Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2755: Emperor Nine Tails

"Fine, since you are willing, then I have nothing to say."

"It's the nine elders. This trip to the battlefield is actually based on the powerful monsters of various races. This time Caiyou will ask you." Princess Sky Snake looked at the nine profound snakes.

The Fallen Battle Realm can allow all the monster races to enter it, then by then, there will be a battlefield for the monsters.

Although the limit in the battlefield is below the seventh-order demon sovereign.

But even so, almost all the descendants of the monster race can be suppressed.

"Princess, don't worry, with my nine brothers, I definitely won't let the princess make any mistakes!"

The nine demons bowed together.

"Princess, when will the Forsaken Battle Realm begin!?"

At this moment, Ling Tian, ​​who was standing behind Princess Tian Snake, suddenly asked.

Ling Tian didn't care about the access conditions of the abandoned battlefield.

Even if it was a seventh-order demon sovereign, it was within Ling Tian's expectation.

But Ling Tian suddenly spoke, making the entire hall quiet.

The fox demon today is the sweet pastry in front of Princess Sky Snake.

"The opening time is very urgent, just after seven days."

"So fast!" After the voice of Princess Sky Snake fell, the demon kings were startled in amazement.

"This is not fast anymore. After all, we wait one more day, and more monsters will come. We won't give other big monsters a chance." Princess Sky Snake smiled and looked at Ling Tian said: "But Don't be afraid, Xiao Qinqin, I will protect you."

"Uh...Thank you princess for caring." Ling Tian looked flattered.

"I just like your appearance, let's go, the matter is over, you accompany me to rest."

When Princess Sky Snake said, she got up and raised her hand.

Helpless, Ling Tian had no choice but to help Princess Tian Snake out of the hall.

It was envy, jealousy and hatred to see Princess Sky Snake swaying the willow waist with her extremely enchanting back, and the demon kings in the hall.

Everyone knows that although Princess Sky Snake looks turbulent, in so long, no demon king has truly served in front of her. Today, is this fox demon going to take the lead! ?

"Huh, the villain is just ambition, if it weren't for ridicule and jealousy, he wouldn't have any chance of winning today!"

Yin Jiao Demon King said coldly, clenching his fists.

"You are jealous. Without him, none of us can enter the battlefield. In seven days, let's hurry up and heal our injuries!"

Chen Hu said lightly, and was the first to leave the hall.

Back house.

The sleeping hall of Princess Tian Snake is in the deepest part of the house, and there are many restrictions.

There was no one in the sleeping hall.

Being dragged in by Princess Tian Snake, Ling Tian was neither in advance nor in retreat.

It's been a long time since Ling Tian crossed the fairy world, and he really hadn't encountered such a scene.

"What's wrong, isn't this what you always wanted!?"

In the middle of the bedroom is a huge bed.

There are white tulle in all directions, hanging from the top of the main hall.

At this time, Ling Tian could faintly see through the light gauze, the Tian Snake princess was shaking her seductive body, twisting.

This is the unique charm dance of the Sky Snake Clan, not only the Monster Clan, even men of other races, rarely can resist this temptation.

Ling Tian is also a normal man. It stands to reason that he can't stand it. His eyes were already scarlet. Inadvertently, Ling Tian was hit by the magic power of the Heavenly Snake Princess, but with the cone on his arm. Compared with the tingling of heart, the charm dance of Princess Snake is nothing.

Looking at the Kui Cailin biting her arm, Ling Tian gritted her teeth tightly.

"No, I can get the favor of the princess... Fortunately, it is a great gift to the search for Qin, and small dreams are all waiting for this day!"

Ling Tian endured the pain.

"Hehe, your mouth is so sweet, what are you waiting for!? Come in."

"Come and enjoy my body!"

Within the light veil, Princess Sky Snake slowly took off her dress.

Ling Tian took a deep breath, it was really unbearable.

"Don't blame your princess, because the little one is really inconvenient, so let's leave!"

After that, Ling Tian walked away slowly.

"Inconvenience!? What's the inconvenience!?"

Princess Sky Snake was puzzled.

"There are always so many inconvenient days every month!"

Ling Tian, ​​who retreated to the door, suffocated a word, and then directly grabbed the door and disappeared into the night.

"Hmph, this is the first time my old lady has seen this kind of monster race who doesn't greet my body!"

Princess Tian Snake snorted and walked out of the veil, the flush on her face has not yet receded.

She had just arrived in interest, but Lingtian was not on the road, which made her feel very dissatisfied.

"Auntie, this fox demon, is there any special place? I don't believe anyone else, I only believe you!"

But Princess Sky Snake suddenly held up a hollow white jade sachet around her waist.

Its voice fell, and a green brilliance gushing from the sachet, the brilliance was extremely sacred, and then slowly condensed into a small green snake phantom.

"I did ask about a weird aura, this monster clan is unusual!"

The little green snake spoke.

"Oh!? Is that true? Is this monster really a bad guy!?" Princess Sky Snake was startled, "Or, he might really be a human!?"

"No, it's not a human race. The fox demon aura on him is so pure and pure, I will never feel wrong."

The little green snake shook his head.

"Is it really the Fox Clan!? That's still a pity, the Fox Clan is not among my eighteen great monsters, and has no status in the Ten Thousand Monsters Immortal State."

Princess Sky Snake was a little disappointed.

"That's not necessarily, Caiyou, have you ever heard of Tianhu?"

"What kind of celestial fox!?" Princess Tiansnake was startled when she heard the words, and then her face changed drastically, "The legend, the supreme celestial fox of my monster clan in ancient times!?"

"Yes, the fox clan has a very long heritage. The Tianhu clan has two ancestors, the Nine-Tailed and the Silver Fox, the two supreme monsters, even if they are compared to the beasts, they are still far behind."

"Even if our ancestors saw it back then, they had to walk around."

The little green snake nodded.

"What!? Even the ancestor is jealous!? The ancestor is after the Chen Chen!" Princess Tian Snake was surprised.

"Hehe, what's the matter? You have to know that Nine Tails once ruled the Yao Clan for a whole generation. The first generation of Nine Tails has become the Great Emperor and is no longer in the Immortal Realm. Compared with Nine Tails, I am less than one in ten thousand. "

"And I just smelled the smell of the sky fox from the monster, so I suspect that after he is the sky fox, this person's blood is noble, and he is definitely not under the four top monster races. At least, it is better than that of the dragon. There are so many strong nine races!"

"After the sky fox, it seems that I really underestimated him!" Princess Sky Snake took a deep breath, "what should I do, such geniuses, since they are in front of me, I must tie them by my side. Row!"

After learning that Ling Tian might be Tianhu, Princess Tian Snake became more enthusiastic in her heart.

"Relax, of course he can't run away, but don't worry, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. With your charm, are you afraid that he won't get the bait!? Have confidence in yourself!"

Little Green Snake smiled.

"Okay, Caiyou knows. Don't worry, Auntie, I will definitely find a way to help you find more ancient demon souls and rebirth you after entering the forgotten battlefield."

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