Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2758: Enter the battlefield

"Haha, your rainbow fart is not bad, okay, you don't have to wear a high hat for me, I will do my best and say goodbye!"

"Goodbye to the lost battlefield!"

The voice fell, and Ling Tian disappeared into the canyon.


Jin Peng watched Ling Tian disappear into the void. After a long time, he let out a long breath.

This time Zhu Tao suddenly changed his mind. He should have caused him to mess around. After all, among the four great monster races, the Jintong Juya family's combat power is almost the weakest. This time he came to Shanzhen City. How many masters of the Demon Venerable realm with him.

Therefore, if there is no Ling Tian's help, then he would never want to get the blood of the sacred beast and the sky demon grass in the lost battle!

"I hope this lost battle will not let me down!"

Jin Peng murmured and left the canyon.

At this moment, far in the vast area around Shanzhen City, mysterious figures came towards the city.

Under the dark night, within a huge lake, a body like a mountain slowly emerged.

This mountain is extremely vast, with a radius of more than three thousand feet.

"Haha, did the mocking wind show up!? So it seems that the rumors are true, and there is blood related to the dragon clan left in the battlefield! Then I will not miss it!"

The deep voice resounded through the lake, and then this huge body slowly sank into the lake.

But this Bianqian had never thought of it, and a figure slowly stood up on the top of a mountain thousands of miles away from the lake.

He was dressed in Tsing Yi, as if he was the dapper son of the human race.

But in the night, within his eyes, there was a terrible dragon light surging.

This figure is suddenly a real dragon!

Moreover, the grade is not low!

"Laughing at the wind, Bianqin, plus that 犴犴 and 狻猊, huh, a mere nine clan of dragons, do you dare to dream of it!? My Indigo Dragon, this time I must get the dragon clan essence and blood, in order to be promoted to the real blue dragon clan! "

"I will leave those who look down on me dumbfounded!"

The voice fell, and the dragon clan transformed into a roaming dragon in the city and rushed away.

At the same time, there are almost everywhere the demon venerable and the Tianjiao who have not been born for hundreds of years are hidden. They walked out of the deep mountains and valleys, and their goals were the same.

That is Shanzhen City.

And these days, all the demon kings in the Celestial Snake clan are also intensively healing and cultivating.

Although they are one of the four monster races, there will be a lot of powerhouses entering the abandoned battlefield this time, so even if the Jinlin Sky Snake Race is one of the four monster races, the challenges they face are unprecedentedly arduous. .

However, this did not include Ling Tian and the snake princess that day.

Both had never been injured in the previous challenge, and within seven days, their combat power could not really skyrocket.

Therefore, for the past few days, Princess Tian Snake has come to look for Ling Tian Gianwai almost every day.

Although Ling Tian was rather helpless, and didn't want to have too much contact with Princess Sky Snake, his current identity made him unable to refuse.

Therefore, even though Ling Tian was extremely reluctant, he still had to accompany Princess Sky Snake every day, which envied the other demon kings.

But for a few days, Ling Tian never let herself touch it, making Princess Tian Snake depressed, but she still felt that this was Ling Tian trying to catch it.

In this way, finally reached the day when the Fallen Battle Realm opened, Princess Sky Snake, with a group of strong men from the Sky Snake tribe, came out from the nest and headed straight to Shanzhen City Lord's Mansion.

However, when Ling Tian came out of the house, he was stunned by the scene outside.

At this time, the small Shanzhen City was full of monsters, and the densely dense monsters of warriors almost filled the entire Shanzhen City!

Water can't leak.

Ling Tian probably estimated that there were more than 200,000 monster martial artists inside and outside Shanzhen City at this time!

This is horrible.

Ling Tian even doubted that the lost battle realm would be directly flattened by these monster races.

"Damn it, it's all a good thing Zhu Tao did!"

Along the way, Princess Sky Snake's car, without any demon daring to stop, went straight to Shanzhen City Lord's Mansion.

But Ling Tian sat beside Princess Tian Snake, a privilege that other demon kings didn't have.

After finally squeezing into the Shanzhen City Lord's Mansion, within the mansion gate, Jinpeng, Dongfangye and other demon tianjiao, have also waited in front of the main hall.

However, Zhu Tao did not show up.

"Where is Zhu Tao!?"

Taking Ling Tian into the hall, Princess Tian Snake frowned.

"Hehe, everyone, sorry, I'm late!"

At this moment, there was a sound in the hall. Everyone looked deep in the hall, but they suddenly discovered that Zhu Tao came out with a group of powerful and powerful monsters.

Just the momentum, the Zhu Yan Gourd Clan, is enough to overpower the other three monster races.

As for the Zhu Yan Gourd Clan who has ruled here for a long time, their preparations this time are far more adequate than the other three monster races.

"Stop talking nonsense, look at what Shanzhen City is like now, you did it all!"

Princess Sky Snake said displeased.

"It's okay, no matter how much you go in, it's still cannon fodder!"

"Believe me!"

Zhu Tao said with a smile.

"When will the battlefield start!?"

Dongfang Ye hugged his shoulders, impatiently.

"Start now!"

Zhu Tao led the demons to open the gate of the city lord's mansion.

Outside the door is an endless wave of monsters.

"You fellow monsters! I'm Zhu Tao, the young master of the Zhu Yan Gourmet clan!"

"If you want to come here today, what is the place of the lost battle, I don't need to say more!"

"But what I want to tell you is that this time it is my suggestion to let all the monster races enter the forgotten battle realm together. The treasures in it, everyone, are qualified to fight for it. I have never thought about it. Over exclusive!"

Zhu Tao's voice fell, and the demon clan outside the city lord's mansion burst into a roar.

Of course, these screams are to thank Zhu Tao and the Zhu Yan Gourmet Clan.

When the demon nobles such as Princess Tian Snake and Jin Peng heard this, they sneered in their hearts, and sneered at Zhu Tao's hypocritical side.

Who doesn't know, if it wasn't for Zhu Tao to lose during the challenge, he would let all the monster races enter the deserted battlefield! ?

That's impossible.

"Hahahaha, well, well, I know that everyone is grateful to my gluttonous family, but I still want to remind everyone in advance that the fallen battlefield is extremely dangerous, if there is no combat power in the realm of the demon. , You still don't set foot in it lightly!"

After all, Zhu Tao ignored the clamor of the demon race outside the mansion, raised his hand, and suddenly a burst of light burst into the sky from within the mansion gate!

That is the energy tide brought by the teleportation array.

A deadly and icy breath spread from the formation, making the demon nobles such as the Heavenly Snake Princess and Jin Peng tight.

The severity of the danger in the abandoned battlefield can be seen from this cold atmosphere.

"Everyone, the battlefield has been opened, everyone can enter at will!"

"Everyone, goodbye, hahaha!"

Zhu Tao laughed wildly, and with nearly a hundred strong monsters behind him, he swept into the light of the formation, and disappeared before the eyes of all the monsters in an instant.

"Let's go too!"

Seeing this, the nobles of the other three monster races, of course, refused to fall behind Zhu Tao, leading the strong behind them, flying into the formation.

After the four powerful monsters all left, the monsters inside and outside Shanzhen City became crazy, almost crazy, and rushed to the city lord's mansion.

Almost in an instant, the entire City Lord's Mansion was flattened.

The teleportation formation is like a machine that devours the monster race, it is madly engulfing the monster race, but within a short period of tea time, the originally noisy Shanzhen City, weirdly, quieted down!

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