Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2738: Jealous

Today's Four Elephant Pagoda has one hundred times the flow rate of time.

In this way, it is also suitable for the Zhenyuan Qingyan in Ling Tian's refining body.

These immortal fires had a rank of eight hundred layers. Although they could make Ling Tian's cultivation level advance by leaps and bounds, the time required for complete refining was also extremely terrifying.

Sitting cross-legged in the Four Elephant Pagoda, Ling Tian's Eternal Burning Heaven Jue opened, madly consuming the power of the fairy fire in his body.

And almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, Ling Tian's cultivation base began to skyrocket crazily.

It is said that after the martial artist enters the realm of the fairy king, the speed of cultivation is much faster than other realms, but almost all the realm of the fairy king will be stuck above the top fairy king. If you want to become the fairy king, the chances are only ten thousand. One part.

Therefore, the Seven-Rank Divine Pill, especially the pill that can make the top immortal king break through to the realm of Xianzun, is almost priceless in the immortal world, and is extremely cherished.

After all, whether it is for the old martial artist or the younger immortal king, being able to become the immortal venerable represents an earth-shaking change.

To become a venerable one is to truly become the upper existence of this vast immortal world, no matter in that Xianzhou, it is the overlord of one side.

It was more than three months later that Ling Tian guided along the map and arrived at the so-called Forsaken Battle Realm area.

In these three months, Ling Tian spent most of his time absorbing the power of the Immortal Fire.

The immortal fire energy in Yuan Qingyan was extremely powerful. Although Ling Tian had been frantically refined in the Four Elephant Pagoda for more than 20 years, it had only absorbed ordinary flame energy.

Although this speed, in the eyes of others, was already shocking and abnormal enough to exist, Ling Tian was not satisfied.

In the past three months, he has continuously received the frontline battle reports from the two clones. Although Jiuding Yutian’s great array is powerful, the Dark Demon Clan has not been able to break through the formation and enter the Human Race. This time, the Dark Demon Clan is unable to break through the formation and enter the human race. The determination of World War I was something Ling Tian had never thought of.

For more than three months, the Dark Demon Race hardly stopped attacking the formation.

This made the consumption of the Jiuding Imperial Sky Array extremely terrifying.

If the Dark Demon Race came up with a powerful method, or if a real powerful Demon Venerable descended, then Ling Tian could not guarantee that all Jiuding Yutian's defense lines would be as solid as gold.

Therefore, this made Ling Tian, ​​who was floating outside, more anxious in his heart.

He is eager for a surge in combat power, the sooner the better!

If the Jiuding Yutian Great Array wants to be more stable, it still needs to continue to join the Heavenly Treasure-level Cauldron.

"Lost in the battlefield, I hope this time, you won't let me down!"

In the Four Elephant Pagoda, Ling Tian slowly got up.

The figure appeared above Xiaoqing's head and on his shoulders, Su Jiu'er was lying on his stomach, her mouth opened and closed, whispering in Ling Tian's ear.

This is the Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou, the place where Su Jiuer once lived.

"Oh!? You mean, is the Jintong Jinjuan ethnic group near here!?"

Ling Tian suddenly raised his eyebrows.

It was learned from Su Jiu'er that the territory of the Jintong Juju Clan was not far from here.

In addition, among the Eighteenth Route Great Demon, there are three other powerful ethnic groups that are also distributed around here.

Among them, they included the Sky-shading Thunder Peng clan that Ling Tian had seen, and the Golden Scaled Sky Snake clan where Cailin was located.

The last big demon clan left is the Zhuyan Gourmet clan, which ranks third among the eighteenth road big demon.

According to Su Jiu'er, the Zhuyan Gourmet family is extremely powerful, and the fighting power of its ethnic group is also extremely fierce.

Naturally, Ling Tian never had any contempt for this.

Whether it's the sky-shielding Lei Peng, the golden scaled sky snake, or the blue Hachi, they all have the blood of the ancient gods.

Among its ethnic group, Tianjiao appeared in large numbers, although there was no Emperor Wu, but the top immortal statues were not a minority.



At this moment, in the hands of Ling Tian Qinglong, the Kui Cai scales manifested from the golden lines. It seemed that it was because they were very close to her ethnic group, that's why there was a reaction.

"Hehe, what? Are you homesick!? Or, I'll take you to your family to see... Hiss, you little fairy, can you just bite me without moving!? After so many days, you sucked I have a lot of blood of the Azure Dragon!"

Ling Tian took a deep breath, it was because of the sharp teeth of the pair of Kui Cailin's fangs, too sharp, biting on the hand of Azure Dragon, it was really painful and painful.

However, Kwai Cai scales just appeared, and after taking a bite from Ling Tian, ​​they disappeared.

Obviously, she still has some resistance to her ethnic group.

Although I don't know what kind of grievances are between the Kui Cailin and the Golden Scale Sky Snake Clan, Ling Tian has no time to worry too much at this time.

Searching the abandoned battlefield and finding the lid of the cauldron of Senior Liu Yao, Ling Tian will continue to the dragon clan.

Now, Xian Huo has entered the body, the cultivation realm has no worries for the time being, and the only difference is that the Qinglong has changed.

If it becomes the Azure Dragon Transformation, then Ling Tian's combat power will truly reach its peak again.

At that time, Ling Tian was confident that even if the Heavenly Clan and the Demon Clan were interfering in it, he would still be able to unify the Human Clan!

Terran will no longer rely on the breath of others.


Standing on Xiaoqing's head, Ling Tian raised his hand. At this moment, a blue flame was lingering on his palm.

And now Ling Tian's cultivation base has reached the seventh-order level of the Immortal King, and in the three months since he came out of the Tianzhu Wonderland, Ling Tian's cultivation base has far surpassed that of any descendants of the Human Race!

"Jiu'er, bless me with your evil spirit, Xiaoqing, let's go down!"

Ling Tian put away the fairy fire, snorted coldly, and together with Xiao Qing, swooped down from above the sky.

However, when Ling Tian turned into a fox martial artist with the help of Su Jiu'er's demon energy, and fell into this demon continent, he discovered that the current abandoned battlefield had been sealed by the four major demon tribes.

The reason for this was the sudden intrusion of the Ascension Alliance a few years ago.

Later, even though the venerables of the Ascension Alliance left, they released many undead and bone generals in the lost battle realm, causing a lot of casualties to the surrounding demon races.

After that, the four big demonic tribes came to the demon lord one after another, slaying all the undead and bones, and then sealed the entire abandoned battlefield with the treasures of the demon tribe.

After that, the most powerful of the four monster races, the Zhuyan Gourmet race, built a city at the entrance of the abandoned battlefield.

"Shanzhen City?"

However, standing in front of the city, Ling Tian couldn't help frowning while looking at the monster clan characters in front of the city gate.

Secret Road, the name of the city sounds, how can it be so like gourmet food!

"The gluttonous family, no matter how strong or weak, are naturally delicious, so it is not surprising that they have such a name."

Su Jiu'er said on Ling Tian's shoulder.

"Well, I almost forgot the nature of the gluttonous family."

Ling Tian knocked on his forehead.

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