliance, he doesn't bother thinking about it."

"Besides, don't forget, in the Ascension Alliance, the four of us are not the strongest, and the leader is there. Even if he Ling Tian really dares to do it, he will not be the opponent of the leader."

"I've seen this, it's not a method of disguise, and in the information we have, I have never heard of Ling Tian knows the technique of talisman formation, so you can rest assured."

Shen Congfeng sat on the big chair, drank a sip of tea, and then smiled: "By the way, the big man is about to face the revenge of the dark demons, even if there is the so-called Jiuding Imperial Sky Formation, it is completely useless. At this critical moment, Ling Tian will never leave the man!"

"If you say that, I'm relieved, I must get the withered wood phoenix in this illusion!"

Qin Zun snorted and left Shen's house.

Lei Mansion, secret room.

"What? Father means, all this you do is for me!? Da Lei Yin Body, and Lei Yin Yuan Yuan?"

In the secret room, after hearing Lei Zun's words, Lei Qianyu couldn't believe his ears.

Because of this plan, his father never talked to him about it.

Moreover, he also knows the legendary Lei Yin Body and Lei Yin Origin. They are definitely the top talents that surpass all the talents of the current race. If they can be refined by him, they will definitely become the human race in the future. Outstanding combat power.

Don't talk about the situation, even Ling Tian is no longer a problem.

"Yes, this Great Thunder Sound Curse was obtained by my ancestor of the Lei Family, when I was trading with the Dark Demon Clan ten thousand years ago."

"Although it is a dark magic technique, it is really powerful and mysterious."

"Furthermore, once it succeeds, the Da Lei Yin Body and Lei Yin Origin are also true. Although they are acquired, the effect of the power of the origin is the same, no one can see it!"

"Before I asked you to go to Lei Ze, in fact, to find that wild Tongtian Dan, that Shen Chenyu and Ouyang Xun, I can't believe it at all."

"There is no way to evolve the origin of Lei Yin without the Wild Sky Tongtian Pill."

Lei Zun sighed, "It's a pity, Lei Zene doesn't have a wild Tongtian Pill either."

"Although there is no Wild Sky Tongtian Pill, there is this extremely light source of power there! It's all because of Xun Qin, otherwise, I also have the source of power!" Lei Qianyu said angrily.

"That's it, only when the Thunder Sound Body is combined with the Lei Yin Origin, will it explode its strongest talent potential. If the Extreme Thunder Origin is gone, it will be gone. Our goal is to open the Heavenly Pillar Illusion! Lei Zun waved his hand and didn't care.

"Father, are you really sure that there was one of the six immortal pianos in Zhu Huan territory that day?" Lei Qianyu frowned.

"Of course I am sure, and this is not a secret at all, Master Yinlu can hear it, the four great families will definitely not give up this trip to the Heavenly Pillar Illusion."

"This time, you have a lot of opponents. Needless to say, the Shen family will not help you if you want to come to Shen Biyuan. She will definitely help Qin Zun and fight for the six immortal pianos. Once Qin Zun owns the six immortal pianos, then she The combat power of China will skyrocket and it will be unfathomable."

"And that kid Feng Yunyang is also proficient in temperament. Within the illusion, he won't let you easily succeed. After all, Gongsun is also that old fellow, but he targets our Lei family everywhere."

"The rest of the Feng Family, don't bother, they don't have a luthier, they are destined to be in the illusion, and they won't go far."

Lei Zun looked at Lei Qianyu, "My son, you have to remember that the column illusion that day was not a trivial matter. It was only discovered by the leader of the day, and what we guessed was only one of the six treasures. And in such a mysterious illusion, the most precious thing in it is definitely more than that. Now you have Ouyang Yoona to help, and the two of them work together, and the combat power can almost sweep all the younger generations of the Ascension Alliance."

"So, in addition to the Six Great Immortals, you have to fight for the other treasures with all your strength. If there is a wild Tongtian Pill among them, then God really helped my Lei Family!"

Lei Qianyu stepped back and nodded heavily, "Father, don't worry, Qianyu will definitely not let down his father's efforts."

"However, Dad, there is a sentence, I don't know whether to ask, who is our leader, is he really powerful?"

This doubt has been hidden in Lei Qianyu's heart for more than 20 years.

"To be honest, I don't know."

Lei Zun shook his head, "Even now I'm almost in the league, covering the sky with only one hand."

"But I still haven't been able to see through the leader, and I don't even know if he is a male or female, what he looks like, and what cultivation is he."

"What I know now is that the leader should practice on the top of Tianzhu Mountain, that place, even our Sifangzun, can't go up."

"What? The leader is on the top of Tianzhu Mountain?" Lei Qianyu took a deep breath.

Indeed, he had visited almost all areas in the entire Tianzhu Immortal territory, but only Tianzhu Mountain.

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