Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2746: Descendants of Xuanwu

"Hehe, Qihua!? Ghost face!? You actually took refuge in this gluttonous family!?"

Finally, Princess Sky Snake stood up and sneered.

Looking at the several demon kings standing in the hall.

"His Royal Highness, what do you mean? Although these demon kings are powerful, they are all races that have been decreed by the imperial palace to remove the demon status. They are not among our demon race!"

Jin Peng frowned.

Dongfang Ye also got up, "Yes, and these guys are naturally tyrannical, and they usually hurt the tianjiao in our clan. They are criminals in our clan. Today, how can we let them be in this temple and compete with our strong men? !?"

"Hahahaha, Dongfang brother, if you say this, I don't understand. Although they are not in the name of our monster race, they are also ordinary warriors. I didn't say that this time I will discuss with you and other subordinates. , It's the monster race!? Even if I find the human race, and even the dragon race strong, it is in line with the rules, are you scared!?"

Zhu Tao sneered.

"Huh, afraid!? These guys are not qualified enough!"

Dongfang Ye snorted and sat down, "Okay, it doesn't matter, since you set this rule, then we will accompany you."

"let's start!"

Although Jin Peng and Princess Sky Snake were dissatisfied, they also knew that now they were seeking gluttony, and even if it was unfair, they could only bear it.

"How exactly do you compare!?"

Jin Peng asked suddenly.

"Hehehe, I know that you have already discussed it with you. Then I will give you a chance this time. I, Zhu Tao, will have these five demon kings. You can challenge them at will!"

"If there are five demon kings and more than three concede defeat, then I will be considered a loser."

"The treasures belong to you. I can also let you enter the lost battlefield, how about!?"

Zhu Tao grinned grinningly.


The three demon clan young masters all responded together.

"In that case, I will come first!"

The voice of Princess Sky Snake had just fallen, and the Silver Dragon Demon King behind him flew out of the hall.

His eyes were sharp, looking at the five demon kings in the hall.

"Snapping turtle, you and I have had blood feuds before, today, let me wait for a battle to be resolved, I want to challenge you!"

Seeing that Yin Jiao suddenly asked for a fight, the faces of the other demon kings behind Princess Tian Snake suddenly became extremely ugly. Because they reacted a step slowly, they gave up this opportunity.

Because the Snapping Turtle Demon King was the one with the lowest level of combat power among the five demon kings. Now that he was selected by the Silver Dragon King, it would not be difficult to defeat it.

But the rest is not good.

If only Yinjiao King wins the five battles for a while, then everyone else will become a foil.

Therefore, these demon kings were all muttering in their hearts, it would be better if this silver dragon king was defeated, and only then would they give them a chance!

Ling Tian in the corner frowned, although he didn't care much about this challenge, who would win the final victory.

However, if the other three tribes are really defeated, it will be troublesome if they want to enter the abandoned battle.

Therefore, no matter whether he can make a move in the end, he hopes that the three big monster races will win.

Zhu Tao in the hall smiled and said: "Hahaha, snapping turtle, since you are selected first, then you go out for a fight, but don't shame me, you don't have to win all, just behave better. "

The snapping turtle was short in stature, and his face was covered with ugly pockmarks. He politely said, "His Royal Highness Zhu Tao can rest assured, I will definitely try my best to add face to His Highness."

Speaking of this, the demon suddenly turned around, with chills in his eyes, and flew out of the hall.

"Haha, Yin Jiao, even you dare to challenge me!?"

The voice fell, and the monster inside his body rolled out.

At the pinnacle of the fifth-order demon king, although this snapping turtle's cultivation base is comparable to that of the Yinjiao, it is clear that it has experienced much more fighting.

Therefore, its breath spreads out, especially terrifying.

In an instant, the silver dragon demon king's face showed a solemn meaning, and with a low sip, a tyrannical atmosphere of the monster suddenly gushed out of the body. The silver dragon family had some dragon blood in the body, so the breath was sharp and burst out, causing the surrounding wind to fall down. Volume, like a sky full of blades tearing the void.

Above that violent storm, a thousand-foot-high silver dragon phantom emerged, and its sky roared, blooming endless domineering warfare, and the murderous aura roared over the sky!

"Haha, the silver dragon clan is worthy of being the descendant branch of the dragon clan. It is the master of killing. Among these monsters, there is the killing air. Now that the magical powers have not yet exploded, they have already caused the ancient silver dragons in the family to manifest. It is enough to know the purity of the blood in his body!"

"Yeah, Yin Jiao is the most powerful fighter under Princess Sky Snake. It depends on whether he can withstand this battle."

"I think it's still difficult. The snapping turtle also has some basaltic bloodlines of the beasts, and the emphasis is on defense. It is said that the snapping turtle slaughtered a lot of silver dragons before, just look down on the dragon bloodlines in its body!"

"This Snapping Turtle Demon King has a great reputation, and his combat power is terrifying, otherwise he won't be invited by His Highness. Watch this battle, some!"

In the hall, the battle has not yet begun, and everyone is talking about it.

Sure enough, facing the eruption of the Yinjiao Demon King's breath, the Demon King had no fear on his face. The thick mountain breath broke out from his body, and the earthy yellow light rushed up into the sky, transforming into a mountain-like ancient crocodile. turtle.

However, the body of this snapping turtle is said to be covered with layers of earth-colored dragon scales.

The head is also extremely ferocious and looks extremely vicious.

According to legend, there are many ancient beasts, but ten of them are the most powerful.

Among these ten people, there is even more respected by the Quartet Divine Beast.

One of them is Xuanwu.

It is famous for its defensive power.

Legend has it that even today's Wudi's combat power can never break through Xuanwu's defenses.

It can be seen that this beast is tyrannical.

Although this snapping turtle can't be compared with Xuanwu, the breath of this body is enough to shock all the monster races present.

This first battle really had something to watch.

Silver Dragon Demon King, the most attacked, the Lord kills!

The demon king of snapping turtles, respected in defense, and able to resist!

This battle can be called a conflict of contradictions, the two sides are full of aura, tit-for-tat, before it has started, it has already made the scene frenzied.

The silver dragon demon king's pupils shrank slightly, and it seemed that the snapping turtle nowadays was different from what he had known before. This guy was even stronger. He felt a great deal of pressure from the opponent, and this feeling of being suppressed on his breath made him feel a little shock in his heart.

This is fear.


This fear made the Yinjiao Demon King feel ashamed and angry.

Now he has already played, in any case, this battle, he must win!

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